I have 10 questions left so I'm splitting them up between today and tomorrow and then I will move back to regularly scheduled posts. :-) 1. Heather is a new blog friend in Iowa. She wanted to know what my favorite Bible Study was and what my favorite book is?
I would say any Beth Moore study. I've only done three but they get better every time. I just finished Patriarchs and LOVED it but I love Genesis. I'm not really much of a book reader except on vacation and in the summer. In the summer - I love to go to the library and check out a bunch of books. I couldn't even tell you titles or authors. I hate to admit this but I REALLY like Danielle Steele novels. I'm sorry - think bad of me if you must. :-)
3. Caroline (or as I like to call her "JQ" (for Jazzercise Queen)) (Could she GET any cuter?) wanted to know my favorite perfumes?
I am more of a bath and body lotion and spray girl because sometimes perfume seems too strong. I like to smell like the beach year round so I love to get coconut or pineapple lotions from Bath and Body Works and they also have a pumpkin smell I love in the fall. For perfumes - I am an Estee Lauder girl. My favorite is probably Beautiful. But for our wedding and honeymoon I wore "Beyond Paradise" so that smell will always take me back there. (Which reminds me - I should go get some more before our trip!)
4. Jessica is this really cute girl that actually lives near me and we ran into each other at the Christmas Junior League tour of homes. So fun! She is a newlywed. Her blog is private so I'm not linking to her - but I wanted you to see how cute she is with her new husband.
She wanted to know what 3 things I would like to do really bad? And what is my creative outlet?
I would like to be on a reality TV show. I would like to sing in a Christian band. I would like to spend a month touring Europe.
I guess my blog is my creative outlet. And maybe decorating my house. I also love throwing showers and parties. I get real into that kind of thing so that is where I try to use any little bit of creativity I might have.
5. A blogless lurker (Tammy) wanted to know if I could trade places with anyone for a day - who would it be and why?
This is a tough one? I would either want to be Kirk Herbstriet on College Game Day during Football season or Christy Nockels.
I'm curious - who would you want to be for a day?????
You are so kind to say that I am sweet! YOU are the one that inspires people!
Thank you for answering my questions! Based on your recommendation awhile back, I just started the Patriarch. It's been really great so far!
If I could switch places with anyone for a day, I think I would want to switch with Beth Moore. She seems so real and so authentic, and I wish I could be as passionate about God and as close to Him as she is. I'm sure I could learn a lot!
It's been so fun to read your Q & A's...thanks for sharing!
Jeremiah 29:11 has always meant a lot to me, too, for some of the same reasons, and my husband considers it his life verse. For me, Ephesians 4:30 - 32 has been a life verse since college. God uses it to get my attention off of my pettiness and back on him. I memorized it in college, because it was the text of a song I was learning for voice class. But God has taught me to use it as a prayer, to allow Him to create a clean heart in me.
Christy Nockels is a good choice for trading-for-a-day. Love her. And I'd trade with anyone in the "What Not to Wear" chair...but only if I didn't have to be on TV!
This was a cute post...and NO you don't say cute too much :)
I loved the Beth Moore study on David "A Heart Like His," have you done that one? If so, what did you think?
Ok, so we know we have a lot in common...we sooo do on the bath & body thing!!! I always use coconut stuff for my body and hair (don't you just love coconut Suave conditioner)...and by far my most favorite is the pumpkin smell in fall!!!
I've always thought about who I would be for a day...in fact I think I'll blog on that so stay tuned!!! :)
hahahhaahhaahhaahhah hahahahahhaahhahahhaha no you did not just call me JQ on your blog!!!!! hahahha Do you know how many readers you have!!!!!!! Oh you know I am playin...because I am just eating it up!!!!!!
ok i to think of a name for you??????
fun fun. i love reading all about you!!!!!!
ok so i love perfumes are.....
1. Michael
2. II Bacio
3. Arden Beauty
4. Fendi
5. and another one that i can't spell!!!!!!! i love buying perfume and I wear the one that fits my mood that day!!!!!!
A reality tv show huh!?! I can definitley see you doing that. I hear you about the month in Europe! That would be awesome. I'm sure you do good singing in a christioan band b/c you sing in choir.
I don't think you use the word cute too much! It was fun to read more about you. Have a nice day!
I'm going to miss your questions...this was fun!
These have been so much fun to read! I love learning new things about people. :)
I really like the Q&A! You have been asked a TON of cool questions with some really GREAT answers!!!
Ok, one of your answers to one of the questions prompted a question from me: What reality show would you want to be on?!?!
I'm still pondering the question of who I would want to be for a day.....good question.
I love your blog! You seem like the sweetest person. I found your blog through my friend Becky's blog.
If I could trade places with anyone for a day, I'd want to be an actress... I"m not sure who though
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