First things first - I want to give a weight watchers update because 1. I'm very excited with the results and 2. I need you to keep me accountable for the next 3 weeks!
So I weighed this morning and after one full week on WW - I have lost 4.5 pounds!!!! This really motivates me to keep going - I just hope I can do okay. I'm going to try very hard to stick with it this week and to add even more workouts. This will be kind of a tough week because I have two lunches and one dinner with friends planned but I will try and stick with it as closely as possible.
So on to questions........................................................
1. Julie is one of my good friends from church. She and her husband went to OBU after I did and we really hit it off when they joined our SS class. She wants to know what I would do if I suddenly got a large sum of money? Well, let's say I won $1 million. First of all - Uncle Sam would take about 1/3 of it. Then I would tithe to our church (hopefully even more than 10%). I would give some to our families. I would pay off our house, take all of our close friends on some awesome vacation and put the rest in retirement. And we would look for other ways to give. Maybe sponsor 100 children with Compassion International (although I don't know how I could keep up all the letter writing!)
2. Mandy and Truth in Soliloquy both wanted to know what was my idea of the perfect day and what I enjoy most about time to myself (since I don't have kids yet).

Every Christmas that I had in childhood was wonderful. I loved dolls and Barbies the most. But probably my most favorite Christmas gift was when Scott got me my dog, Dawson, 5 years ago! He's the gift that keeps on giving! :-)
4. Shelley and I went to OBU for one year together and she was in tri chi with me. Her husband also went to OBU and his parents lived in Flippin (where my family lives) for a while also!
She wanted to know if I could live in another country/city for a year where would it be?
I've always kind of wished that after college I would have ran away to NYC and lived there for a while. I still think it would be fun - but just for a year or so. I like yards and cars and garages and quiet too much to live there for long. And If I picked a country - I would say maybe Germany or Austria or France? Somewhere in Europe. I wish I would have done the exchange program in college like my friend Jamie did. She lived in Austria for a semester and that would have been so awesome!
5. This is Jenna - she is so cute! She is like a younger boomama. She is just so funny. I love reading her blog so much! You need to check her out and leave her lots of comments!
She wanted to know the greatest lesson I have learned in the last 10 years.
I think there are 2 things. I have always struggled with self esteem issues. I have always been so worried about what people think of me and I think it has kept me from some really great things. I admire people who are confident (but not cocky). You know the kind of people who just make you feel at ease immediately. I think the older I get - the less I care about what people think and it has been very freeing. My philosophy is that wherever you go and whatever you do - half of the people will look better (be smarter, be more athletic, be funnier, etc) and half of the people will look worse (not as smart, not as funny, etc). That gets me on the beach and helps me to not be so afraid to do things. So be brave! Do things for others! Do something you are afraid to do!
And the second lesson is just that I am not in control. I had my life all planned out in a pretty little package when I graduated high school. I was going to OBU, meet my husband, go to med school (ha!), be a doctor, have 2 or 3 babies and life would be wonderful. Well - nothing worked out like that. I switched to business, didn't get married until I was 30 and still don't have babies. But God's ways are SO much better than mine and He has the plan - I just need to follow and be patient. WAIT ON THE LORD! (the 4 hardest words in the world to me)
So I'm wondering........................where would YOU live if you could live anywhere for a year? (I'm sure the answer for all of you is ARKANSAS!) :-) ha!
As much as I LOVE Hawaii, I don't think I'd want to live there unless I could live at the resort and eat out and be on vacation for the whole year. I would love to move back to Europe (probably Switzerland, Germany or Austria) for a year with our kids. In the back of my mind I keep hoping/wondering if there is some sort of 1 year (emphasis on the ONE year) training program, etc. that L could do after med school. I think it would be an awesome experience for our kids to live somewhere like that for a while. But I also have this FEAR in the back of my mind that we might get called (to somewhere I don't necessarily want to go!) for a period of longer than one year!?!?! I know God knows my heart anyway, so I guess confessing that on a blog comment won't change anything. :)
I'd like a year long vacation on the beach!
I'd like to live for a year in solitude with my husband.
Somewhere warm but not too hot. No snow for a year, please. Maybe somewhere like in the Pacific Islands off of Australia. Or Australia. At least they speak English!
GREECE....GREECE....GREECE......oh yes oh yes oh is calling my name this VERY MINUTE!!!!!!!!!!
GREECE!!!!!!!!!!!!!(this is me yelling it loud) ehehehe
I would also love to live anywhere where it didn't snow...EVER. But, if I really had to pick one place to live for a year, I think it would be Italy.
I have always wanted to visit Ireland, but I don't think for a whole year. I really can't think of anywhere now, but when I was younger I would have said anywhere in southern CA.
I think I'd like to live in a remote cabin in the Rocky mountains! Or maybe San Diego. Or Italy. Such a hard question!
Congrats on that 4.5lbs...that's awesome!
If I could live anywhere for a year (which probably excludes my husband because he loves to live near his family) I would, like you, probably pick somewhere like NYC. I have always loved that big city and all it has to offer...and I think it would be fun to be an urban chic for a while...all the while knowing that I'd be coming back to the South!
Thanks for answering the questions, keep up the good work, I'm so proud of you for sticking to your diet and exercise!!!
There are lots of places I would love to visit, but if I were going to live there for a year, I'd choose a farm in the country...perhaps in Colorado or Tennessee.
With as bad as I am wanting to go on vacation right now, I would have to say a beach somewhere!!
Well..I think we've already accomplished this one. Not sure if you'd of asked us this question before we moved that we would've picked Seattle, WA, but Bryan and I think it's one of the best decisions we've made in our married lives thus far. It was so liberating to move away from home, away from our families/comfort zones..etc. It really strengthened our marriage too!! If we moved overseas, I would definitely want to be someplace in Europe..maybe Switzerland??
#1--WOW--4.5 pounds in a week is fantastic! You're almost to getting a gold star for 5 pounds! And it didn't even take those awful meetings to get there! I'm so proud of you. Let me know when you hit 5, and I'll make you an extra special WW certificate.
#2--I'm so happy for you guys to get to go to Hawaii--it does sound pretty perfect.
#3--You don't know how shocked I was to open up your blog and actually see our question on there. It was really just for smiles... But good answer!
See you tonight!
I'm right there with ya on every love love NYC, but couldn't be there forever...
Give me the beach any day! I'm useless there. :)
Have a great night. proud of you on the whole WW thing...thats awesome!! I did walking lunges Saturday and I still can't move. Its killing me!
Ok I am jealous. I am losing 1lb per week with Weight Watchers and I will be in Destin in 4 weeks. Did you eat out at all last week?? I think that is my problem, I continue to eat out a couple of times a week and it is usually fast food...
Congrats on the 4.5lbs, way to go
4.5 pounds! Yay Kelly! Way to go!
Thanks for answering my question! =) I would have to say that Dawson was definitely a good present!!! He's so cute!
If I could live anywhere for a year I would like to live somewhere like NYC or Boston. I think it would be cool to have a condo uptown and have all kind of cool places within walking distance. Of course, that would not be too practical with two fur babies!
I would live in Alaska, I love the summers there, it stays light until around 1 in the morning. Everything is so clean and natural.
Congrat's on WW. It is a great program, I lost 18 lbs using it! I need to get back on the program! You are so encouraging!
I would love to live in Italy. I have heard it is very laid back and the food would be pretty amazing!
when I was younger and before kids I always wanted to go to culinary school and be a chef in new york. I am pretty content here in CA. though
I would so live in Yellowstone. My husband and I vacation/honeymooned there the summer after we got married in September 1998. We loved it so much; the mountains, the fresh air, 75 at the bottom of Mount Washburn and 30 and snowing at the top ~~ oh yeah I'm all about it :)
It was soooooooo beautiful!! Okay you can probably tell I LOVE the mountains!!!
Dreaming of a vacation,
YOU GO GIRL on the 4.5 pounds! That is really awesome, and I know how much of a motivation it is when you see results. You have worked hard for it, too, with all that exercising and eating right. You go have yourself a delicious WW ice cream bar to celebrate!
And thanks for answering my question! You are too sweet with those nice things you said about me--not to mention such a great and honest answer! That really meant a lot and, as always, I really take what you have to say to heart. I'm so glad God put your blog in my path because you are such a blessing!
Just think how terrific you are going to feel on vacation, knowing dang well you EARNED all the dessert you want?!
Keep up the hard work! I know you can! And you'll be so glad you did!
(Go get you some chewing gum to satisfy those sweets craving!)
That is my idea of the perfect day, too. I would love to live somewhere tropical for a year, and I'm sure Derek would say anywhere but Iraq! :)
In the U.S. I would love to live in the midwest, preferably NE TX. In another country we've always talked about Australia but we're pretty content here, it's exactly where the Lord wants us.
If you are still looking for questions and haven't previously asked this one, I'd like to know what made you start blogging?
Kelly - I think it is so funny you struggle with self-esteem! I think you are precious. I am always telling others that you are my favorite blog (I do check yours first) and always telling them how funny and cute you are! I definitely don't think you have ANY reason to have low self-esteem! You go girl!
Hmm... one year. I would actually consider Arkansas b/c there's so many of you that I've come to like by reading your blogs! But all the tornadoes ya'll have would scare me.
I've enjoyed reading all your answers to the questions!
NYC to get the feel of real city life. I think I would enjoy the hustle and bustle of it all. Of course, it would only be for a year.
Either NYC or Chicago ( I love seems like a mini-NYC for us southerners)
I'd only live there knowing that I would be coming back to Texas in a year though..... : )
I forgot to congratulate you on the 4.5 lbs. That makes all the starving worth it, right????? I'm hungry right now! :(
Way to go on the weight loss!! That is awesome progress!! Keep up the great work!
I have always loved visiting Arkansas and I truly think I would like living there. It would have to be the area around Beaver Lake or Calico Rock. My ideal spot would be on a deck close to White River surrounded by trees. I love the sound of the river.
Great job on the weight loss! WTG!
As far as a second place to live.. My husband and I went to Montreal, Canada for our honeymoon and feel in LOVE with the city! We would definitely go back there and as a second choice, only out of obligation .. I would say Nashville, TN. My husband is from there and I promised him once we got married and had kids I would move there (with my fingers crossed of course! ) ha!
Your going to have so much fun on your trip..Can I come too:) Congrats on the weight loss!!!!
I love the Q&A... This might be one of my favorite things I read all day, YOUR BLOG!!! I am sure that everyone has asked but can I get in you suit case? I have never been and would love to just relax away from the daily grind.
I think I would like to go back to Houston as crazy as that sounds but I grew up there and miss a lot of the memories that I have from there.
Who does you hair? I have been switching back to my old lady and a friend from high school and am not happy with either. Its like they do what they think should be done with the color and cut...
Either Vermont or Boston. I LOVE New England!!!
4.5 pounds is amazing!! Not that you don't already, but you are going to look fabulous come vacation time :)
To live somewhere else for a year... I think I would choose Italy. I love Italian food and have always wanted to travel there. As an added bonus, it would make traveling to other countries in Europe easy!
Great job on the WW! It really is a great diet. And you got to eat at Ruth Chris while losing 4.5 lbs. We're going there for hubby's birthday. Don't think I'll lose any weight though, I probably won't get the "good" vegetables. Keep up the good work!
Way to go with weight watchers!!! It really works if you stick to it!!! I lost about 40 pounds on WW about 4 years ago! Now I've gained it all back =(
Fairhope, Alabama....we just got back from there and I love it.
Way to go on losing lbs!! I'll have to look into weight watchers for these last 15 I'm carrying around.
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