Last night we had some new friends, Jenna and Chris, come over and eat dinner and watch the Biggest Loser Finale with us. (I was too embarrassed to take pictures since we just recently met them.) First things first......................Who watched this season? What did you think???
So amazing!!!! Some of these people lost 150 pounds!!!! It inspired me that surely I can lose 20 pounds! (Which by the way - I made tacos and we had chips and salsa and even a little dessert and I still managed to lose 1/2 a pound yesterday. Yeay!)

So this is Becky. She is a cute girl, has a twin sister and has a really fun blog. I've enjoyed getting to know her. Check her out!!! She asked me how I planned to decorate my nursery. I'm kind of in a funk this week. I've just been REALLY sad this week and I need to put a little hope back in my heart so I decided I would write about this today. I'm constantly dreaming of how I'll decorate my nursery. I used to spend HOURS researching and looking at web sites and getting ideas. I've changed my mind several times but I've had it set on the following for a while now and I think I'll stick with it. Part of me wants to get to work on it now but part of me is afraid that I'll never have a baby to put in it.
I'm doing my nursery this way whether we have a girl or a boy. I used to want to do brown and pink or brown and blue - but I am excited about this instead.
I plan to paint the nursery chocolate brown and I want white furniture.

Then I plan to have my friend Jamie make me a big canvas with a monkey on it and a bible verse. Still deciding on which one.
Ali looks SO different in her after pic. And older, actually. Weird. But definitely healthier!!!
I'm still praying!! I know that someday you will have a baby to decorate for! I love that blue/black and white bedding!! I love your safari theme, that is very cute!!
I love those ideas! So sweet and SO YOU!!!!! American Idol was fabulous and David Cook was AMAZING! He even teared up!
I have been to that same site. I love the second one. It is one that I had saved. I wanted to do a black and white with one bold color. I look at baby stuff every once in a while and it puts a little jump in my set on a bad day.
We are still praying for you. We have a list and you are on it...
She looks like a completely different woman! I guess that is what happens when you lose the equivalent of a whole person! Congrats on the 1/2 lb-every little bit counts. :)
I have no words for the awesomeness of David Cook last night.
And praying always for y'all and that little H.S. babe.:) Thinking about you today--I can't imagine what you are going through, but I know it must be unbelievably hard. Asking God to give you That Peace!
Hey Kelly!
Yes, me & Becky will keep praying for you to have a baby & you keep praying for us! We can just have a little baby prayer circle going. I used to look at all that baby stuff too. My husband LOVES monkies, but I'm not to sure about that. If we had a boy maybe turquoise blue & brown with monkies as an accent. I really like the color purple for a girl & I like toile. But, I LOVE faries! So, I want some kind of fairy accents. But, who knows what I will REALLY like by the time we get pregnant. I will try to make Becky post on her blog about what kind of nursery she wants & I'll work on a post too. (I swear, I think I know of every baby website out there). If you know of any cute ones, let us know. I love to look, even if I can't really buy yet. I have posted most of the links I like to my best friends blog sidebar. She just had her THIRD baby & he is so cute!
Her little girl's nursery was beautiful & here are some links to the room. She had most of the bedding & the curtains custom made. She bought the smocked blanket & pillow & had them monogrammed.
(For some reason it wouldn't let me link the entire post, so I had to list the pics individually, SORRY!)
Have a great day Kelly!
LOVED the FINALE last night! I was so pulling for ALI!!! I wish I had lost a 1/2 on the scales this morning and gained another pound! Please PRAY this medicine regulates soon and I STOP GAINING WEIGHT!!!!!!!
I'm still praying for BABY! Harder than ever!!!!!!!!!
You will have a baby to put in there! How could you not??? You are going to be the bestest mommie ever! Love your color scheme. I just wish I knew what ours will be, so I can get more planning done. But love all the things you have picked out. It will happen--just stay positive! Heres some baby dust to you on your trip to Hawaii!!!!!!
Loved the nursery ideas and colors!! Very cute!!
I will keep praying for you and Scott to be blessed with a child. I can't wait to see HIS plan unfold!
I love your nursery ideas too! So, very, very cute!
I will continue to pray for you and Scott. I know God has a wonderful plan for ya'll. Can't wait to see (read) what it is. :)
The Biggest Loser was so good! Ali looked amazing! (although I liked her hair a little bit longer, wasn't too crazy about the new cut) Anyway, they all looked incredible!
Congrats on your continued loss! You go girl!
LOVE the nursery ideas! So gorgeous! I go back and forth on what I want...there's so much cuteness out there! Sometimes I think I would want to make it myself, but then other times I think that might just be a crazy idea to attempt. We'll see!
We WILL have babies to put in our nurseries, girl! Believe Him! Still praying!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE THE NURSERY COLORS. OF COURSE YOUR BABY IS GOING TO BE HIP FROM DAY #1 SOOOOO CUTE!!!!!! i love the bedding...give us some sites to look at!!!!!
just emailed you.......
God has a bunch of bottles full of your tears, He hears them and will answer your prayers. I am confident of that. I know you want it to be now though, but trust in His timing for you. My heart breaks for you, I want it to be soon for you too!
By the way, I totally already had a pink/brown, blue/brown or green/brown nursery in mind if I'm ever a mom!!! I have some pics, perhaps some day I'll share them. That green and brown is really precious (there's another word for "cute" ;) together.
The finale was awesome, even though I wanted Roll Tide Roger to win, I was happy for Alli.
Keep your spirits up Kelly! I promise God hears your not be anxious.
Kelly-I love how you found our blog! Yes-I did go to OBU too(don't you know Sara Fish? that is my brother-in-law's sister!!)! I graduated in 2002...Thank you for your sweet comments about our baby furniture! I got my ideas for our baby bedding from the same pictures you have posted-I love the brown and green and it is very neutral! My sister was able to make all of mine-so I will post pictures once we get things finished up-I will be praying for ya'll and the baby situation! God is so faithful!!!
Kelly, you have such great taste. I will pray that the Lord allows you to have a baby very soon!
Could I ask if your friend Jaime does custom orders for other people (for canvas')?I am looking to have one made and I know exactly what I'd like.
Thank you!
What cool nursery colors and fabrics. So unique.
Hang in there! Praying...
Ali is my hero!! I think it is so awesome that a girl finally won the Biggest Loser. And, I LOVE the nursery. If you've read some of blog entries, you know I LOVE monkeys. I mean, seriously, how can you go wrong with monkeys!
I am still praying for you to have a baby, and I will continue to do so every time you come to mind. Today,I have really been struggling myself with some issues , and since I can't find the words to pray about them, I will pray extra hard for you instead!
I love, Love, LOVE what you have picked out for your nursery!! So adorable! I can't believe you were able to eat tacos, chips & salsa, & dessert and still lose weight! That's great!
Still praying!!!! That's going to be a CUTE nursery!!!
Biggest Loser is such a great show. I was so proud of everyone and so happy for them. I cried almost every episode. The physical and mental transformations were amazing. I think Kelly changed the most as far as her attitude--she was so sad and lacking in confidence at the beginning, but did SUCH a great job! Ali looks great--she doesn't even look like the same person. I'm ready for a new season!
P.S. I think David Cook should win, too! He had tears in his eyes last night--it was so neat!
I love the bedding! You will have a baby to use it soon. I think David Cook is going to win.
Kelly, one of my best friends is in labor today with her first baby after a very long, hard, heartbreaking road. As I prayed for her this morning and thanked God for making it happen, you were on my heart. I do not know exactly what God has planned for your future son or daughter, but I know you are going to get your happy ending - the desires of your heart. Your nursery is going to look amazing. And after so much waiting your joy will abound in ways that many of us cannot imagine. God bless you, sweet sister.
OH MY GOODNESS on the biggest loser winner. She looks sooo different. Not sure the tanning works for her. I think she looks better with the pale skin and dark hair. But way to go on the weight loss. WOW
Poor little E has no room for me to even decorate. But he isn't complaining. Love what you picked out though. I went gung ho on Abigail's nursery... puppy themed, all in light brown, cream, and red. She's the only one who got a theme though. Bad mom.
praying for you
I love your nursery ideas!! You'll have to share the websites that you got them from!!
I am still praying for you, Kelly!! You will have your ups and downs on this journey, I'm sure. But I know God has great things in store for you. Hang in there!
Hey....biggest loser is our fav in this house. It inspires me to get to the gym.
As for baby rooms I LOVE what you have picked out. You can totally find someone to make it...I got my aunt to help me make g's stuff. I used some map print, cheetah, and white chenille on the bumper and then a red sheet and got this awesome rug with all kinds of animal print. My decor style requires animal print in every room! Your baby room will look awesome!! You have such style.
I also need to say thanks for the thoughts and inspiration to wear more is easier!
Of course, I LOVE the nursery choices. Absolutely adorable for either sex.
That transformation is so amazing! Very inspirational, indeed.
I was SOOOOOOOO excited that she won! Really, I was excited because a woman won!!! How fun!
I found myself in tears at pretty much everyone's video. They all looked great!! And you're right, it was very inspiring!
Biggest Loser was awesome...I knew Ali would win! I've been waiting for this post :)
Bonnie left a loooong post didn't she? she's crazy! I love the greens and the fabrics you picked out, I know everything will look great! What website is it that does the custom bedding? I like the furry soft fabric too. Basicly I like everything because you have "posh" taste! Love it! Praying for you!
How CUTE!!!! One day you are going to make a wonderful mommy and have the cutest nursury ever!!!! I watched biggest loser last night - I was so hoping she would win! Yay!
So funny bc that is very similar to what I want to do! I LOVE the chandelier...I may have to steal that idea!!!
Love, Love, Love the bedding!!!!
I love polkadotdesigns!!! I have been eyeing their bedding for a good year!!!
I just posted a novel and it drifted off into no-man's land. I have no idea what I just did.
You WILL HAVE A BABY to put into that beautiful bedding. I will never stop praying about least not until it comes to fruition!
And yes, we will SO be there at David Cook's concert. I will cry and scream like that annoying little girl did last season with Sangia. :) I love him. (David, I mean!) I told Jon he is my second husband...wonder why he didn't find that funny???
Of course, I knew you would have amazing ideas for your baby's room. So adorable! I will keep praying for you. I just know your will be rocking a baby in that room looking up at that beautiful chandelier one day soon.
Aww! I love the bedding! Just precious! Yes! Biggest Loser was absolutely awesome last night! It was kinda emotional too! Sorry I haven't blogged in a while! I have been busy!
I love the biggest loser! I even blogged for my readers to go vote for Roger! I was pulling for him to be in the final 3 instead of Mark! He seems like such a GOOD person!!! I'm glad Ali won! GIRL POWER!!! They all did soooooooooo well!! I was bad last night! I ate Rocky Road ice cream while watching the show!!! Is that BAD or what? Way to go on the weight loss!
That girl looks amazing!
Your nursery will be so cute! The bedding looks just like you (isn't it funny that I say that even though I've never met you??). You are always in my prayers.
I have watched every biggest loser since season 1 and I love it. I must admit when I first saw them carrying the food trays to the elimination I thought it was so cheezy but I really like it it has been very inspirational watching it. Now if I could just get inspired to get off the couch I think I could look as good as them.(hehe) Allie looked awesome! I love your choices for a baby's rooms. I am praying as the Lord leads for his perfect will in this situation and perfect peace for you.
I love Biggest Loser!!!! I am so happy that Ali won. She looked amazing!!!!
I'm still praying!
Even though I have not met you in person, I feel like we are friends. I just love your blog!
I shared your story with my MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) group, and we prayed for you tonight.
Oh Kelly,
I love all that you have picked out for the nursery. Can't wait to see pics in your home when that precious little one is being planned for. I think of you and pray for you all the time!!
When I was trying to decide what to do for Brooks' nursery, I found the most adorable navy and white polka dot ensemble that I just had to have...BUT it was over $1000. I thought that was ridiculous and tried to find someone to make it for me but I had no luck.
I laughed at you not pulling out the camera b/c you hadn't known the couple very long!! Funny stuff...have a fun Thursday.
Love the Biggest Loser! It was so good to see all of them look great in the end!
I love your nursery idea! Don't change your mind on this one. It's too cute!! You are in my prayers!
Hi, I found your blog through Robyn's. I've been reading your posts, and how amazing!! I admire your faith through life's struggles, and agree that God's timing is everything. Can't wait to read more.
love the teal and black!
I love pink and brown! I want to redo Shelby's room with those colors but I need her to stop using crayons to decorate EVERYTHING! LOL
That woman lost an incredible amount of weight! I'm inspired.
That baby is going to be so lucky. God is going to bless you with a baby soon. I just know it.
Your nursery choices, they rock!
You nursery is going to be adorable...not surprised as you always have awesome taste. I am praying and believing God that you will need that nursery soon!
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