So American Idol fans.................................who is your favorite?
These are my top 3 in no specific order:

In other news........................I really, really like Thai food. And today the girls in my office wanted to go to a new place in town that I have thought to myself many times might be kind of sketchy and I have not heard of anyone who has eaten there but I thought "sure, why not?" I am not very picky and I will eat anywhere but this was the worst meal I have ever had in my entire life. And all 5 of us thought so. This other lady in my office got something and let me taste it and it was the worst thing I have EVER tasted. EVER! And to top it off - all 5 of us feel sick this afternoon. I mean the dressing on the salad - was melted peanut butter. If that tells you anything. Sorry - I didn't take any pictures. I didn't want to remember it. Just for the record - I don't think I'll EVER eat thai food again. ANYWHERE. It's ruined for me.
We are supposed to get snow again tonight. WHERE IS SPRING? So I'm sure school will be out. I had a dentist appointment on Tuesday but they closed because the schools closed. So I rescheduled for tomorrow. Wanna bet I have to re-schedule again?
Yep, I like those three too. David A is my favorite of course. I loved 'Hello.' I also like the dreadlock guy.
My dad LOVES David A. Oh my! Its kind of sad! I like the guy's way better than the girls!!
Can you believe this weather!?!?! For the LOVE!
Your top 3 are my top 3! I also like the folky guy with the dread locks!
I'm with you...I like these 3 plus Jason Castro. Loved his song this week. I really like David Cook, too...I could see myself listening to either of these guys after AI.
I love Brooke... She seems so very genuine. And little David... I get chills every time I hear his voice... He is just the cutest thing!
I love Brooke too! I am laughing so hard about the melted peanut butter on the salad.
I'm in total agreement with you on top three choices. I do have to say that David A, though, is without a doubt my fav! Can you explain why David Cook gets suddenly attractive when he sings (only)? Ha! I loved that song!
i love peanut butter, but as a salad dressing??? yuck!!!
My favorite is Brooke White. I just like her style of music. I was so impressed by the girls last night.
I have been reading (and loving) your blog for a few weeks now. I also like Brooke, but my favorite right now is Jason Castro. I do have a question about the weather, though. How much snow do you guys have to get for the schools to close? I live in Iowa, and our schools rarely close. They have, however, closed more this year than usual. The last time they closed we had gotten freezing rain and then 9 inches of snow. Just curious...
Sorry to hear about your bad experience with Thai food. I have never tried it because I have always been too scared. You have confirmed my worst fears.
I like the first two from American Idol that you mentioned.
I don't know where spring is, but I sure miss it. The snow needs to just give up and try again next year.
I really like David Cook too, but just finished watching the girls (thanks to TIVO)and they are pretty good.
What a terrible dining experience! Sounds awful! I like Brooke White and the teenage guy, too. I think you are right. He'll probably win. I bet you will reschedule tomorrow. The snow is coming here, so I know that means you will probably get a foot because we hardly ever get snow!
I am with you EXACTLY on this! Those are my top 3 as well. Cutie Pie, Bad Comb Over dude, and Girl I'd Like to Hang Out With. I am so bad with names.
I am so sad to hear about your Thai experience! Don't give up, Kelly! A Taste of Thai won't let you down! You know that place is good! I ate an ENTIRE cashew chicken entree from there last week! Delicious! Give Thai food another chance!
That is bummer about your Thai food!! I LOVE Thai!! I wish I could take you to a Thai place here in Charlotte that is amazing to help you get over your bad experience. :) I agree with you about American Idol top picks. Love David A. and Brooke!! And Friday can't get here soon's been a very long & busy week!
I like dreadlock guy! And I had an experience with thai food - but mine was that it was too too hot/spicy!! I can handle my spicy-ness - but whew! All of us there were putting ice on our lips, tongues, it was all burning! So I have to say that Thai may just be too risky! Ha!!
I hear ya on your top 3! Those are my favorite too!! David Cook really stood out to me this week! love him!!
Thai food...yeah when I go to Thai Diner in Fayetteville I stick with something safe like "chicken fried rice!" (that's so not Thai..but I like it anyways) But melted peanut butter....I think I am going to gag now with you! :)
Brooke is for sure my favorite girl! And I like all the Davids--David A. is my favorite. I cried during his song last week. I also like Michael Johns (or is it John Michaels?--people with two first names confuse me)...anyway, I like him too. I think David A. will win.
Yikes on the Thai food! Never fun to have a bad food experience! I have to agree with you on the American Idol picks!
Those are my top three also. I'm so glad the gay guy is gone. Ugh! Sickening. But the Lord reminded me the He loves him. But I still think it's sick.
Love Brooke...she is so sweet!
And David A. is so cute. My dad can't doesn't like him because he licks his lips too much when he sings. My dad's a singer/music minister so he notices those things. But once you start watching for that, David A. does really do that! It's hilarious!
And David Cook reminds me also of Chris. Yes, I agree that Chris should've been the American Idol.
Oh, I love Carly, too. She is not my "type" in looks, etc., so to say, but she is one that really, really wants it. She loves to sing and she's really good at it.
Love Brooke. She is so sweet. I love her easy sound. Love David. I think he'll win the entire thing. Everyone else Chris Daughtry totally should have won. What is the guy who won doing now anyway? About Thai food - I wish we could go for real Thai food in Thailand. I'm sure you'd enjoy it!
I absolutely love Brooke. She is my favorite. I love her voice, her attitude, and her GREAT hair.
it snowed here last night...guess where I am right now at 7.18 am.........SCHOOL! WHAT CAN I PLEASE GET A SNOW DAY FOR THE LOVE
I love BRooke!! She is my favorite and she is just adorable! I love those buygs too!!
I am so sorry about your thai food experience and it sounds like it was AWFUL!! My husband is half thai and if you lived closer I would make you eat some of his homemade stuff! It is delicious!! WE had all homemade Thai food at our rehearsal dinner and it was delicious!!! I wish you could have had some, then you wouldn't hate it!! I have be careful with what I eat b/c I don't do spicy very well and I have to say no to some foods when we are with their family. I feel bad, but i know my stomach! Sorry for the essay. We must find a good Thai place for you!!!
I agree with your picks!!! I love David A. He is just too cute!! I like Thai food but I usually either go to A Taste of Thai in Fayetteville or Pad Thai is Springdale is okay too!
I so want David A. to win! I just love American Idol! It is some serious family time in this house! Landon even enjoys watching it! It is hilarious to hear him say, "we're watching American Idol!" Too funny!
I am not a fan of Thai food either!
Hope you are having a fun day!
Brooke is my ABSOLUTE favorite. I also like David too...he is just so cute and a great singer too. Why do I have a feeling that he will win...but I will be sure to buy Brooke's album.
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