Wednesday, March 05, 2008

The wedding photographer

A picture of a picture from our wedding - my bridesmaids and I wore aprons to eat lunch before the wedding

Scott and I ate lunch today with a lady in my office. She is very into photography and has recently started taking wedding pictures. Scott is also into photography and has a very nice camera with a couple of fancy lenses so she asked him to help her. They are doing a wedding this Saturday. I think Scott will really enjoy it and I know he will do a great job.

Unfortunately on our wedding day - I didn't put a lot of thought into pictures - I was mostly ready to just be married. So there were a lot of pictures I wish we had. We hardly had ANY of just the two of us. (crazy?) And I wish we would have maybe taken some outdoor shots with our bridal party. But the important thing is we are married. :-) I've just looked at a lot of wedding photographer sites recently and have seen so many neat pictures.

Do you have a wedding picture that was your favorite? Or a picture you wish you would have had made?

I thought I could share your ideas with Scott so he could take some good ones!


Caroline said...

I love that you girls had aprons with your name's on them!!! What a great picture and ya'll look so pretty!

Hillary said...

I look so pasty and white standing next to you!!!!!!!!!!!
I am a little nervous about my photography. I think she'll do a good job but maybe Scott can take a few shots with his camera before and during the ceremony!

Anonymous said...

One of my favorite shots was of my entire bridal party - we linked arms and made a long row - the photographer took a bunch of shots of us walking - sounds dumb, but it was so could really see everyone's personality come out! I love my photographer, and he does some really neat stuff - check him out @!!!

JenB said...

Some of my most favorite pictures weren't even taken by the professional. A friend of our family volunteered to take pictures the whole day. She was at the church when I got there! She took great casual pictures that the official photographer just wasn't around for. Her husband took pictures of every guest as they came in the church! The best part is that she had them developed and in an album when we got home from our honeymoon! Now that was an awesome wedding gift!

Tammy said...

You don't know me, but I stumbled across your blog through someone else I know (don't remember who now)....much like the rest of the blog-stalking world out there :) I just wanted to share my favorite wedding pictures with you...check out my blog and go to the February 4, 2008 post. The end of the post has my favorite picture from all the hundreds we had to choose from!

I enjoy reading your blog and pray for you and the struggles of infertility....I know it can't be easy.


Mandy said...

I like fun pictures!! The kind where not everyone is just looking straight at the camera. We have a really cute picture of Justin, down on his knee, holding my hand (kind of like he was proposing) and our pastor has our marriage license on Justin's back and is pretending to be signing it. You can see the marriage license in the picture and it has all of us in it! It turned out really cute!!

Allikaye's Mama said...

Hi! Well, one more thing we have in common...I am blind as a bat to - and gave in and bought glasses that look just like yours last time I was at the eye doctor! Although I told myself I would wear them out of the house - I can't make myself wear them, except right before bed!! :0)

Allikaye got her pictures taken from a photographer that does weddings too - and there are some great shots at her site (there is a link on my blog) - just in case Scott needs any more inspiration! Let us know how it goes!!! Weddings are so fun!

Leigh Ann said...

You all look so pretty! I'm so jealous of Scott. That sounds like so much fun being able to photograph a wedding. That would be my dream job. I think a picture in the car getting ready to leave the ceremony/reception is a must! That is one of my favorites, but yes there are many I wish I had that I don't. Photography at weddings (and weddings in general) have come a long way since I got married in '94!

Kimberly said...

What a cute idea! And I must add that I think your bridesmaid dresses are the first I've ever seen that could actually be worn again! Beautiful bridal party!!!

I wish I had taken our photos together before because since our wedding was outside I was sweaty in all of our pictures.

I also wish I just had ones of us laughing and in the moment rather than posed.

His Doorkeeper said...

Funny about Scott because I was just thinking yesterday about Scott maybe taking pictures for me at Chris and Carrie's wedding. You know how I tote the camera everywhere but I don't think the mother-of-the-groom would normally be taking pictures as she walks down the aisle to be seated!!
(But I would LIKE to !!) MOM

Anonymous said...

Tell Scott to check out and They are both out of Southern CA and they do amazing wedding pictures.


Anonymous said...

I've always loved those wedding shots where the whole wedding party jumps in the air. Heres an example:

-just a fun idea:)

hayden said...

One of my favorites was our photographers idea, and I love passing it on to new brides-to-be...Get the bride to get down on her knees and look up at the camera, then get someone the bride trusts to stand behind her and lift up her dress a little so that in the pic she is all surrounded in white, looking up at the camera, with her bouquet. The one we took turned out really cute.

Also, I posted some on my blog last year on our can go here to look:

Robyn Beele said...

I love the pictures in the aprons. Such a cute idea. My favorite wedding picture was of me and my bridesmaids walking beside each other. It was in balk and white.

Tamara said...

What a cute photo! Y'all look great!

We got photos of me with my family and Brian w/his family, but none of the 2 of us with each family! And I love candids that show the personality of the couple & family members. Also, I love photos taken in unexpected/untraditional poses or locations, and photos that reveal what might be special about the location (in our case, Spanish architecture).

I've been meaning to post a comment for weeks now, but have been putting it off b/c I kept trying to formulate "meaningful" responses! Anwyay, I'm sorry last month was tough for you, and I've been praying for a great outcome this month! I know you know that God is working out His perfect, providential plan for y'all. His way is perfect. You can trust His heart.

Tamara said...

Forgot to say that I LOVE your blog makeover! :)

Lauren said...

How cute are y'all?!?! Love the aprons!!!

Guy and Julie said...

I guess maybe I'm one of the only ones on here who actually knows Scott, but am I the only one who's getting a kick out of Scott photographing a wedding?????? I know he'll do a great job! But it's still funny :)

Allison said...

Hey Kelly, My husband is also majorly obessed with photography. He has a couple of wedding shots on his blog - :)

CAMoore said...

Kelly- ya'lls aprons are soo fun! I think I know the girl to your left in that picture. She looks so familiar!!!

Our wedding photographer did this one photo that I just LOVE of us walking back down the aisle after we were announced...Clarke & I stopped and kissed again (yes..we kissed again as we stood in the aisle) and the photographer captured that moment perfectly!

That would be a neat photo to get, but I guess it would have to be "planned".

CAMoore said...

Kelly- ya'lls aprons are soo fun! I think I know the girl to your left in that picture. She looks so familiar!!!

Our wedding photographer did this one photo that I just LOVE of us walking back down the aisle after we were announced...Clarke & I stopped and kissed again (yes..we kissed again as we stood in the aisle) and the photographer captured that moment perfectly!

That would be a neat photo to get, but I guess it would have to be "planned".

Rebecca (Sam's wife) said...

i love all my wedding pics. even when you have a ton you want more though. i like them where the party is all talking and stuff and the bride and groom are kissing. i wish i had outdoors pics but it was one of the hottest days in AR on my wedding day so we didn't do that.
your apron pic is cute!

Charity said...

I totally know what you mean! There are so many pictures I wish I had taken! I really I wish I had more taken of us outside and more candid shots. I love to see candid shots of brides and grooms when you catch them looking at each other when no one is paying attention. Did that make sense? We had too many "posed" shots!

Shelly said...

I wish that I had pictures of my husband and I looking into each others eyes and more of the two of us interacting. Most of our pictures look very "posed".
Here's a great site that has lots of examples. His name is John Blair and he's up around where your parents live.

Shelly said...

I'm sorry. The wedding site is...

Lauren @ Adventures of a Southern Newlywed said...

My favorite picture is of my husband and I walking down the aisle right after we were married. We were both grinning, it is so cute! :)

Mrs. Shelton said...

I got married this summer and decided that I wanted to spend a lot of money on the photographer because the pictures were important. I also decided most if not all of my pictures would be outside. I did get a great photographer, however the day of my wedding was SO hot and I was dying in my wedding dress, so I decided right then and there I wouldn't do outside pictures except for a few at the country club reception site right after the wedding. Yeah...until as we got in our car to go to the reception it started POURING down rain. It came a downpour so I don't have any outside pictures. Do i regret that decision..absolutely, however like you said we are married and that is all that matters! :)

Jessica said...

You looked so beautiful on your wedding day! I love the apron idea.

I really loved the candids the most of my wedding pictures. Ones of us laughing or kissing. Also, for the wedding ring hand one, they had us put my hand on my flowers and his hand on top. The flowers (and a little bit of beading from my dress) made the most beautiful background for that. I can email it to you if Scott would want to see it.

Shannon said...

Katie said she is probably going to start a blog over spring break. I hope she does! Thanks for stopping by! Still praying...

Lindsey said...

You are such a cutie pie!

And like Jessica, I love action shots. They just seem to capture the moment.

Meredith said...

We don't have any of just us on at our wedding either! Strange. Good luck to Scott on Saturday-how fun!

Brittney said...

Our groomsmen kidnapped my husband and attached a "ball and chain" (bowling ball w/ a large chain) to him on the day of our wedding. For one of our wedding pictures we have me holding the chain and him with the ball. It's hilarious, and to this day I wish we would have used it in the paper as our wedding announcement!

Mommy to those Special Ks said...

OK seriously... our photographer SUCKED. We are not tall people... at all. Our photographer however, was well over 6 feet... he didn't come to our level so all our pictures are at a downward level. They were really really bad. It's the one area of our wedding I wish I would have spent more time on and found someone better. *sigh* Oh well!

Anonymous said...

Two of our best friends are AWESOME wedding photographers: and If you haven't thought of it, it helps to make a list of what the bride wants. I helped my husband take pictures for my cousin last weekend and I don't know what we would have done without the list. He took one of the grooms face as she walked down the aisle and it was so sweet!

LSU Melanie said...

Hey, very cute photo!! My photographer got alot of candid shots of us dancing and special moments that weren't me holding up my dress and walking to the limo, talking to my mom, showing my bridemaids my ring with the band during the ceremony, husband and I kissing at the foot of the church with the whole wedding party cheering, doing the second line with an umbrella...I have 422 photos and I loved them all. Wedding photos are so wonderful!

Nicole said...

I am the same way, we don't have a lot of shots with both of us. Then there isn't any of his mother. Opps. I was thinking about this the other day, I was kind of sad and wished that we could go back. So instead we are going to get some new shots this summer. I love the picture that you posted. That is something different.

Melissa said...

cute idea with the aprons! I got some good ideas for my wedding pictures coming up :) Have a great day

Bella said...

We're in the planning stages of our wedding and I feel like I'm looking for the 'perfect photographer'. I LOVE pictures and I want them to be perfect, but I don't want to be too picky. That picture is so cute and I want someone who will think outside of the box! All this planning is so stressful!!!

taralynn819 said...

Yeah, we planned a wedding in 5 months and didn't have enough money OR time to spend on pictures. We had a friend of ours take photographs, and while I love our friend to death, I wish I had asked a couple more people to also shoot. We didn't get any fun shots, and the church shots were tinted yellow. Sometimes it's hard for me to look at other people's wedding albums because I wish I could put my dress back on and get professional shots. I mean, you spend all that money on a dress to wear once, it's only natural to want to remember the day you get to wear it in pictures! (Yikes, I hope that doesn't sound shallow, I also wish for more close-up shots of our vows, etc.). What can you do, though? It was either get married when we did, or wait another 5 or 6 months. Or scratch the honeymoon and hire a pro photographer. So I really can't regret not having pictures because the timing was perfect and I wouldn't have traded the rest of it for the world. It's just a little bittersweet in some ways, you know? (btw, our photo friend reads my blog! And we love him so very much still!)

Jessica said...

Ok, I thought of another favorite way. When we did group shots with family, wedding party, and stuff, they would have one person taking from the front and we were supposed to look at that person. Then another person took pictures from the side. I ended up liking a lot of the ones from the side more that the ones from the front. Ok, I'm stopping now.

Jennifer said...

I love the picture from your wedding it is great!

Ashley said...

I'm a new visitor and I just love your blog! You are too cute! I'll be back! :) The snow is beautiful, by the way.

CAMoore said...

Hey! I guess I just recognize her face. I was at the UA from 2000-2004 and I was a ZTA.