Monday, June 28, 2021

Weekend and a DEAL

We had such a fun weekend just hanging out together as a family.  

One of our new favorite things to do is to go up to our school and play basketball.  They have a few courts and WH can play on the playground and I walk Milli.  We went after dinner Friday night and stayed for a long time.  It was so fun.  

Except I was walking Milli and looked down to see a HUGE snake.  You have never seen me run so fast.  I think it was a harmless black snake but I didn't stick around to look at it very close.  No snake is a good snake.  

Saturday we went and swam all afternoon with new friends we have made at church.  They are friends with some of our old friends and our kids are all the same ages so I got to visit with moms while the kids swam and it was great! 

We had a family date night on Saturday.  Harper wanted to go to Shogun.  We haven't been there in probably years.  

Will Holden who likes NOTHING actually liked it and ate it.  

Then we went to Top Golf.  It was a perfect night for it.  It wasn't super hot and there was a breeze.  Top Golf is always so fun! 

Me and my guy! 

I love these kids ages - it's just fun spending time with them.  When they aren't fighting.  

Speaking of fighting - we had a rough Sunday morning yesterday.  A lot of fighting.  Yelling by me at a kid who spilt chocolate milk in my bedroom (for like the 4th time recently).  But I look over and both girls were furiously taking notes during the sermon and they were both singing during worship and I knew Satan didn't win that day! I'm so thankful my girls are growing in their faith.  I pray every day for them to just have a passion for Jesus.  They are going to mess up - but I pray Jesus always is who they look to when they do.  

Okay - change of subject.......I told ya'll on instastories about a great deal to get a FAB FIT FUN box.  If you haven't had one - I hadn't either in a long time and then I signed up and it was so much good stuff.  BUT I found a deal where you could almost get it for free.  And the deal just got SO much better. 
 Follow me..........

IF you have never signed up for Rakuten - use this link and sign up first.  You will get $30 cash back once you spend $30.  Then search for  "fabfitfun".  If you sign up for a box- you will also get $12.50 additional cash back.  
You will have to sign up for a's $49 a box for the seasonal plan.  But you can always cancel anytime after the first box.  So the box would end up being only $7.

BUT right now the summer boxes are on sale for $25!!! 

(Now here is the the deal - you have to spend $30 on Rakuten to get the $30 back.  So you can get the box and then order something online from any other place you shop going through the rakuten app first and buy something that's more than $5 and you should get that $30)

And if you signed up but never ordered the box - go in on the app and do it now! That should work out to getting a box for free plus cash back on top! 

It says limited supply for $25 so you might want to get on that deal! 


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