Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Tulips and Snow

A little of life in the last week.  

We are in the middle of testing.  First the virtual kids had to come in and test so all the regular kids stayed home for 2 days.  Virtual school and this kid make me nuts. ha! Now the girls are having testing this week.  

The girls go to a preteen service on Wed nights at church and love it.  Because church is about 15 min away - I normally take them and then spend an hour at Target (suffering for the Lord) and then go back and get them.  Last week Will Holden wanted to go with me so I took him to a park for an hour instead. 

Scott has a few vacation days to burn so he has taken a few Fridays off.  This past Friday we had a day date.  We don't get a lot of "real dates".  We just love being with the kids.  But it's nice to have a little time alone.  We went to Sam's and Home Depot.  Just ordinary things but it was just us and it was nice.  

And then we ate lunch at my favorite spot! 

I'm so glad we got a little time alone.  

Our weekend was a catch up weekend.  We stayed home, it rained and soccer was cancelled, we did home projects, I did 1258 loads of laundry and cleaned house.  It was well needed.   I did take a quick trip away to go to a Tulip farm with my friend Paige.  

This farm which is in Bentonville, was made by and supports adults with neurodiversity.  

It's beautiful and for a great cause! 

We had a great time.  It was cold but we loved picking tulips!  We both plan to go back later this week weather permitting with our kids.  

Thankful for this friend! I got to sit with her on Sunday at church too.  We had a chill Sunday afternoon before the crazy of the week began.  

And what a crazy week it is! It snowed yesterday! If you live in the south - you know how weird it is to get snow in late April.  We rarely get snow at all any time of year (except for 2021 which we have had more snow than in YEARS) but never in late April.  It was quick and by supper time - the sun was out and snow was gone.  But it was kind of magical for a few hours.  Even thought it's been in the 70's and everything is bloomed and kids have been in shorts.  You just never know what might happen! 


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