Thursday, July 25, 2019

Because I'm Happy

The girls are in an art camp this week.  It's just in the mornings from 9-12 at a local church.  I wasn't sure if they would like it the first day.  They didn't know anyone and they were both nervous.  But they have loved it.  They are just making all kinds of arts and crafts which is right up their alley and it gives them something to do.  

Meanwhile, Will Holden and I have been running lots of errands and doing things while they are gone.  It goes by quickly.  

Monday, Harper started guitar lessons.  She has been so excited about this.  

Look how much Will Holden loves his sister - can't you tell in his face? 

We waited in the waiting room and when the teacher came out - it was a young guy and I guess he thought Harper was a boy name.  So he beelined to Will holden and stuck out his hand and said "Hey Harper - so nice to meet you?".  I was dying laughing.  I was like "THAT's Harper.  And aren't you relieved you aren't about to teach a 4 year old boy?"  Bless his heart - he was chawed.  

He invited us to sit in on the lesson so we did this first time.  He said Harper was a natural and picked it up quicker than anyone he has taught! I think a couple of years of piano help.  

These girls are SO big and sweet.  I have just loved my summer with them.  

Tuesday, my friend Lisa-Jo's book came out! It's such a fun book and has a fun endorsement from ME inside! You can order a copy HERE

I spent the day with my boss Susan on Tuesday.  She keeps her grandkids on Tuesdays so we took them and Will Holden to get coffee.  How adorable are these two? 

Will Holden told this cutie he was going to marry her.  I mean - are they not the cutest pair ever? 

We picked up my girls and ended up taking them to lunch at chick-fil-a.  It was a little nutty with 5 kids but we managed to get some things done and had a good laugh together.  

Tuesday night I took Harper on a one on one date.  The girls both really want to have alone dates so this week I'm taking them both out and next week Scott is.  I had a week long date with Will Holden this summer while the girls were gone to their grandparents.  The girls are just getting at such a fun age.  I love spending time with them.  

Our first stop was Tacos 4 Life.  

She loved it! Especially the paradise punch! 

Harper's friend Sawyer is in the hospital.  He has leukemia and she is so worried about him.  She prays for him all the time and has been texting all her friends and family to pray for him.  She wanted to take him something so we dropped it off.  We didn't try to visit because his immunity is low and we don't want to risk any germs.  Their family is always on my mind and my heart.  

We went to the mall to look for clothes and then went to Target and she picked out a new backpack and got her school supplies.  

We had the best time.  She kept saying on the way home "I'm just SO HAPPY.  I love my school supplies and I love being on this date with you."  It's something I have tried to imprint on my heart and never forget.  It was such a sweet night - I was the happy one. 

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