My parents came and picked up my girls on Wednesday and took them to Dallas. They were keeping my brother's kids while they are on a trip and invited my girls to go so they could have cousin time. I think Will Holden might have been too much so he stayed with his momma! Which he was thrilled. But he has told me about 20 times a day "I'm sad. I want Harper and Hollis to come home". He loves them so much. But the girls are having the best time.
Susan spoke at a Women in the Workplace lunch so Will Holden and I went so I could do merchandise for her. I had to bribe WH to be quiet in the back but he was good!
Will Holden and I spent Thursday and Friday trying to have fun. We went for an early morning walk on Thursday and then hit the splash park. It was soooooooooo extremely hot on these days. We went swimming on Friday and had the best time.
Saturday morning Scott took Will Holden with him to do some "guy stuff".
Then I took him to a new splash park. (If you are local - it just opened in Gravette and it's really fun. They have a lot of fun water stuff and a pool and it's $3. I'm going to take the girls again before school starts).
Scott and I have a friend in the hospital in Fayetteville so we went to visit her on Saturday afternoon and then went out to eat. It was almost like a date! ha! Just the cutest third wheel tagged along. I was going to get him a sitter but we decided we kind of liked just being able to spend time with him by himself.
Laurie and Steve are always raving about Mermaids in Fayetteville. We don't go to Fayetteville basically ever so we decided to finally go there.
(Fayetteville has a ton of these hog statues all over town all painted different. I keep thinking I will take the kids and try to find them all but we haven't done it yet).

I got some sun at the water park Saturday and wore too much concealer apparently. ha! Will Holden's face shows what he thinks about that. He was SO good at dinner. Scott and I actually had great conversation while he colored. It was so nice.
And the food was delicious!
Yesterday we headed to church and then had lunch with friends. And then we had a quiet day at home. It was nice.
I'm loving these last few lazy weeks of summer. I know it's about to get busy again!