Years ago when I was single and even when I was newly wed, I loved nothing more than to have people over. I loved to set place mats and my nicest dishes and make centerpieces and spend all day cooking special meals for my friends. I loved to have people sitting around my living room or around my dining room table and visiting. I hosted Sunday School parties and girls nights and couples nights and loved it.
Even when my girls were babies, I loved to host play groups and have friends and kids over.
And then life happened. And the kids grew and then we had another one. And suddenly I never invited anyone over again.
It was partly because I was just too tired from the day to day and partly because I became insecure.
My house wasn't that big.
My house wasn't perfectly decorated.
My house wasn't all that clean thanks to three kids and no house cleaner.
I couldn't cook that great.
I had no time to cook all day for guests.
I had no time or energy to make my table pinterest worthy.
People are busy - what if they didn't want to come?
And so I just quit inviting people.
And I've missed it.
And so I was listening to a podcast recently by a friend of mine - Amy Hannon - and she said something that just struck a chord with me. She has a ministry of hospitality and is always encouraging others to open their homes. And here is what she said:
"Entertaining and Hospitality are not the same thing"
I've been making them the same.
I don't have to entertain or have a perfect home to open it up and invite people in. I needed this challenge. I started thinking of how some of my favorite times were when my friends had me over to messy houses and served pizza on paper plates and our kids ran around like crazy but we laughed and we learned things about each other and we left feeling full in our friendship tanks.
I'm so glad I heard Amy say this. I'm not going to wait until I have a bigger house or my kids grow to invite people over. I'm going to try hard in 2018 to open my house. And not to just my friends but to reach outside my circle. And I don't feel like I have to pull our the crystal platters or cook a gourmet meal.
Are you waiting on life to change to invite people over?
By the way - this is TOTALLY unsolicited but Amy has an AMAZING cookbook coming out in a couple of weeks and you are going to need it in your life. I ADORE her! And you will ADORE her book!!! Get it HERE!