We have had pretty amazing weather for September lately. Cool in the mornings and night. I'm always a burning flame so it feels so good to me but Hollis felt the need to wear a coat and scarf to play outside one night. For the record it was like 70. But I guess that feels cold after an Arkansas Summer.
Will Holden. Bless him. I am not great at getting him frequent hair cuts. The girls get their hair cut like twice a year ..... maybe. And I try to pretend that I can let him grow his hair out but he ends up looking like the before picture which is ROUGH. How adorable is he with the short little boy cut? Does he not look like a junior senator? Swoon.
We got our school pictures back this week. Sweet girls.
Friday night we had our back to school carnival. I took the girls and I worked in their class booths while they had the time of their lives. Everything in me wants to skip the carnival and stay home but they love it. And I love their school and their teachers so I'm all in. I actually love getting to meet other parents and visit. Carnivals are Scott's worst nightmare and it's best if WH just stays home so the boys just had a guy night. This is what happens when an extrovert marries an introvert.
Saturday, Harper had swim practice in the morning. It's at our gym so I was able to get in a quick workout while she swam and then watched her for part of it.
Saturday afternoon Hollis had her first soccer game. I was SOOOO proud of her. We have to work on helping her be a little more aggressive but she ran so hard and LOVED it. Two years ago she would have NEVER done this.
My dad has been in Nepal for the last two weeks training pastors and he flew in to NWA Sat night. My mom came to pick him up so she came and met us at Hollis' game. My dad's flight got delayed until late so she ended up coming over and hanging out until he got back. And then those crazy kids drove home super late. I didn't take a picture of my mom but the kids had a great time with her.
Hollis asked Jesus in her heart 3 weeks ago and because of some things we had going on she finally got to go forward at church this morning and make it public. Joseph was saved this summer and decided he was ready to go forward today. His mom texted me this morning to tell me and she was worried people would think they were just doing it together. I said who cares what people think - when Jesus calls you - we follow. That applies to all of us. We can't worry what people might think. Take up our cross and run after Him with all we have!
(This might not be the last time they are at the altar together.
(This might not be the last time they are at the altar together.

And I can't end this without saying we are praying so hard for the people of Florida. And the people of Texas still. Constantly on my mind. And on millions of our minds, prayers and hearts.