Friday, March 24, 2017

Friday Fellowship - Shay Shull

I'm pretty positive most of you probably read today's guest's blog.  If not, you will probably be interested to! Shay Shull and I "met" about 5 years ago.  We connected through our blogs and we have met in person twice since! I count her as a friend now.

Shay is a mom of four who lives in McKinney, Texas.  She's a blogger and an author of four cookbooks! She's appeared on the Today Show and several other shows! Her husband, Andrew, is a former NFL player.  And her brother was once The Bachelor.  They have the cutest kids and have adopted the most precious girls from China in the last few years and I have LOVED following their journey.  They are also world travelers.  They amaze me because they take their kids even when they were babies on trips across the world.  I also love that Shay has such a close group of friends she met at church. 

 I love reading her blog and I think you will too if you don't already.  And you HAVE to check out her cookbooks!  "Eats" "Mix and Match Meal Planner" and "Mix and Match Cakes". 

She just came out with one just for cooking with your kids! She makes it easy on us moms! 

1.  What is your favorite Food?
A pasta supper is my very favorite meal.

2.  What is your very favorite piece of clothing right now? (FASHION)
Give me all the wedges!  I wear wedges March through October.  I love that they're typically more comfy than a normal heel and can make even the most basic outfit look put together.

3.  Tell us about your Family?
I just celebrated my 13th anniversary with my sweet husband Andrew.  We met in college and got married right after graduation.  I love him for many reasons...but one of the most important is that he just brings out the best in everyone around him (me included!).  We have four beautiful kiddos: Kensington (8), Smith (7), Ashby (4) and Madeley (2).  They are four my little miracles.

4.  What is the most important quality in your Friends? OR tell us something that a Friend has done for you that you can't forget.  
I have an amazing group of girlfriends.  One of our closest friends has been battling cancer now for the third time over the last 2.5 years and watching my friends serve her has ministered to me more than they'll ever know.  They are selfless, giving, loving, caring, loyal, faithful to pray, broken for her, passionate and  inspiring.  I could go on and on...I thank God every day for my precious friends.

(I'm adding a note here that Shay's friend died just a couple of weeks ago.  I didn't know her but I loved seeing how Shay and their friends banded around her.  Her funeral was an amazing testimony of a life well lived and full of faith.)

5.  What's something you have learned recently in your Faith journey?  And/or share your favorite scripture right now and why or your favorite Bible Study or book you have read recently. 
I just finished Priscilla Shirer's The Armor of God and it spoke to me on many different levels, but the biggest takeaway from it for me was that we're not battling flesh and blood here on earth.  Sometimes, I can get caught up in being upset with specific people, but really, it's Satan, it's's a much bigger picture than any one person.   

6.  What is your biggest Fear?
The first thing I thought of was "snakes" but after that, I would say my biggest fear is screwing up my kids.  I try not to worry about it...I pray and let the Lord take over, but not raising them the right way is something that is always on my heart.  They're such innocent little things, and I fear how hard this world is and that I might not do a good enough job preparing them for it.

7.  What are some of your Favorite things right now?
I love my Apple Watch.  It has transformed how I function during the day.  It helps me stay more active and look at my phone less.  Other favorites of mine include: binge watching TV shows on Netflix (Breaking Bad, Downton Abbey, Gilmore Girls are my fave), Philosophy's Fresh Cream lotion and my Ugg slippers. 

8.  What has been your biggest Failure?
I'm sure I have a lot of them!  Two things to come mind right off the bat first though: First, I should have made a bigger effort in college.  I wasn't happy about where I was going but because of a whole host of reasons, I settled and went there.  Instead of joining a sorority/clubs/and such, I got a "grown-up" job and stayed off campus as much as I could.  I wish I would invested in the people and the school more.  I think I probably missed out a lot during those years. A more recent failure is that I'm often too scheduled and on-task and I know I miss moments of joy during the day with my kids.  I know it's good to be organized with your time, but I should probably allow for some candid interruptions to fill my day more often.  My word this year is "intentional".  I really want to live more in the moments and with more intention on being fully present with my family.

9.  What do you do for Fun?
Reading sounds so lame...but I do love to read.  A cup of coffee (or tea!) and a book is my favorite way to pass the time.  Andrew and I love going on adventures and take our kids on some fun trips each year.  Traveling is very important to the culture of our family and my favorite way to have fun.

10.  Tell me about what animals you have? (Furry things)
We have an almost five year old Coton de Tulear named Poppy Popsicle.  She's small, she's fluffy, she's white and she's so chill that I mostly forget about her.  She's happy just laying around the house (or Andrew's office) most days.

11.  What is your favorite FILM? (movie) 
Bridget Jones' Diary is my favorite.  I just love what a mess, yet how enduring, Bridget is.

12.  What is one Fact we might not know about you?
I have like a legitimate fear of mayonnaise.  I know that's not rational AT ALL but my disgust for it is so profound that it's basically turned into utter fear.  I don't even like handling the jar.  I know this is weird...but it is so true!  Something must be wrong with me...  

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