Wednesday, December 21, 2016


Somehow this month, I have managed to go to three Favorite things parties.  And I've decided that Favorite Things Parties are one of my Favorite Things! 

Maybe it's because I love any excuse to hang out with friends but also because it's just such a fun concept.  

If you haven't been to one - they can work many different ways.  

I went to one with just 10 friends and we each bought a favorite thing for all 10 people.  

I went to a bigger party where we each brought five favorite things.  

Each person put their name in a bowl five times.  We took turns telling about our favorite things and then drew five names and they got our items.  So each person leaves with five things.  

Popular items that night were Pioneer woman stuff from Walmart and food items.  Beauty products are always a win too! That party had a limit of $5 and my other party was $5-10.  

I took Holiday hand soap as my favorite.  I like to wash my hands a lot and I like for it smell good! 

One of my favorite parts was just hearing about people's favorite things and why they chose what they chose.  I could have easily taken a $5 Sonic card too.  ha! 

I would love to hear what your $5 or less Favorite thing would be!!! (I might need ideas for later on). This would be fun to host in the summer too.  It doesn't have to be a Christmas party! 

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