Thursday, January 29, 2015

What's UP?

Well, it's been a few days since I have blogged.  Time just gets away from me!

First of all - random integer pulled two numbers for me - so the winners of Sophie's book are :
#201 Megan Richards
#97  Jmr224

(I'm emailing you both)

And if you didn't win - "Home is Where My People Are" is on sale on Amazon.  And her last book is FREE on kindles!!! You may want to get that NOW! 

So what have we been up to lately?

Friday night our best friend Sarah Kate got casts on her legs to correct an issue so my girls came home and went in their room and gathered up a bunch of toys they thought might make her happy.  Then we took the toys and donuts to her Saturday morning.  I love that my girls are learning kindness and giving.

We had a babysitter Saturday afternoon so we could see "American Sniper".  We didn't go early enough and we had to sit on the front row which was not the best but the movie was amazing.  Such a powerful true story of what life is like for those who serve our country.  (Yes - the language is not great but the movie is so worth seeing.)  After seeing that and "Unbroken", I have such a renewed respect for all those who have fought for our freedom.  It's impossible not to.  I sat and bawled at the end of this movie.

Monday Hollis got an ear infection.  She's never had one so I guess we are lucky to have made it almost four years.  She did not feel great but we got her meds and she was back to her normal self by yesterday.  We just laid low for a couple of days. 

We have been dog sitting my parent's cocker spaniel for a few weeks while they have been out of town.  He and Dawson are a pair of grumpy old men who basically only quit napping to eat and bark occasionally.  And stalk me everywhere I go.  

Tomorrow is an exciting day for me for two reason.  I hit my third trimester and I'm going back to being a Stay at Home mom.  I've worked most of the past year part time (almost full time at times) and it has been great but I'm so thankful to go back to being at home.  I've developed a completely new appreciation for working moms.  I can't tell you how much I respect you.  It's HARD! (And staying home is tough in a different way but I will tell you - I won't complain ever again about being home).  I will work again in a few years but I'm glad to go back into retirement for a while.  

Yesterday the girls and I filmed a commerical for my OB-GYN's office who is turning 50.  I am so thankful for that clinic and especially my doctor who has helped me through infertility treatments, a miscarriage, and three pregnancies (and soon to be three deliveries).  It's a very special place for me. 

We filmed in a local news station and we got to meet our favorite weather man.  Of course I asked him where all of our snow was this year! ha! 

Harper pulled another tooth out at school yesterday so the tooth fairy came last night.  Harper has two teeth out and three more that are very loose.  I told her she might have to be on a liquid diet soon.  She's going to be gumming down food. 

This morning we met good friends for a donut date.  These two love being together and I love his momma! 

So that's what we have been up to! Hope your week is great! 

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