Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Wonderful Whatever Wednesday

This is a post of very random but wonderful things! :-) 

Yesterday Harper's class took a field trip to ride the Christmas train. And they also got to ride a school bus! ha! And wear pajamas! She was in heaven! Kindergarten is really the best! 

Thank goodness deer seem to be kind of "outdoor chic" these days! I actually love the look and have decided baby brother's room needs to be in gray and white deer decor.  These are just ideas - I don't have any of it yet.  I'm just at least thinking ahead.  Scott couldn't be happier to have a little boy with a deer room! :-) 

Beth Moore posted this on twitter last week and I made it last night.  Their family made it last week and apparently they can do more than just teach the Bible.  This is GOOD! Thought you might want the recipe because you can never have enough soup recipes in winter!

My friend Amanda works for a toy company and she gave my girls some Lum Lums to try out yesterday1 They are a new line of dolls that are so cute and they light up.  My girls ADORE anything that is a doll and/or lights up.  They have little animal friends who light up when they touch each other or the dolls.  It's ADORABLE!

My girls faces in this picture are so funny.  They played for two straight hours and this morning asked if they minute they got home from school could they play with the dolls again.  That's a Christmas miracle. 

If you are local - you need to bring your kids to the new toy store on the Bentonville Square this Saturday! Floressa (one of the dolls) will be there and will be leading a story time at 4.  My girls and I are going! We can't wait!  Tell your friends! 

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