Friday, November 08, 2013

What's on your Winter Reading List?

Today is all about Reading lists............

What are you reading? Looking for new books?

I'm not someone who does a lot of reading for fun even though I like to read.  I just don't make time for it often.

But I have a lot of friends who have recently had books come out and I have read them.  So if you are looking for might try these:  (and share your lists please!)

"A Million Little Ways - uncover the art you were made to live by"  by Emily Freeman.  Emily is such a gifted writer with a way with words and you will be inspired by this.  Emily writes

Notes from a Blue Bike by Tsh Oxenreider.  I read this recently on vacation and it's about living simply and intentionally.  Which sometimes I think I do the opposite of.  So much of it was so different than how I approach things but yet I feel like it really gave me a lot to think about to change habits in our family.  Tsh is the author of

I also read "Bread and Wine" by Shauna Niequiest on vacation.  This is a collection of stories of gathering your friends and family around the table and the meals that bring you together.  I was SALIVATING at all the foods she talked about and she includes a ton of recipes.  I actually was able to eat a meal recently with Shauna of several recipes in this book and it was TO DIE FOR.  I haven't hosted dinner parties in years and now I'm ready to invite friends over and cook!

"Women living well" by Courtney Joseph.  This book is all about finding joy in being a mother and wife.  It's an encouraging book to help you relish the family you have been given and in making your home a great place to be.

 I haven't read this yet but "The Greatest Gift" by Ann Voskamp should be on your Christmas list - only buy it now! It will inspire your Christmas season.  Ann is the kindest person I have ever met with a genuine love for our Saviour.  She is the biggest encourager I have ever met also.  I just love her and I'm dying to get my hands on this!

So what are you reading right now............

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