Wednesday, August 28, 2013

A Good Report and Some Fun news!

Harper had her tonsils and adenoids removed this morning.  We had to be there at 6. Her surgery was at 7.  The girls are VERY into super heros all the sudden so I told them we could get super hero shirts to wear to the hospital.  They were SO excited! We had both sets of grandparents here with us (except for my dad who is in India for 2 weeks training pastors).  

{You can probably guess what our family theme is for our Halloween costumes this year! I can't wait!}
{yes - I already have it planned out}

Harper was gone for about 35 minutes and then in recovery for about 20 or 30 minutes and then they let us go back.  I was warned that she would be really upset or irritable but she was all smiles. She even ate a popsicle and some ice cream and drank juice.  She took a nap and they let us go home! 

Harper kept asking if we could go home.  We didn't have to spend the night and she told me she never wanted to go back to that place. ha! Although everyone was very nice and it was so much easier than I could have dreamed.  I was a nervous wreck but it all went great.  She even got to hold her new kitty the entire time. 

I've been warned it's day 3 or 4 when things go downhill so I'm preparing for that but right now she's running around acting normal and asking for food.  

Thank you for your prayers - I just wanted to give a report.  Once we are through the next few weeks of recovery - I will report back for all of you who have said you may have to do this with your kids! I'm glad for everyone who gave me advice from their surgeries! 

I also wanted to share some exciting news! We have a really great magazine here in NWA that I have read for years and starting in October - I am going to have a monthly feature! I'm going to write it for moms and kids and talk about things to do in this area and just "mom stuff" in general! If you live in Arkansas or used to live in Arkansas or want to live in Arkansas some day (or maybe you are just curious about this corner of the world or do business here with a certain major retailer) - this is a magazine you need to check out!
You can also check it out on-line at

I will be sharing more about this in the feature but I thought it would be fun to tell you today!

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