Tuesday, May 07, 2013

My Unglued Moments

I am enjoying this series we have been doing for the last few months.  I love being able to read your posts on the subjects we are addressing and to be encouraged how we are all in the same boat ( for the most part!) 

Today is all about coming "Unglued".  

Now - I'm sure most of you are perfect mothers who NEVER lose your patience or have a bad moment. But you know I like to be as honest with y'all as possible and today is another one of those days. 

I'm a girl. I'm a basket of emotions and hormones and it's come to a hurricane level for me in the last year.  Having two kids close together in age as a VERY type A person has rocked my world. I love my girls more than life itself - so much it hurts. I know my life is SO very blessed. But having two little kids into everything, tearing up the house, constantly fighting and screaming and whining and I'm so unorganized (I'm constantly losing my keys or forgetting things because I don't have a minute in the day to have a complete thought) and I'm so tired (never sleep a full night) and my house is a mess and my laundry is never done and my car looks like Sanford and Sons.  Do you know this feeling?

I'm a type A control freak and my last year has had me completely out of control. It's just life with little ones and I know that it's just a season - but I find myself coming UNGLUED a lot more than I would like to admit. I've been so ashamed so much at how I snap at Scott at night or I get angry when Harper refuses to obey when I've asked her something 10 times in a row or when Hollis is whining all day and throwing those two year old fits constantly.  It seems to just make my emotions get even worse and my world to feel even more out of control when I don't like the way I've acted. I've been trying so hard this year to pray and have quiet times in the morning and try to get a handle on how I'm feeling.  (and the good moments FAR OUT WEIGH the bad......but I'm just being honest - I HATE who I am when I have those bad moments. I want to be sweet happy mom and wife all the time. I want to be Caroline Ingalls and Mrs. Duggar but there are times I'm just not).

I've learned to take deep breaths. I've learned to count to ten before I lose my temper. I choose to keep my mouth shut as much as possible when I want to snap at Scott (well I'm still working on that one.) (He's nodding his head).  I pray for patience a lot. I started going to the gym and that seems to release a lot of frustrations.  I count my blessings. I think that's the biggest one - perspective seems to change a lot of attitudes. 

So ......... Lysa Terkeurst is a Christian Author who has written a lot of books (you may have heard of "Made to Crave" and if you haven't - you might want to) and Bible Studies and is President of Proverbs 31 Ministries and she has a new book called "Unglued".  I feel as like God kind of hit me over the head with this book. WOW - I needed to read this.  I read these words early on and the tears were flowing.....

"I know what it's like to praise God one minute and in the next minute yell and scream at my kid"

I got the honor of being on a webcast with Lysa on this very subject last year.  She was so gracious and so encouraging. 

We have the privilege of giving away a bundle to one of you this week.  If you have Unglued moments  - I think this will be an encouragement to you. 

By simply commenting below
You may enter here and also over at Erin, Courtney or Jennifer’s site until Friday at midnight (1 winner picked per blog – 4 winners total. Bundle includes Unglued Book, Unglued devotional and key tags. Discounted here if interested in buying.)

I hope you will link up and share about how you handle your "Unglued" moments. 
And leave a comment to win this awesome bundle of encouragment! 

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