Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Train a child

Train up a Child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.  Prov 22:6

I am NOOOOOOOOOOO parent expert. I will not be writing any books on parenting any time in the next 30 years. Or ever.  My children don't sleep through the night even at 2 and 4. They don't eat many vegetables.  They probably watch too much TV. And they aren't reading chapter books by age 4.  They can't recite all the states or presidents.  

But they are sweet.

And happy.

And they have good manners.

And they love Jesus.  

And honestly - those are the things that matter to me. 

The most important thing to me with my girls is that grow to have a relationship with Jesus. I've had people ask me on here "but what if they don't?"  My answer is obviously - I will love them no matter what but we learn from a very early age about Jesus and they will be in church every time the doors are opened. Church is NOT an option in our family. They will learn to love God's word and that they can talk to Him about everything.  They will hopefully see it in action in their parents and grandparents. They will sing songs about Jesus. They will learn about serving others and giving more than they receive. They will learn how much Jesus loves them.

And I pray over them night and day that they will have a passion that burns in them to know God and to make Him known.

And if after all that - they choose not to follow Him - I will just continue to pray that they will know the greatest love and hope and joy they can ever know.   Someone who loves them 10,000,000 times more than I ever can.

Both of my girls love to pray.  I love when Harper will remind us if we don't pray.  Just today - we were coming home from Bible Study this morning and the girls were fighting in the back and suddenly Harper said " Hollis - we need to be sweet to each other.  Let's stop right now and pray." And she started praying for them.  I don't think my heart could be any happier.
I try to take any chance I can get to talk to Harper especially (because she is older and understands more now) about God.  We pray when she is scared or when she is mad about something.
This is my FAVORITE kid's Bible.  It tells the stories from the Bible in such a great way for kids.  It's a little over Harper's head but we are reading through it and she LOVES it.  She asks to read it at night.

One thing I need to work on more is to start teaching Harper more Bible verses.  I haven't done that a lot yet but she is getting to an age she can do it.  I have heard Seeds Worship is a great source for CD's with scripture put to songs that helps kids learn the Bible.  Harper will start AWANA at church next year.  I didn't think she was QUITE ready this year so we are waiting a year.  Kids learn a LOT of Bible versese through AWANA!

I don't think you can pour Jesus into your kids too much.  Some of you may think I'm a fanatic. And maybe I am.  But when you think about all God has done for you - how could you not be?

What are ways you teach your kids about God?

I have no greater joy than to know my children are walking in the truth.  3 John 1:4

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