Wednesday, January 23, 2013

What Not To Wear

I may be almost 40 and mother of two toddlers ........but I DO like to try and keep up with what the cool kids are wearing.  I don't want to be that lady in her 50's who is trying to look 20 but I like to at least TRY to be somewhat in style.  I have to keep in mind my body shape and what just won't work for me and there are things I tend to wear more of - like tunics and leggings and boots because they are comfortable and work with my lifestyle.

I was thinking about some current fashion trends I have been noticing and there are a few I just can't get on board with no matter how cute they are on others.  I'm not knocking any of these things - they work for a lot of people.  I just can't make it happen.

(These pictures all came from pinterest)

 The Peplum top

Now I actually really like this look.  I liked it in the late 80's when a lot of my dresses had the peplum.  But I've had two kids and my hips show it.  And the peplum is not a friend to my big hips.  

I mean really - who doesn't like scarfs??? 

Why do they look so adorable on everyone but I have tried for 5 years and I am just NOT a scarf girl. 

I've noticed a huge trend on painting your 3rd finger a different color or pattern.  This is super cute on a lot of people. 
But my OCD just can't handle it.  

I feel like the Piko top is THE it thing of 2012. 

And everyone LOVES them and they look adorable on everyone. 

But I'm certain they would make me look 5 months pregnant and I just can't get on this trend. 

Oh mercy - I have noticed they are really trying to push flowered jeans/pants for spring. 

1985 called? 

I don't need to draw that much attention to my lower half. 

What do you think? 

What are some trends you just can't jump on board with???? 

I'm waiting for Big Hair to come back with Aqua Net in hand. ;-) 

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