Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Are you ready for some football?????

I was going to blog about something totally different today but I just can't help it. I saw these little cards on facebook and twitter and LOVED them. I've seen all kinds of cute razorback outfits (and other teams) popping up on facebook stores and I follow a ton of football and SEC twitter accounts and the football talk is ramping up and I'm just getting so excited.

I know we are about 7 or 8 weeks away but....................

This is totally me
(and I think that should be spelled "genteel")
And this cracks me up. 

Are you getting ready for football season? I'm SOOO excited. The Razorbacks are set to have an amazing year. Or we could lose all our games. You never know. :-)
And I'm excited to see how this new SEC works out - welcome Aggies and Mizzou!
 Either way Saturdays in the fall are just the best.

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