Wednesday, June 06, 2012

First day, A commercial and recently

Harper and Hollis are going to one day a week of MDO this summer. Today was their first day.  Doesn't Harper look big in this picture. Hollis was off and running. I was so excited for them but my stomach was in knots. I wasn't sure how they would do but they both ran in their rooms and started playing and there were no tears.

I'm SO thankful to have 6 hours a week to get appointments done and cleaning done so we can play. I also have 8 projects I want to do this summer and I'm hoping to get at least one done a week.  Plus Harper has been asking all week to go to "school" so I think they will both love it!

I had to pack their bags and lunches last night. I love seeing this! So cute! I am having a busy day - I had to meet with our media director at church about women's ministry and then ran home to meet the KNWA team at my house to film a promo commercial.

I had a script. A SCRIPT.  I don't think the Oscars will be calling me and if you live in NWA - please don't laugh if you see me on TV.  Also - check out Around the Town - we are featuring Vintage Glam & Junque and Hammontree's today!
 I thought I would share just some images from our week. Harper loves to run and get in Hollis' bed when she wakes up from her nap. They play and look out the window. SO sweet.

Monday I met this sweet girl Ashley for lunch.  Ashley and I have become blogging friends. She went to OBU too and now lives in Ohio and her family is in the ministry. She has such a sweet heart for the Lord.  She has two little girls who are 3 and 2.  They were in town visiting family and she brought Annabelle with her.

 She and Harper had a big time. They were running around and I think they would be good friends!
 I feel like one of the cool kids because I broke down and bought a pair of Chaco's and I LOVE them. I desperately needed some kind of sandals I could wear walking and at the splash park and to the beach. These are so comfy and I will probably wear them every day.  Cheap little flip flops won't stay on my feet and I need something I can chase two busy girls in! So I'm excited. They may not be high heels but it fits my life!
The girls and I got our first snow cone of the year this week! I love snow cones! Tigers Blood is my favorite! yum! I love summer!

On a very sad note - a little girl I asked you to pray for a while back, Lucy, who was diagnosed with cancer has had her cancer come back and they have been given little hope or time. My stomach is just in knots today because I can't imagine how that family feels. I know there are thousands of families all over who have kids dealing with serious illnesses and I can't begin to understand. Will you PLEASE pray for this family? Sometimes I don't even know how to pray but God knows how to listen.

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