Thursday, March 29, 2012

Things I never used that I thought I would when I had a baby

This is the third in a series of posts I'm writing on mothering for Huggies and BlogHer.

Today I'm writing about products you DON'T need for a baby. (Actually - this is just a list of things I thought I might need but didn't)  Of course, this is all TOTALLY just my opinion. There will be mothers everywhere who will probably disagree on all my points. And the thing to remember is each baby is different - something that works great for one child may not work at all for the next.  There are probably a lot of things y'all didn't use that I LOVED. ha!
(Update: and I'm reading your comments and laughing because most of you are saying you could have lived without a baby bathtub and that was something I used SO much and couldn't have lived without! ha! EVERY baby and family is different! Amen!)

These are just a few things that I found I really didn't need.

1.  Wipes warmer.  It sounds great - warm up the wipes for the baby so you don't have to put those cold wipes on their bottom.  The downfall is you will change diapers on the go as much as you will at home and this is not practical. If you get the baby used to warm wipes at home, it might make for VERY uncomfortable changes on the go.

2.  The Bumbo seat.  I had this for both my girls, and while it helped with pictures for a few weeks before they could sit on their own, it really wasn't worth the money to me.  Neither of my girls liked it and wouldn't sit in it for more than about 1 minute at a time.  I probably didn't get 5 uses out of it with either girl. 

3. This may surprise people, but I really didn't use burp cloths.  I hate it because I got a zillion cute monogrammed burp cloths with both girls. I used them  with Harper, but with Hollis I never used one.  She really didn't spit up or drool and I just never had a need for one.  (I think I'm listing this because one day it occurred to me that Hollis turned one and I never once used a burp cloth and I couldn't believe it. I did use them a lot of with Harper because she spit up and had reflux).

4.  This is totally probably just my children, but I had the cutest little play mat and both my girls HATED it. I got no use out of it and ended up donating it to my church.  I think it's worth a try but my girls would just cry if I put them anywhere near it.

What are some of the things you got for baby and didn't use? I'd love to hear your answers!
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