Monday, February 06, 2012

Blue Door Boutique Give Away

So - I had a funny morning! The local news station called me on Friday and asked if they could come to my house today and interview me about the SUYL Singles!! ha ha! Can you imagine how chawed I was? The morning anchor came today and interviewed me. It should be on Thursday morning for all you locals (KNWA).  They are also interviewing one of the couple's who are engaged and getting married in two weeks.  So fun! And so crazy! (If I can - I'll post a little clip once it airs!)
So I spent all morning trying to get my house clean and keep it clean with two little helpers constantly trying to un-do it all. And I had recently bought a dress with a coupon code I had from the Blue Door Boutique so I decided to wear that.

What is also fun - is the Blue Door contacted me on Friday also and wanted to know if I wanted to do a give away for them. Y'all know I'm not a fan of give aways - BUT they had a great offer and I thought some of you would probably love to get a new outfit or two. I got the maxi dress above there also (a lot of you were asking on one of my recent posts).  I'm a big fan of the maxi when you aren't too "mini".  If you know what I'm saying.  

The Blue Door Boutique has SUPER cute clothes. I follow them on facebook and they put up new clothes constantly and then you can go over to the website and order if you see something that catches your eye!

I'm giving away .............THREE $100 gift cards!!!! Whoo whoo!

If you are interested - go to and fill out the new fan referral form and also leave me a comment! If you already liked blue door and filled out the form last time I had a give away - just leave me a comment!

The contest will run until Friday the 17th. I will draw the winners that night!

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