Thursday, October 06, 2011

We had a small play group over at my friend Laurie's today.  It was really fun.  Our kids played really well and we were able to sit and visit.  I could have stayed all day if my girls didn't need lunch and naps.

My friend Amanda wrote a great blog post recently HERE (she has finally started blogging a lot so you have to visit her and leave her comments and encourage her to keep it up) and I loved what she said. I've been thinking lately that it's so nice to have so many great friends in my same season of life.
I've talked a lot about the parenting classes we are in and I'm learning so much.   I love getting instruction and we get that from our parents too.

But probably the best thing for me as a mother is to have a group of friends in it with me who can be completely honest and say "This is what my kid is doing right now and how I'm dealing with it."  It does two great things - gives me ideas of how to handle situations but also helps me to know "Okay - I'm not the only crazy one. I'm not alone.  I thought their house was perfect but they have similar struggles".  WHEW - what a relief.
I know how rare and special it is to have a group of friends to share life with.  It's not the "real housewives" from Bravo TV.  There is no drama - we are just moms who love our children, husbands and our God and we love sharing everything from the best coupons to the best diapers to how to potty train to how God is working on our lives.
My prayer daily is that in 12 years - we will still be sitting around our kitchens laughing and talking and our kids will all still be hanging out.  Only instead of diapers and tantrums we can figure out how to handle dating and teenage angst together.

Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. 1 Thess 5:11

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