Thursday, August 25, 2011

Strolling Around

This summer was kind of busy so I felt like I really didn't see much of my friends.  We kind of close up shop on so many things in the summer and I miss it but this week I've had a few fun things and it's been nice.  It's hard to admit the summer is basically over.

Tuesday night we had a shower for my friend Mary Avery.  She just had her third little boy Noah and he is so cute.  My friend Robin made the cute cookies.  Robin is about to have a baby and has quit making cookies for now and I'm a little sad about that!
I took Hollis and was so busy with her that I never got around to taking any pictures except this one of my sweet friend Bethany holding her.  I'm thankful for all my friends who love on my babies.
Harper had school yesterday and then I got this little missy dressed up to go to a surprise birthday lunch.
My friend Rachel (holding Hollis) turned 29 yesterday.  She is one of my very favorite people in the world so I was excited to celebrate her birthday with her.  We ate lunch at Mimi's and it was really fun.  Hollis was NOT thrilled to be there so I stood up a lot and had to leave early but I was still happy to be there.  Maegan with Rachel is our youth minister's wife and she is a gift to the youth.  She is SO fun!
Me and my friend Vonda
Neely and Lela and our friend Ashley.  Ashley teaches youth too and is SO sweet and pretty. She always has a huge smile on her face.  She is just so sweet to be around. 
Krista, Jordan and Janet.  Janet and Jordan (mother and daughter) work in our youth department at church too.  I'm so excited to be surrounded by so many great people as I teach the youth this year!

Okay - so many of you have emailed me or FB'd me or tweeted me to ask about my stroller and if I like it.

I seriously think I spent more time debating a double stroller than I did picking a college, a wedding dress, a house, etc.  I wish I was kidding.  I thought about it for months. I couldn't decide if I needed one and then I couldn't decide what kind. There are too many choices.  And they aren't cheap so I wanted to use my money wisely.

I'm going to tell you about mine - but like everything else in mothering - this is what works best for OUR family - it may not be best for yours. 

We got a City Mini Double Jogging Stroller. I love it. Let me tell you the reasons why and why not:

1 . It is NOT good for shopping.  I knew I wouldn't use a double stroller for shopping.  I only take both girls to Target or Wal-Mart these days and I rarely go to any other stores but if I do I got on MDO days and just take Hollis.  So if you need a shopping stroller - this is not it. It's too wide.

2. I knew Harper would hate the kind that goes in a row because she wouldn't want to be crowded behind Hollis and a sit and stand would be a nightmare because she wouldn't stay on it.  This works perfect because even though a car seat couldn't go on it - you can put a pretty small infant - they strap in well and you can recline one seat all the way so Hollis has been able to nap in it a lot.  I also like how the cover pulls so far over so I can keep them out of the sun. 

3. I mainly use mine for walking or things like going to the farmer's market or splash park or if we went to the zoo or disney world or something like that.  If that's what you are looking for - this is great. It's light weight and folds up easy. 

4.  The basket underneath is small and it's hard to get to.  I hang my bag on the handle even though it says not to.  And I wish it had a cup holder. I think you can buy that in addition and I may look into it. 

5.  I found mine on a clearance sale for a good deal.  Shop around online.  It took a long time for me to pull the trigger but I'm so glad I did.  The girls LOVE it and even Hollis who is a little on the fussy side these days - is compeletly content on walks. 

I hope that helps!

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