We have been gone the last few weekends so it's been nice to just be home and enjoy our little town in the summer! Even if it's HOT, HOT, HOT! It's July I guess!

Friday we went to the splash park. Seriously - I know I'm biased- but could this swimsuit and those pigtails/dog ears be ANY cuter???? I got a little worried though because there were a group of about five 6 year old boys playing with a beach ball and running around and guess what little 2 year old girl was right in the middle playing with them? I don't even know what to think about that. She is something else!

This isn't a great picture (I just used my phone this weekend) but we have a gorgeous walking trail in our town and we decided to take a late afternoon walk. We got snow cones first. It was just a great afternoon. We came and I cooked dinner and we just had a normal Friday night. Scott didn't feel good so he and the girls were all in bed by 8:30. I had some quiet time with me and "Say Yes to the Dress ATL". ha!

This is a little embarrassing but too funny not to share. Harper had been in the bathroom with me Saturday morning and then ran to her room and when I went in there to check on her - she was serving Micky and Minnie panty liners for breakfast. ha ha ha! There is never a dull moment in our house.

Scott was working in the yard Saturday morning so I took the girls to our town's farmer's market. This is probably one of my most favorite things but I don't do good about ever getting us up and ready to go. It's SOOO fun! We walked around the square looking at everything and even saw a few friends.

I didn't buy any food or flowers because I really didn't have any way to carry them or to keep them but I did find this cute frame that I love. I'm going to put it in our living room!

The splash park is just off our town square so we headed there next and Harper had a great time playing! I love for her to play there in the mornings because it makes for great naps!
I reclined the stroller and sweet little sister took a great nap in the shade while we were there. We came home and ate lunch and BOTH girls went down for naps and I was able to get some things done around the house! Yeay!
Tonight Scott and I had a date night. We had a sweet lady in our church watch Harper and we took Hollis with us. The lady has a little girl who is 7 or 8 and Harper LOVED her and had the BEST time. She thought she was just there for a play date and didn't want to come home! We tried out a new restaurant on our town square. I love "non-chain" restaurants and this one just recently opened and I've been dying to try it. It's called Tusk and Trotter (two parts of a pig - it's in reference to the Razorabacks). My dream job other than Erin Andrew's job - would be to work for Southern Living or the Food Network and travel the south eating at hometown restaurants and then writing about them. I wouldn't call me a "foodie" but we do love us some food! If you live local - this is a great place to try. It's a little expensive - not your normal Chili's/Olive Garden night out - but really good food. They DO have lunch which is cheaper and a Sunday brunch including CARROT CAKE WAFFLES. That sounds so good I want to go there tomorrow after church! They make the best bread and flavored butter themselves and most of their other stuff was homemade and locally grown. It was really good and a fun night for us. And Hollis slept through it.
Tomorrow we are working in the nursery at church and then I have a meeting in the afternoon for VBS. I am helping all week at VBS. I'm very excited. I know I will be exhausted. But the good news is Harper and Hollis should be too and I'm hoping we can ALL take naps in the afternoons!
Dorothy couldn't have said it better..........."There's NO place like HOME!"