Their outfits make me keep saying "He's her Lobster!" to myself over and over. (who knows that TV reference?)
We met a couple of friends today at a bounce place to get out some energy in the air conditioning. How cute is little Miles? He's so sweet and calm!
Jennifer and Brody
Jillian was very interested in Hollis. Hollis was smiling at Jillian (not in this picture). Maybe they will be friends one day!Jennifer and Emily. It was fun to play and visit and I think we all achieved our ultimate goal - good afternoon naps for the toddlers!
Brody and Harper (don't worry Daddy - they didn't kiss). There is a Brody at our church who Harper LOVES. She talks about him ALL the time with a gleam in her eye. So I told her this morning we were going to play with Brody. She may have been a little sad to see it wasn't the Brody she thought but I think she wasn't too disappointed because this Brody is equally as cute! It may be a hard choice in about 14 more years!
Also - you may have noticed a new summer look for my blog! I added some page links at the top to help you get my contact info and also a SUYL page - where you can directly go to each topic! I hope that helps you when you want to find a fun topic we've done in the past!!! Danielle did my blog and she wanted to let you know the following:
Hi. Danielle of Danielle Moss Graphic Design and Photography and the blog Breakfast at Toast here! I am so excited that Kelly is letting me share a special offer with her readers! I would like to offer you all $15 credit toward any a la carte extras when you purchase a blog makeover package or $10 off my blog makeover package when purchased without any extras.

I would also like to invite you to enter a giveaway on my design blog!
These offers are good through Monday, July 11th! Here are two of my favorite pre-mades. The first one can be customized with your own photos!

And on a slightly more serious note, I wanted to take a moment to share something very important with you. Sun Savvy was recently launched to promote sun safety. Please take a moment to stop by, read why we started Sun Savvy + take the pledge to take care of your skin!