Sunday, June 05, 2011

Old Friends and New Friends

 We have had a wonderful weekend.  Our Friday was really nice.  I got these two little pretties dressed up in pink because Mommy had friends coming to visit.  Friday morning - Harper woke up saying " Mommy!!! Come Here!!! (she shouted that) and then she would say in the sweetest voice "She's coming. She's coming" like she was telling all her stuffed animals.  She did that several times before I went and it made me laugh so much.
 This picture just cries out "SQUEEZE ME!"
 Two of my best friends from college came up from Little Rock to see me and meet Hollis.  They came when Harper was a baby too.  Twenty years ago this fall - we moved into the same dorm at OBU as freshmen and I'm so thankful that all this time later - we are still friends.  Leigh Ann and Kandi are two of my sweetest friends.  I just wish I saw them more often! And they both have the best husbands who they dated while we were in college so I've known them both 20 years.  Lance is Kandi's husband and he makes me laugh so hard - always has.  He sent me a message Friday morning and wanted to know if he could get a shout out on the blog! Lance West - I'm so glad you asked Kandi out all those years ago!!!
 Here are the 3 of us my sophomore year.  Can you tell it was 1992? ha!

 I asked a sweet teenage girl from our church to come over and play with Harper while we went to lunch.  I knew she would have SO much more fun this way (I was right - she had a BLAST) and we were able to visit.  Harper loves ANYONE so it's so easy to get a babysitter right now because I know she will love playing with someone new.

Saturday we had a low key day.  It is so hot here already for June so we just stayed inside and didn't do much of anything.  Just enjoyed being home.
I dressed up the girls alike this morning but we were running late for church so I couldn't take their picture together and after church Hollis was asleep and Harper was running wild so this is the best shot I could take of her.  I thought she looked adorable.  She looks to me like she should be on a page of "Southern Living" right next to a recipe for pecan pie. :-)

 This afternoon we headed to a birthday party for my friend Ashley's little girl Avery.  
 It was at the Little Gym and Harper had the BEST time.  I think I may need to get her in a gymnastics class. She LOVES hanging from the bars and flipping and walking the balance beam.  She might be the next Mary Lou Retton?
 It's a little complicated balancing two kids at the party and trying to take pictures.  I could lay down and take a nap after birthday parties these days - they are tiring! Sweet Hollis will be down running around one of these days.
 Harper loved flipping on the bars!
I had a good time at this party because there were a lot of nice moms that I don't normally get to visit with that I talked to.  So fun!
 The precious birthday girl!!! 
 Our favorite part of any party - CUPCAKES!!!!
The theme was Paul Frank and it was so original and cute. Ashley is an amazing party thrower!!

We have some fun things planned this week and I"m looking forward to it.  Is it hot where you are? Our main goal is trying not to burn up! :-)

Don't forget to enter the American Express 6% cash back card $600 gift card giveaway on my review blog:  I will be drawing a winner and posting some of the great recipes tomorrow night on here!!!! 

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