Monday, February 14, 2011

Memory Book

I am the WORLD'S worst when it comes to scrapbooking or journaling. Blogging seriously is the best thing that has happened to me because without it - I wouldn't have written down anything over the last 5 years and now it's all at my fingertips.
Before Harper was born - I set out to make her this wonderful baby book. I worked very hard on it.........and then never touched it once we got home from the hospital. So last year I decided to use an on-line website and make her a "Baby Book".  I made a copy for us and for both sets of grandparents. It's one of my biggest treasures.
So I have decided that every year - I will make EACH girl her own book - outlining her life that year.  We keep our pictures cataloged by day which makes it easy and I use my blog as a reference. It takes time but I think it's so worth it. And it makes a great present for the grandparents! ha!
Last year I finished Harper's by her birthday but I'm a little slower this year and just got year two done. Just in time to start working on year 3 for Harper and year 1 for Hollis.

I thought I would share a little of Harper's book with you! You have been along with us for the last year anyway! Her book is around 100 pages. It's hard to pick and choose - but I mostly took the highlights.

Clearly this is a big day in any good SEC fan's life! ha!

Such a happy day!
I had to put this in there - it makes me laugh! This better be her last kiss until she's 25, Jennifer! :-) (She couldn't have picked a cuter boy to kiss!)

One of our happiest days this year!
I did a big picture and page for each month where I took the highlights of the posts I did for her each month on my blog telling what she was up to that month.  I LOVE having this - because if I hadn't blogged it - I would have NO idea what she was doing each month or how she was growing or changing!
I don't want to forget all her sweet outfits! :-)

I used to make my book but I know there are other great sites like shutterfly, inkubook, blurb, etc where you can do the same thing! (I used the coupon code BABYSBOOK and saved about 25% off my total order at snapfish)

How do you record your family memories??????

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