Tuesday, January 11, 2011

30 weeks

(I have NO idea what my hair is doing today. It's a snow day so I didn't dry it and had pulled it back and it's just a disaster. So just in case you are wondering - this isn't my new style! ha)

I'm 30 weeks!

Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 30 Weeks
Size of baby: Hollis is the size of a head of cabbage
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained 13 lbs
(Yes - it's weird that I haven't gained much. I gained 35 with Harper but this time around I'm so busy chasing Harper and I never snack because I'm so busy.......but you can't tell by looking at me. Who knows???)
Maternity Clothes: I wear maternity jeans and pants but everything else is regular.
Gender: It's a girl!!! Hollis Barrett Stamps
Movement: I've been feeling the baby a lot more lately!
Sleep: I'm sleeping pretty good!
What I miss: Nothing really - maybe sleeping on my stomach?  Or bending over? ha!
Cravings: I'm just hungry - I don't have specific cravings. I don't really want sweets.
Symptoms: Mostly tiredness, a few Braxton Hicks, I'm starting to waddle, a few other things I would never say on the internet. ha!
Best Moment this week: Putting Hollis' crib together and getting her room almost done!

I am starting to feel like I'm about 38 weeks pregnant. I can barely get around and I lose my breath and by the end of the day I'm just almost in pain.  I feel like I'm so much bigger this time but in this picture I feel like I look about the same. Which is good news. I don't mind being big - it's just that 12 lb baby I keep picturing in my head! ha!

I wanted to share this. I had ordered this frame to hang above Hollis' dresser. I love how it turned out.  I wanted a special Bible verse to be in her room. I used two of my very favorites (Eph 3:20 and Psalm 37:4) in Harper's room and my all time favorite verse in their bathroom (Zephaniah 3:17).  I wanted a verse that would really express how I feel about Hollis.  And this verse came to mind (the I in the second line is hidden) and just seemed to be perfect.  Harper was the child we prayed for for years and again when she was born and Hollis is the child God surprised me with and every time I think of her - I'm SO thankful that He blessed me twice! I will never be able to look at her (or Harper) and not praise God for blessing me more than I honestly ever deserve.
I got the frame here: http://www.prairielaneboutique.com/

We were supposed to start a new semester of women's Bible Study this morning and I have been SO looking forward to it but it snowed more last night and school was out so it got cancelled.  I love being snowed in but snow days with a toddler (or more than one) take on a whole new meaning.  Especially when a certain toddler will only take an hour nap and was up at 5:45 this morning.  Apparently she didn't get the memo that on snow days you sleep in.  I think some of you moms can identify with me. I think Scott knew I already had a bad case of cabin fever so he got us out at lunch and took us to Old Navy. He needed a new pair of jeans and Harper wanted to see her her BFF.  Y'all remember how much I loved the mannequin that was in an old house in our town? Well Harper and I apparently share a love for mannequins. I think if I could buy this little girl for her I would. She even made me hug her. That wasn't embarrassing. ha!

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