After a VERY H-O-T summer, a big storm blew in last night and left us with amazing fall weather today in the 70's. It has been gorgeous!!! I double heart fall with a big passion!
And after a rough last few days of sickness and no sleep - Harper went to MDO today and I expected it to be a bad day. But when I picked her up they said she had a great day. Her report card said she was all smiles today and she was in a great mood.
Mother's Day Out has turned out to be an ENORMOUS blessing! I feel like Harper is getting to have time away from me to play and have different activities and be around other kids and I finally feel like I'm not so crazy. For the last few months I have felt so overwhelmed and crazed. I never get anything done and it makes me feel very anxious. This week I've been able to clean and organize and it makes my time with her at home better. I'm just so thankful!So we headed out on this gorgeous day to get a cupcake to celebrate a good day and as we sat and ate and Harper was so happy and having so much fun and Chris Tomlin was singing "You and I are made to worship" in the background - I seriously started crying right in the middle of the cupcake shop. Yes - I know it's mostly hormones. But it's also just an overwhelming feeling of thankfulness for this sweet life I've been given.
I just want to freeze frame this moment in time with my sweet little girl and never forget it. I know when I'm old and gray (well.........older and grayer) .........I won't forget all the sleep I lost or how tired I was or the times when Harper drove me crazy by pulling out every pot and pan in our house and banging them together or how many dirty diapers I have changed. I will remember those sweet days of knowing she had a good day and we shared a cupcake and the precious look on her face. And I will smile and thank God again for blessing me WAY beyond what I deserve.
A Month Gone.
3 years ago