Scott and I decided we wanted to do something fun with Harper so we thought we would take a little mini trip to Branson, MO after leaving my parents and spend the night. We thought it would be fun to take Harper to Silver Dollar city (an amusement park).
We are GENIUSES! We went there on a day with a heat index of 105 and 99% of the rides - you have to be 36 inches to ride. We missed it by 1.5 inches. It was probably the worst idea we have ever had. I have never been so hot or miserable in my life.(I just looked at this picture and laughed - only in AR/MO or (TX/MS/LA/GA/AL) would I be riding around with my sweet little bow-headed 18 month old - and she's holding a gun. ha!)
We only rode one ride - the flooded mine. We managed to ride it twice. We walked around the park and ate lunch and then after about two hours couldn't take it any longer. So we paid a fortune to be hot and worn out. Oh well.

After we left there - we tried to find the hotel we had booked and we got so lost. It wouldn't show up on our GPS and the address we were given was wrong. After an hour - we finally found it.

We ate breakfast this morning and then visited the outlet malls but it was too hot to even shop so we came home. I'm worn out from our little four day trip. I need a day at home to rest! And I need for it to cool off!!! This weather is doing me in!
On a sad note - I had tweeted and FB'd about a little girl, Leightyn, who was found unconscious on Friday morning and sadly she passed away on Saturday of an agressive brain tumor. I can't stop thinking about her. And then today I found out a little boy, Walker Rainey, who is just a little younger than Harper and who has been battling cancer for a year passed away this morning. I have been following his story and praying for him. It's SO hard to imagine parents losing their child. I can't fathom how that feels. Please pray for these families and all those who have lost children. And hug your kids a little tighter tonight.