Well we finished up swimming lessons today and Harper did pretty good. It was mostly a class about getting used to the water and I think she liked it. I hope we can take again next year - I think she will do even better.
We had to run home, eat lunch, get dressed and run back out the door because Harper had her 18 month checkup today. She is right on track developmentally and everything looked great! She has had a growth spurt and I'm writing down her stats so I can remember:
Height - 34.5 inches - 98%
Weight - 31 lbs 3 oz - 98%
Head - 49.5 cm - 98%
That's right - she is 98% on everything. She's a big girl! We saw the nurse practitioner today and she made us feel good and that we should see her even out in the next 6 months to a year. I'm thankful for a healthy baby!
This weekend is an exciting one because my dad is being honored for 25 years as a pastor at his church. He went to that church right out of seminary and has been there all this time. That is a huge achievement. It is VERY rare for a pastor to stay at one church that long. I think it speaks a lot for my parents but it also speaks VOLUMES for the church. Most churches run their pastors away after about 10 years. ha! My parents have been blessed to serve in their church and I know they feel very loved. My brother and his wife and our family are all going home to be there! I'm looking forward to it!
Have a good weekend!