I don't know about where you live - but it's like summer time here this week. It was in the high 80's today and it's been SO beautiful. We have LIVED outside this week which has been a nice change from being cooped up all winter. We met our friends for a play date at a new park this afternoon. Harper HATES the swings. She is scared to death. We tried but it didn't work. But she loves running around and climbing up stairs and sliding down. I am thankful our town has so many nice parks because we are going to be living there this summer.
Caryn, Sophia, Laurie and Emily "just a swinging"
Amber, Vonda and their boys hanging out. I didn't get a picture of everyone but we had a nice big group.
Love these two sweet girls
Later this afternoon - Harper and I went to another park to check it out. I'm doing a city tour apparently. Harper is SO social. She kept running over to a group of mothers to wave and talk and I was SOOOO "chawed". There was a little kid playground and a big kid playground and Harper of course wanted to be with the big kids. She kept running over to it and just gawking at the big kids (especially the boys. Oh DEAR) This morning we went to an audiologist to have Harper's hearing tested. We think she can hear just fine but her pediatrician and I are concerned she has fluid in her ears that might be muffling her hearing. Unfortunately since she is getting over an ear infection - it messed with her test so we are going back in a few weeks to check again. Harper is extremely bright and interactive and responsive and engaged but she doesn't say many words. I'm positive she doesn't have any delays - I just think she will be a kid who talks a little later or she may need tubes and that will open up her vocabulary. Or as my dad told me once "She just can't get a word in because you talk so much" ha! I have spent every day all day talking to her all her little life. But she did give me an early Mother's day gift. She FINALLY started saying "momma" yesterday. I thought she said it a while back but I think it was a one time fluke. She has been saying it a lot the last 2 days. I finally got her to say it on video. This is for me more than anyone. I've been waiting to be called "momma" for a VERY, VERY long time ........more than just the last 15.5 months. It's a sound I pray so many of you will hear for yourselves soon! :-)
Tomorrows "SUYL" is Kid's names - how you came up with them, what are you future names you have picked out? I'll have that post up in the morning sometime!
I don't know about where you live - but it's like summer time here this week. It was in the high 80's today and it's been SO beautiful. We have LIVED outside this week which has been a nice change from being cooped up all winter. We met our friends for a play date at a new park this afternoon. Harper HATES the swings. She is scared to death. We tried but it didn't work. But she loves running around and climbing up stairs and sliding down. I am thankful our town has so many nice parks because we are going to be living there this summer.
Caryn, Sophia, Laurie and Emily "just a swinging"
Amber, Vonda and their boys hanging out. I didn't get a picture of everyone but we had a nice big group.
Love these two sweet girls
Later this afternoon - Harper and I went to another park to check it out. I'm doing a city tour apparently. Harper is SO social. She kept running over to a group of mothers to wave and talk and I was SOOOO "chawed". There was a little kid playground and a big kid playground and Harper of course wanted to be with the big kids. She kept running over to it and just gawking at the big kids (especially the boys. Oh DEAR) This morning we went to an audiologist to have Harper's hearing tested. We think she can hear just fine but her pediatrician and I are concerned she has fluid in her ears that might be muffling her hearing. Unfortunately since she is getting over an ear infection - it messed with her test so we are going back in a few weeks to check again. Harper is extremely bright and interactive and responsive and engaged but she doesn't say many words. I'm positive she doesn't have any delays - I just think she will be a kid who talks a little later or she may need tubes and that will open up her vocabulary. Or as my dad told me once "She just can't get a word in because you talk so much" ha! I have spent every day all day talking to her all her little life. But she did give me an early Mother's day gift. She FINALLY started saying "momma" yesterday. I thought she said it a while back but I think it was a one time fluke. She has been saying it a lot the last 2 days. I finally got her to say it on video. This is for me more than anyone. I've been waiting to be called "momma" for a VERY, VERY long time ........more than just the last 15.5 months. It's a sound I pray so many of you will hear for yourselves soon! :-)
Tomorrows "SUYL" is Kid's names - how you came up with them, what are you future names you have picked out? I'll have that post up in the morning sometime!