Today we had Play Group at Jaimi's house. This is her and precious Jordyn!

She had a little birthday party for her son Jackson who just turned 4! It was Mickey Mouse! Harper LOVES Mickey Mouse (does she want to be a EEE? ha!) She likes to watch it and we like to dance to the "hot dog" song. ha!

Isn't that Mickey cake so cute? Jaimi's sister Jessica (above with her son Landon) made it! All by hand - no Mickey pan or anything? How are some people so talented??

Jackson was feeding Harper. She likes any one who will give her food. ha!

Kade and Harper. They are so cute because they have kind of the same coloring and are both little chubby monkeys. At one point they were hugging each other and I just missed taking their picture. I didn't get a good picture of my friend Ginger or Karen but they were there too.

Here is a question: Harper is SOOOOO busy these days. She is running/walking all over the house and constantly into things. She doesn't like to just sit and play. She wants to pull things out of the pantry or get in drawers or something. She normally naps in the morning and that's when I get ready but on days when we have to be somewhere or she won't nap - I have such a hard time getting ready. I filled my bottom drawer in our bathroom with toys but she has no interest. My mom suggested putting her in our tub and using it as a playpen. (I'm not a bath person so I have never used this tub except maybe once when we first moved in). This worked great for about 10 minutes and then she just stood at the edge and cried. And THEN she turned the water on. UGH! How do you ever get ready to go anywhere when you have busy toddlers? HELP!
(and just thought I'd add - I get ready pretty quick these days but I still need about 30 minutes and I would get up before her but she gets up at 6 or 6:30 and momma is TIRED! ha!)
(I also thought I should add that our hot water heater is so far away that seriously my master bathroom takes FOREVER to even get warm. So no way she would scald herself with me right there!)