Harper and I have had a busy but very fun day. First of all the weather has been beautiful. A little windy - but almost 80 degrees and sunny. So wonderful! I had to show you Harper's bunny shirts. The one from yesterday was a hand me down from another Harper and the one today was made my friend at www.ifyousaysew.com. We are getting our Easter wear in this week! :-)
I took these pictures this morning before we headed to Bible Study. We had a great morning at church and Harper did "wonderful" or so they told me. Every few weeks our women's Bible study breaks up and if you want to - we go visit shut ins or widows. There is one widower on the list and Laurie and I decided to go visit him today. He was SO nice and we had a great visit with him. He was married for 50 years and he said he could just now say her name without crying. He really made me think because he said he had just bought a suburban once he retired and the two of them were going to travel the country when she got sick and they never got to go. I was thinking of how so many people wait until their kids are gone or they are retired to try and travel and enjoy life and I know it's hard to find time or money to do it otherwise.......but so many of those people who wait .....never get to do it because one of them dies or becomes sick. I guess it just made me want to seize the day! Maybe it's hearing about so many young people lately with terminal cancer. Please just don't take your love ones for granted.
When I picked Harper up from church she was so tired but of course she did not want to nap. (We have not taken a nap in a week. The night sleep is great - but I think I would rather get up twice at night than have no naps during the day.) So we ran a few errands this afternoon instead.
Tonight our Sunday School class had a shower for my friend Kacy. She has a little boy Wells and is expecting their second son, Davis, in a month. Kacy is one of my favorite people in the world.
We had it at a local restaurant that is really good. They have salads and soups and sandwiches and good desserts and they support global orphanages as well as local soup kitchens. And they also play Christian music. I need to eat there more often. World Garden if you are local - go eat there!

I know I say it ALL the time but I am SOOOOOO incredibly blessed to have the church family that I have and for the sweet friends in my life. I love all of my friends SO very much. I've heard this term a lot lately (and I love it) but it's just so fun to "do life" with these people!