Several of you have noticed and pointed out that the last several posts - Harper has had monogrammed outfits on. And most of you know by now that I am a monogramming maniac. And most of you think I'm crazy.
And most of you are right. ha!

But Most of you will be glad to know that I just finished sorting out Harper's spring/summer clothes and there are hardly ANY that have any form of a monogram.
You might to sit down.

I get a zillion e-mails that ask me where I get her clothes and monogrammed things. I thought it might just be easier to write a quick post and answer your questions instead of typing a zillion responses (even though I LOVE answering your e-mails and I LOVE hearing from you - but I'm sure you who have e-mailed me have noticed that I'm the world's worst e-mail responder. I'm trying. I really am.)

The answer is kind of a hard one because I'm really not much help. I bought a lot of her monogrammed things before I ever got pregnant - just hoping one day I would have a "Harper" to wear them. It was my HOPE closet. And then after we found out it was indeed a girl up until now - I've been given so many lovely gifts and that is where she got a lot of her personalized stuff. And this sweet blogger who has a daughter Harper and is a very gifted seamstress - sent me a TON of "Harper" hand-me-downs (which are 2/4 of these pictures). I have mostly bought off of etsy or ebay and I don't do good at keeping what sellers I buy from so I'm just not much help.

One tip I have found is I often keep a watch on ebay for "H monogrammed" items and I've bought several boutique, custom CUTE hand-me-down monogrammed clothes for cheap! A lot that I'm saving for older ages. Try it with whatever initial you are looking for. Or try
I'm a big fan of hand me downs and consignment at this age. Pretty much 90% of Harper's wardrobe for the rest of this year I bought second hand and I could die from all the cuteness. I'm saving everything until we see if we end up with a second daughter (when/if we have another child) and then I'll be excited to pass these clothes on as well!
I also get asked a lot if I will sell or give away Harper's custom clothes. Right now I'm so sentimental about them that I want to keep them and make them into a quilt for her when she's older. In another year or two - I might change my mind but right now I'm not letting go of anything.
I would love to link to cute personalization stores or baby clothes stores but I don't want to leave anyone out and I know I would forget cute shops so I thought I would add a MckLinky and if you have a cute etsy shop or website where you sell personalized children's clothes or items or baby boutique stuff- link up and everyone who has been asking me - y'all can shop away!!!!! (and I am going to stay FAR away because we do not need anything more!) :-)
Okay - you can go back to thinking I'm crazy now!