Yesterday morning our family was asked to do the advent reading at church and light the advent candles. Scott and I are so "chawed" and were so nervous (but honored) to do this. We also had no idea what Harper might do. ha! But we did okay (I think) and Harper did great. She didn't make a peep or put on a show! ha! I loved our reading because it was about the JOY of Christmas! And I got to read one of my absolute favorite verses:
Zephaniah 3:17 -
The LORD your God is with you,
he is mighty to save.
He will take great delight in you,
he will quiet you with his love,
he will rejoice over you with singing."
he is mighty to save.
He will take great delight in you,
he will quiet you with his love,
he will rejoice over you with singing."

The good news is she is 95% better today. No fever and she has been just busy and happy! Of course - now Scott is home sick. ha! Who else is ready for spring?
(Oh and P.S. as if having a sick baby wasn't enough - I went to Wal-Mart last night and locked my keys in the car AGAIN. And Scott couldn't help me because Harper was home asleep and I had the car seat. ha! So I had to call a locksmith and wait in the cold for him. Good times. I am losing my mind!)
In other news:
I am very excited - there is a lady who is writing a book about infertility and loss. She already has a publisher and it should be coming out in April/May - in time for Mother's Day. It is going to be an uplifting book of hope and she has several different people writing chapters to share their stories. She has asked me to write a chapter and I'm so humbled/nervous/excited but I need to get the chapter done this week. So I'm going to be pretty MIA for the next week trying to get this done. I owe hundreds of e-mails to you and it may be ANOTHER week before I get them answered. But I would love if you would pray that I write the right words in this to glorify God. I want to be able to offer encouragement to anyone who might read it one day!
Also - I have the last giveaway going on right now HERE. It's a great one if you have men in your life who are hard to buy for!!! It's only running until tomorrow night so enter quick! And don't forget to enter to win a free computer!!!
and just for fun - this was me and Harper last year at this time and then here we are this year! What a difference a year makes, huh? A baby changes everything! :-)
Also - I have the last giveaway going on right now HERE. It's a great one if you have men in your life who are hard to buy for!!! It's only running until tomorrow night so enter quick! And don't forget to enter to win a free computer!!!
You all look so beautiful for church!! I love the before and after pictures!
Cute Pictures- Harper looks very happy!
I love your green dress in these pictures! I'm sure ya'll did great at church yesterday!
You all look like such a happy family! Harper is sooo lucky to have parents like you! Glad little Harper is feeling better and OMG on locking your keys in your car again! Maybe you need to get one of those magnet things to stick under your car with and extra key! Ha! My friend has one, but I would be scared I would just loose it too!
Good luck on your new chapter in a new book! How exciting!
You look sooo pretty in the pregnancy and after pregnany photos!
Summer :0)
You have such a beautiful family! I love the pictures! You will do just fine writing this week :) You do such a good job with your blog!
I'm right there with you on losing your mind! We have three kids, and I have to write down practically everything just to make sure I get things done. Sometimes I joke that I have to schedule in time to potty! :-)
Kelly I love your blog! Where did you get your green dress? It's adorable!
All three of you did great yesterday!!! I hate that Harper had an ear infection and a fever. Next time just call me and I can run by to pick up your keys from Scott.
so much can happen in a year that is for sure! you all look great! :) sorry about locking your keys in your car... I've done that a few times myself. :)
I will be praying for the right words!
I'm sure you will find the right words, what an honor for you! It is amazing the difference a year can make, glad that Harper is feeling better!
She is adorable & so sorry to hear that she's been sick. Yay for medicine.
Now - you must tell us where the green dress came from - please?
Im so glad she is feeling better! and yes a year can bring quite a lot! :)
glad to hear harper is feeling better. you make an extra key and leave it in your purse so you don't keep getting locked out.
congrats on having the opportunity to share you infertility story in a book.
Love those first two pics of you and Scott with Harper. That green dress looks great on you, Kelly! Sorry she was sick, but glad she's feeling better. I have three kids ages 2, 4, and 9 and in my experience, it wouldn't be the holidays if one of them wasn't sick! Good luck on the chapter for that book - that sounds great.
Cute you know that you can't have on a cute green dress and not tell us where you bought it!?! Please tell:)
Kelly- what an amazing opportunity, and I have no doubt that he will be glorified through your writing!
And what a fun comparison of you and Harper from last year to this year!!!! Little did she know in the tummy how much she was going to be loved and prayed for!!! :)
How precious are those two pictures from Christmas this year and last! May the Lord continue to richly bless you as you invest into our lives. Good luck writing your chapter. It will be awesome!
How exciting about the chapter!!!!
I like the green dress...where did you get it? Sorry if that's been asked, I don't read the other comments, HA! Cuteness!
What a beautiful family you have!! Harper looks so happy and precious and so happy she is feeling better today! Hopefully the whole family will be feeling good for Christmas!!
Love the 2008/2009 pictures!! Crazy how things change in just a year's time!!
I always lock my keys in my car too!!! For Christmas I have asked for a keypad to be installed on the ouside of my car (like many FORD vehicles have). It's really affordable - about $150 installed and think how much it will save you in locksmith fees! You should look into it..especially with a little one.
Merry Christmas!
You look skinny minny in your green dress! Too cute! I getting you two orange rolls tomorrow so you don't blow away! :)
I love Harper's actions in the 1st picture! I also love the dress you are wearing! It's amazing to see where you were at last year and where you are today! Good luck writing your chapter!
I'm glad the reading went well! Poor Harper and Scott! I hope they both get to feeling better SOON! Good luck with your chapter. That is pretty exciting! I love the "then and now" picture too!
You all look beautiful, simply beautiful!
GREAT pictures Kelly!!! Harper is just precious & your family is beautiful! Isn't amazing how time flies when you're having fun...???
My prayers are with you & your writings! Also, for a speedy recovery for your family, and for Momma to stay well! Love your church pictures, Harper is a doll and so happy!
You look great in that green dress!!! Where did you get that? harper is precious!!! Merry Christmas!!!!!!!
So sweet- glad Harper is feeling better!:)
love your green dress! Do you mind sharing where you bought it?
I love the picture of last year and the one of this year with you holding her. So cute! Where did you get that green dress? It is precious and you look great.
You looked awesome pregnant!
Love the before and after pictures. Yes a baby changes everything. Have you heard the Faith Hill song?
Check it out.
What an honor to write a chapter, Kelly! That is wonderful! Will be praying the Lord writes through you!
Glad Harper is feeling better! Hope Scott is back on his feet tomorrow and that you don't get it!
tell us where you got the green dress!
I absolutely love hearing that you lock your keys in your car about as often as I do! You seem so well put together and organized and then you tell us about your keys. I was in town about an hour away from my house and locked my diaper bag in phone, keys, baby snack, drink...NOTHING! Needless to say my poor husband had to come bail me out!
I just love you! Good luck writing your story this week:).
Zephaniah 3:17 was the verse that my husband and I picked for our baby girl when we had her dedicated. It is such a happy verse!
I love the picture of you and Harper. She looks like she is singing and raising her hand in praise to God.
LOVE the pics of Harper--can't believe she had an ear infection right after that. :( Glad she is so much better now and that she did fine while you did the advent thing. You look GREAT! Hope Scott feels better soon.
I am sooo thrilled to announce my 30 year old daughter Jaime is pregnant, after ten years of infertility! TEN YEARS!! Our true Christmas MIRACLE!! For the first time ever, not one, but five positive pregnancy tests!! BELIEVE in miracles, because they DO happen! (((HUGS)))
I think you need to start posting where you get every outfit of Harper's that is pictured. She is the best dressed child and I feel like mine are all frumpy compared.
Girl I am feeling your pain, i am at home with a 3 year old with a double ear infection and an almost 30 year old husband with a sinus infection and strept...SICKNESS GET BEHIND US! Well, some of the best family time we have had with a few Christmas movies, a little Rockband, and some Christmas cookies!
Kelly I know God's words will flow from pen to paper. You have such a beautiful story to tell. Praying for you.
That is the exact verse that I prayed over and over last year for sweet Harper when she was so sick! That y'all stood up there and read that one is so cool! Full circle!
Okay, not that you WILL lock your keys in your car again, but in case you do.... :)
"IF" you have a second remote to your vehicle, you can simply call Scott and have him hold the remote to his cell phone and hit the unlock button. You should be standing near your car with your phone, and "VIOLA!", your car will unlock!! I know it sounds ridiculously crazy, but it works...I've seen it done more than once! Wouldn't believe it if I hadn't experienced it myself. :)
Harper is a little doll!!! Be sure to check with your auto insurance agency because you just might be eligible for reimbursement on the pop-a-lock charge. That's a little known service often covered on insurance policies. They just don't broadcast it...
I love that verse. And I love Advent! You look great!
Goodness you two are precious! Harper is just a doll baby. My dad has had me hide a key on my car since I was 16 and it has saved me countless times! It may be worth a try :-). Merry Christmas, have a lovely Advent!
You look hott!! (no, I'm not some creapy stocker per son!!!) Way to go - Harper must keep you on your toes!
Harper takes after her mommy, she sure is photogenic! Your family is too cute. I love Harper's smiles in all these pics.
I love your comparison in the last picture too! What a fun way to show one year to another. What a blessing! You look very skinny in your last pic!! :)
I didn't read through all of the comments, so someone else could have already posted this, but you should keep an extra key or two with you. Put one in your wallet (if you take that everywhere), or in Harper's diaper bag. You can also get one of those key boxes with the magnet on the back and sick it up in your car (on the outside) somewhere where you can safely reach it.
Just a suggestion!!
That verse is one of my favorites too! How special that you got to read it as part of the advent reading!
I am VERY interested in reading this book you will be a part of! I have a 2 year old, but have had 3 miscarriages, the most recent one being a ruptured ectopic pregnancy (just got out of the hospital last week). It is looking like we won't be able to have any more children at this point...something we're still coming to terms with. I look forward to reading this book!
Last but not least, love that green dress! You look great!
I'm so glad Harper is feeling better!! The pix are so very cute!!!
Hope y'all have a wonderful day tomorrow! What a blessing you are to so many!
Kelly, you look awesome! I love that color on you!
I am very interested in that book. I have lost 3 babies. All different miscarriages. The first being "typical". Meaning it happend early. The 2nd happend when I was 18 weeks along. But the baby never made it past 13 weeks. And then the last one turned out to be a partial molar pregnancy with turned into trophoblastic disease. I would have never imagined that trying to have another child would lead me to chemo....
ANYWAYS! Love the green dress.
That IS a great dress. I love the before and after of you and Harper. Beautiful!
You guys are so adorable! Love the dress too - thanks for telling us where you got it! I feel like everything I buy lately is from Target too - I just can't bring myself to pay the prices of stuff at Ann Taylor, etc...
Congratulations to you and your husband on the birth of Harper...what a wonderful blessing. I will pray for you, Kelly, about the chapter you will write. My heart goes out to you in your experience. I know it may seem trite coming from someone with many children...believe me, I know what a gift each of them is.
I left you a comment on the post for the computer giveaway but I think I typed in "com" instead of "net" for my email address.
Just wanted to clarify that it is "net"
Sorry about that mistake. I hope I win and that you don't have trouble contacting me.
May God bless the writing you will do and may you be an inspiration to many who are experiencing the same trials you have walked through.
I saw in the earlier comments that someone posted about using your remote key and your cell phone to unlock your WORKS!! My husband has had to bail me out this way a couple of times, and it's a lifesaver!!
Harper is precious in all of her Christmas outfits!!
Congrats on the book writing & lighting of candle!!!
You look beautiful before & after pregnancy! So crazy how time flies!!
beautiful pictures!
i will pray that you can get the chapter done with ease. i look forward to reading books about inspiration and real stories.
have a great week!
I'm so ridiculous. I HONESTLY read you were writing the chapter for the book and thought you meant mine. Glad you are doing it at least! I knew it was a story that needed to be told. "I Get to" should be published in 2010.
Do you use picnik a lot? I love it!
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