I thought I would pop in with a quick post to let you know I'm still alive. It will probably be Thursday afternoon before I get back on here. It's just one of those crazy weeks.
I have to apologize once again because I am MONTHS behind on my e-mail so if you have written me recently I'm sorry. (When I say recently - I mean since June or July- ha!) I will try to get them all answered sometime soon).
First of all - thank you for your prayers. Laurie is doing about the same. She wrote on her blog here. I know there are so many of you out there dealing with horrible health issues for you and your family and it can be so scary. Please feel free to put them on the prayer blog so we can lift you up!
A lady in our church who I adore and admire asked to go with me after Bible Study this morning to visit Laurie. We prayed over her and then she and I went to lunch and I just had the BEST time! I had to run errands this afternoon and then I had a baby shower to go to tonight.
This is my friend Mary Avery and her mom. I'm sorry there is a horrible flash in the picture - they were standing in front of windows. Mary Avery is having her second child and isn't finding out what she is having. She has one precious little boy. In our Sunday School Class - we do second (or 3rd or more) showers at restaurants. It's a great no stress kind of shower and the mother-to-be gets lots of presents and we all enjoy a girls night out.

I'm not good with neutral gifts. I'm sure you will be SHOCKED to hear this but I like to give monogrammed things for gifts. So I get a little stressed over not knowing the sex. I found some really cute little gowns that were yellow duckies so I made a basket with bath things and the gowns and some duckies plus the ever essential diapers!

Here we are right before the gifts were opened. I didn't get many pictures unfortunately.

She gave out these cute cookies as favors! Love them!

How many of you did NOT find out what you were having? I am WAY too Type A and too much of a planner to ever do that but I do think it would be so neat!
P.S. Speaking of BABY showers..........have you read Angie's blog today???? :-)
That is GREAT! Praying!
Love the ducky theme gift. And that is such an awesome way to shower a veteran mother-to-be! Still praying for Laurie and a speedy recovery!
I've just decided I will start commenting more on blogs that I read! We found out at 17 weeks (in Jan 09) that our little Quinn Hudson was a boy! We kept his name secret until he was born as the element of surprise for our family and friends.
That basket is DARLING, Kelly! Seriously, you are such a great gift giver.
I was so happy when I read Angie's blog!
Thank you for the link to Angie's blog. It literally brought tears to my eyes! Laurie will continue to be in my prayers!
we did not find out either time. the first time we had a girl, and the second time it was a boy. and i had NO "feelings" -both times i thought it was a boy...haha!
i know not many people do the "surprise" thing anymore, but it was fun for us :)
I could never not find out! In fact, I want to know right now what the sex of our FUTURE children will be. ;) Kuddos to those families that wait!
We didn't find out either time. It drove everyone bonkers, including my mother-in-law who was convinced we actually knew and just weren't telling people. Go figure.
I loved not finding out. By the end, the suspense of not knowing was killing me, but it was the BEST surprise both times. You can't convince me it is just as surprising when you find out at a sonogram--I don't knock anyone's reasons for finding out, and it doesn't bother me whether people find out or not, but hands down, best surprise EVER when you get to find out at the same time you get to hold your little baby in your arms!
I read Laurie's blog and glad that as of right now she's doing well. Hope all goes well with her antibiotic!
Love the little gift basket and I literally almost screamed out loud when I read Angie's blog and saw that little pregnancy test!! So exciting!
When do you guys leave on your Compassion trip?
That basket is adorable!
We didn't find out what either of our babies were. It was surprising, because I am a planner! It wasn't too bad the first time around, but I almost caved and found out the second time! I had one of each, but we just stuck with gender neutral basics, and then my huge family went on a shopping spree on the days of their births. I ended up with more than enough boy/girl items! We probably won't find out with our someday third, either. It really is an amazing surprise in the delivery room!
Are you kidding? The SECOND I found out I was pregnant, I wanted to know! It was an agonizing 20 weeks before our little "peanut" became our sweet Alaina.
When I was pregnant I did not want to find out. I wanted the surprise at delivery.
I saw Angie's blog!! So so happy for her!
I am due in about 2 1/2 weeks with our first and we didn't find out the sex. It has been so fun!!! I can't wait for my big shopping spree for clothes too!
Praying for Laurie and so sweet on the way to celebrate pending births with your church group!
We found out with or first and were suprised with our second! Both were very exciting and totally different experiences. We just felt the second time around...we knew what we were in for and had all the gear... and it made that day even more special, if that is possible! Highly recommend not finding out;) Love your BLOG!!
I didn't find out with either of my two children and probably won't if there's a baby number three. I knew in my heart that they were boys, and I was right. The OB nurses told me that they love when a mom doesn't know the gender, because it makes the actual delivery moment even more amazing. I had always intended to find out, but my husband convinced me to wait. I'm really glad that I did and encourage others to try and do the same. Since I didn't know the gender, I made sure to have boy and girl names and decorated our nursery in a neutral theme- butter cream yellow with baby jungle animals. I had a lot of pale yellow and green items in my first child's layette, but that worked for us.
WE DIDN'T!! It's rare I know. It was really my husbands idea, but he said I could find out if I wanted. Hello, how am I going to keep THAT a secret?? I'd be buying all pink or all blue through the whole pregnancy.
It was nice though and we'll do that with the rest of our babies.
I don't have any kids, but I have been to four childbirths (all the same family) and I have to say that although they were all exciting and made me cry, THE most exciting one of all was the one where they didn't find out the sex of the baby. That whole extra element of surprise was amazing. I decided right then to not find out if I ever do get to have kids. That goes against every part of my plan-it-out personality, but I'm determined to stick with it because I want to have that surprise myself!
We found out what we were having with our two oldest. I loved those moments in the ultrasound room where we found that our oldest was a girl, then our second was a boy.
However, when we got a "surprise" with our third; we decided to be surprised all the way. And truth be told, THAT was an incredible moment in the delivery room. We love our 10-month-old baby girl.
No matter what, each time was SO special.
I am so happy for Angie and her family! What wonderful news!! Has anyone thought about a virtual baby shower for them?!
yep, so excited for Angie! and you did a great job with that basket! so cute Kelly! i don't comment often, but i do love checkin in on Harper each day, and YOU are doing a great job as a mom. keep up the good work. :D {{hugs}}
What a sweet shower gift Kelly!
I am going to keep both Angie & Laurie in my prayers
We just had our first child, a sweet little boy. We did not know the gender before he came, it was such an amazing moment. I am such a type A planner everyone was shocked we didn't find out before!
Kelly, I did not find out the sex of my lil Gracie girl. I think I knew it was going to be a girl, but still wanted the surprise. I made my mother and MIL sooo frustrated that they had to buy neutral to say the least. There are so little really good surprises is kind of how I felt. Then when she popped out I had completely forgotten that I wanted to know the sex! My mom yelled,"Its a girl!" And I remember thinking,"Oooh yeah I did want to know that." LOL Funny. I said I would find out the next one, but not so sure about that too (but don't tell my husband, well were not pregnant anyway!)
God Bless
I know! I have no idea how people do that either! I wish they would come up with a test that when you pee to find out your pregnant it tell you if it was a boy or a girl!! LOL (Wouldn't that be nice for us planners??)
I was so excited for Angie! :) Yay for babies! :)
OMG, I think it would be so neat to not find out the sex but I am just like you...there is NO way I could do it! Our first born was a boy and our second was a girl, so when we found out we were preggo for a third time, Husband mention 'Hey, let's not find out this time since we already have one of each'....and then we both just busted out laughing (because he is just like me and there is no way he could wait that long)! I am all about the planning, sister!
And, YES!!, Angie's news is so exciting!! Still praying for Laurie and I hope you are feeling much better from your last post! HUGS!
Good to hear Laurie is doing better! Please consider visiting my blog and reposting my post on Operation Christmas Child: Bloggers for Boxes! We need someone in the blog community to get behind this that has a big following and I think you could do it!
With my first pregnancy, I was adamant about not finding out the sex of the baby. After we lost that pregnancy at 10 weeks, I changed my tune on this one.
With this pregnancy, I HAD TO KNOW what the baby was, as soon as possible. I (and my Mom and rest of my family) had a strong feeling it was a girl, but I didn't wanna hope too much (I would have been just as happy with a boy, but I'm ecstatic over a daughter). At 18 weeks, the Ultrasound Tech turned, smiled, and said "Do you have a girls name picked out?"
If we were to have a boy next, I doubt we would find out with our third pregnancy. I'd be okay with clothes and such, so I could wait. Next pregnancy? Yeah... I doubt it. haha!
We have three; we didn't find out with any of them. I never even had an ultra sound - we were always in the middle of an international move or something that prevented us from getting one. The name we came up with first that we could agree on always turned out to be the sex of the baby (not that it's scientific or anything!). I like giving Elizabeth George's books- she has a book you could give for either a boy or a girl and the pictures are so lovely.
Will continue to pray for Laurie. I work in labor and delivery and I LOVE to have patients who do not know the sex of the baby. It is so much fun to try to guess what they are having and I even ask what they think it is. It makes the delivery even more exciting to see who was right and to see the parents reactions!
We did find out with 1 and 2 what we were having, I am such a planner. But with baby #3, my husband asked me if it could be a surprise, which was so hard cause we had to have an ultrasound every single visit until I delivered. One of the ultrasound pics at 13 weeks was right between the legs. We had some friends over that night and she was looking at them and asked if we knew what we were having, I said no, and she said why did they give you this picture then? She knew, when and bought a gift, wrote a letter dated saying this would look adorable on our baby girl. So fun, but what an idiot I am not being able to know, even if she is a doctor, I should be able to guess that! :)
Whew, sorry for the novel!
We didn't find out the sex of our little girl. I thought we were going to find out until my husband said he didn't want to. I am so glad we didn't find out! We thought we were having a boy the entire time, but I think deep down I knew it was a girl. It was well worth the wait!
That's awesome news about Angie!
I think it would be really hard to let it be a surprise but it would also be fun! That gift basket was adorable!
My Birdy (9 months old), baby number 5, was the first time I did not find out until the doctor told me. So very exciting for our family!
I always have to know! I have always found out as early as I could and then kept asking for comfirmation- LOL! but this last time i didn't tell anyone the gender til after she was born! kept it interesting! :-)
Found out every time I was pregnant, until the last one. My last baby who was born in July ended up a boy and completed our family. I honestly have to say that it was the best surprise waiting until the very end!
What a blessing for Angie!! So happy for her.
Beautiful basket, btw. I love when people get crafty and creative with gift giving, it shows all the love and heart that goes into. Your friends are truly blessed to have you in their lives =)
I like ducks too! And monkeys and frogs! My youngest is having their third little girl today. Wouldn't it be something it she really turned out to be a he? I ordered some monogrammed things for her!!
Nope....never found out with any of my five. I always liked having a surprise to look forward to:-)
CUTE, cute, cute duck themed gift - adorable!
we didn't find out with parker. i was convinced we were having a girl and even bought pink bedding (even though we really wanted a boy, especially my husband). it made labor really exciting and suspenseful, but i think i'm going to find out next time.
love the basket! such a cute idea! (and parker has one of those duckie outfits, haha, i guess it is one of the best gender neutral gifts :))
I love your duck theme shower basket! I'll have to remember that the next time I attend a shower!!!
we didnt find out w/our second one - our baby girl - who was born 2 mos ago. i HIGHLY recommend it!! it was so much fun!! the grandmothers and aunts didnt think so until that day and theyre all waiting on the news :). i had her bedding fabric picked out and ordered it after she was born (had boy fabric picked out too), and the girl made it for me within a few weeks - while baby j slept in our room. you should totally do it next time!!
I knew with my first son, but opted not to know with the last three. It made the birth even more exciting and drove everyone else crazy as they all wanted to know. That made it even more fun!!
I have identical twin girls and we did not find out until they were born. It was a wonderful surprise and I'm so glad we decided to wait. Yes it was hard at times and I bought a lot of green in advance, but we were quickly flooded with pink and monograms.
I never found out....and thought "boy" both times...imagine our surprise when the doctor turned our 2nd child around and we discovered we had a precious baby girl! Not finding out leads up to the BEST suprise ever! :)
We found out both times. I couldn't wait. I think it would be so fun to hear, "It's a ...." but I just am too impatient and have to have stuff ready before he/she gets here. I really thought my first one was a boy but secretly wanted a girl REALLY REALLY bad and that's what she was/is!!! The 2nd time, I knew it was a girl and I was right.
Girl, I am way to type A also, but for our third I did it! I knew it would be a scheduled section, so I wanted some kind of surprise! Once I got past the sono where I could find out, it was all good! I have to tell you, when the doc pulled her out, and said "It's a girl" will FOREVER be etched in my mind!! It was so awesome!
Praying for Laurie, and her fast recovery!
I am 5 mths pregnant with my first baby and I HAD to know! I even had an early gender determination sonogram in 3D :) I definitely have to know so I can plan and get things organized! I am not big on the greens and yellows. I either want to go all pink or all blue :)
We did not find out the sex of our first two children. I will never forget the moment I found out I had had a girl, because I swore she was a boy and then with our second when they said it was a boy. We did find out the sex of our third mainly because we were building a new house and two of the kids were going to be sharing and wanted to know who to put in with who. If I had another child I don't think I would find out - it is the best surprise of a lifetime.
Hoping Laurie is feeling better soon.
I did read Angie's blog - what a wonderful blessing for a wonderful family.
Ever since having a baby, I totally appreciate diapers at baby showers! I always include some with a gift, (even if it's a small package,) because it's the thing you'll need the most as a new mom. My kids still play with the rubber duckies I got at my first baby shower and my oldest is three! Great gift! Glad to hear Laurie is at least stable for now. I've kept up with her through her blog and will pray for healing for her!
With my first three, I didn't know what they were. After that I always found out. Then number sixteen came along...and the dr. couldn't tell at any of the sonograms! It was a surprise, and it was fun! I had to pack a boy's and a girl's going home from the hospital outfit, and have plenty of both things on hand....even though she was girl #11, it was very exciting....and I love the yellow duckies! Camille had lots of those in case she was a boy! (I always buy lots of new stuff for my babies, every baby should look like a "first" baby!!!)
I HAD to know with my first and I dont see that changing! I like to buy things in advance and bought clothes up to 6-12 months before by son was even born! Maybe if I already had a boy and a girl but I still think I would want to know. It was such a special moment to find out what we were having during the ultrasound :)
We didn't find out either time, and we LOVED it!!! I am totally Type A, but we liked the "old-fashionedness" of not knowing and then being able to call all of our friends and family who were waiting anxiously to hear from us. The moment of surprise when that baby pops out, and there is silence in the room till someone finally sees what it is....PRICELESS! We even asked our midwife and nurses both times to not say anything until we saw what it was ourselves. It's kinda like knowing what's in a present under the Christmas tree....if it's wrapped up and someone tells you what it is, you still get excited when you open it because you actually get to hold it and look at it, but if you DON'T know what is in there....exciting!!! Haha!
We have eight kids and didn't find out the sex with ANY of them. It was just more fun to be surprised. Although, it's fifty/fifty either way. :)
What a lovely bath basket!
We have two - a girl (3) and a boy (1) and we're expecting our third in March. We found out with both previous kids because I've been super excited about buying pink or blue things, things with frills or little man clothes, etc. We aren't finding out with this baby - hubby never wanted to with any and just went with it. I figure that it's no big deal because we have pink and blue already as hand-me-downs from the first two and it'll be fun to be suprised. That's my thought at 22 weeks, I might change my mind :-)
Neutral presents are the worst!!! I work at a children's clothing store and can get such good deals, but its soooo hard if I don't know the gender!!!
didn't want to find out with my son but he swam by on the ultrasound.
wanted to find out with my daughter (she was #2) and she wouldn't show anything but butt and face.
When I was pregnant with my oldest daughter it was still in the days where Sonograms were pretty much unheard of so I didn't even have a sono with her. With my second daughter my OB thought I was a bit further along than I was when he ordered the only sonogram I had and it was too early to determine sex so I had both my babies without knowledge of their sex until birth. With my grandsons we found out as soon as we could so we could be prepared. We have a program here that will do sonograms on a walk-in basis without a doctor request or order. It's pretty neat!
I'm thrilled for Angie and her family. Prayers are going up for a healthy happy baby in their future.
Today I am also praying for Baby Stellan. In case you haven't heard baby Stellan is not doing so well. Will you join me in prayer for Stellan and his family. http://www.mycharmingkids.net/
I've found out with all 4 (2 boys then 2 girls) and I wouldn't change a thing. With my oldest I wanted to be able to get gender specific stuff. Then with my next 2 I worked at a crisis pregnancy center so I was able to do ultrasounds on myself. I couldn't HELP but know! =) And since I have c-sections I can't hold the baby right away. So knowing the gender helps me bond with the baby before and after birth. He/she isn't just "baby" he/she has a name. =)
I'm just like you...so Type A that I couldn't not find out whether or not it was a boy or a girl. I had to plan and prepare, and I'm still doing so, but I definitely wouldn't be happy not knowing, because my plans wouldn't come together as well! Props to those who can do it though!
We did not find out what the baby was for my first pregnancy. It was hard to go to doctor's visits and not ask (knowing it was written right there in the chart) but getting the room ready wasn't so bad. I used all primary colors and did very fun fabrics (since I was an interior designer at the time). It was well worth the wait, because the anticipation was so great when the baby was born. It was like even more incentive to push!!! HA!
The baby was a BOY and I couldn't have been more joyful as I was at that moment. Yesterday was his birthday actually...take a look at my blog entry from yesterday if you get a minute. And if not, you will get to meet the most beautiful boy in a couple of weeks! We can't wait to see you and Harper :)
I am 9 weeks today and I can't wait to find out what we are having!
I'm currently expecting my 4th baby. With our first, we chose to be surprised. It was fun, and we enjoyed the surprise. With our second, we chose to find out. And the surprise at 20 weeks was just the same as the surprise at delivery! It ended up being a blessing because I had a c-section with #2 (he weighed 11 lbs), #3 (no soft spot) and will have a c-sec this time. Since I don't get those first few minutes of snuggling with my new baby, it's nice to already know who came out of me. :-)
We are praying for Laurie!
We didn't find out with either pregnancy. We have 2 boys!! At my baby shower with baby #1 we had everyone that came write beside their name what they thought we were having. Amazingly, it was an exact tie. We also told everyone to buy something for which ever sex they thougt it was and we would swap out the ones that weren't correct. It was great to get both boy and girl things and to see that some were so certain that the gender was what they wanted it to be. Needless to say, the ones that were certain it was a girl were very disappointed.
Cute gift! I too am awful about trying to find something gender neutral.
We've found out for every one of our children so far. I always said if I already had boy(s) and girl(s) I would leave it a surprise but we ended up with 2 girls first and are now having a little boy. We did decide to keep the name a secret this time...though we don't really have a name anyways! If we are blessed with another baby in the future I'd like to try having a surprise since we now have boy and girl items. (Not a fan of neutral stuff on my babies, I'm a girly girl and like dresses and bows for my girls and blue and trucks for my boy)
Now that we have both, I think we would let it be a surprise if we ever had a surprise third child. :)
I don't have any children yet, but my husband is determined that we won't find out the sex of the baby when we do get pregnant. But the planning side of me is already stressing about not knowing!! Ha. I can see the positives in both sides, but I would love to be able to plan for the sex of the baby.
Please also pray for Stellan http://www.mycharmingkids.net/
THE WORST HE'S EVER BEEN! Hoping your friend gets better, too. Thanks!
Those are cute! I was just talking to my husband about this yesterday.. we have a boy and a girl so I was thinking the next baby we should just not find out what it is, but I dont know if I could do it! I love knowing and picking out the name etc!
Well, I have 3 kids and didn't find out the sex with any of them. The first two were twins too, but we didn't want to know. My twins ended up being a girl and a boy. 19 months after they were born, I had another baby who ended up being another boy! I almost caved at the end of my second pregnancy, but stood strong and waited. I predicted what they were gonna be each time and I was right each time too!
We will keep Laurie in our prayers here in KC! Happy Wednesday! Hugs to Harper!
We found out the baby's sex for our first 2 kids. Then we had a boy and a girl so we didn't find out for the next two! I don't know if I should admit this - but it was really fun to irritate those people who really, really wanted to know! (Sorry, Mom!)
We found out what we were having with our first 2 (girls), not because I wanted to, but because my husband DID and was very insistent. For our 3rd, I decided to put my foot down and we didn't find out. Everyone thought I was insane and that I would give in....so I stuck to my guns out of pure spite! lol Actually, it was easier than I thought it would be. The only time I almost caved was when we would go shopping. But with 2 children already, we had everything we needed to bring a baby home, so it didn't matter. I didn't even have any baby showers until after the baby was born. I just KNEW 100% sure that it was a boy. I ended up needing an emergency C-section, they knocked me out and wouldn't let hubby in the room.....so we REALLY got surprised and missed the whole "it's a....." experience. But my Molly Reese was born perfect and God knew exactly what we needed. There are so few surprises left these days, that I LOVED not knowing until she was here!
I have 3 kids, and only found out with my middle one what I was having!! I enjoyed not knowing so much better.. In this day and age you know the date, approx weight, the facial features (with 3d imaging etc), have the name and everything.. it adds some surprise to it and makes it all that more special to me..
We had a surprise pregnancy (you came by my blog and commented!) and decided to leave the gender a surprise. I was SO sure it was a girl. SO sure. I bought pink things here and there and almost monogrammed some stuff with the name we picked out (Caroline Parker). Well SURPRISE my water broke at 32 weeks and was hospitalized and SURPRISE it was a BOY and he came on our 5 year anniversary! We are in the NICU now and just on pins and needles waiting for him to be discharged. I just don't know how you did it being so far from home when Harper was in NICU and waiting so long before you could even hold her. You are a tough woman! Anyway the surprise was great and we may do it if we have another baby. I am so glad I didn't get stuff monogrammed but am already praying for God to give us a Caroline one day, whether she is a biological child or adopted.
We are not finding out either w/ this pregnancy - I'm due January 13th! It has been fun!
We found out with our little boy, so it will be fun to experience both sides - finding out and not finding out!!!!
Can't wait for our little one to reveal him/herself!
p.s. I think it is easier not find out on the 2nd baby, w/ all the showers with the first - it would be hard. With our second baby, we had everything, so it hasn't been a big deal!
We have 3 children. The first time we found out, the second time we were suprised! I enjoyed every bit of it, BUT couldn't wait with #3 and found out early! It was fun! But either way you are getting a precious gift from God!!!
We have a little boy and it's not that I [had] to find out but curiosity got the best of me! lol!
I just knew though from day 1 that I was carrying a boy. I just knew it. I tried it explaining it to Josh but he was certain we were going to have a girl but my 'Mommy-Instinct told me BOY! So that's mainly one of the reasons we found out and sure enough, on the ultrasound in all HIS glory... BOY!!!
I think if we ever had another child I would like a little girl [in a perfect world ;) ] but boys are big in my family. My aunts and auncles all have BOYS and my sister has two boys so my chances of having a girl are probly pretty slim, but that's okay :)
We didn't find out with either of our girls......it was like the last great surprise left! Plus it gave me something to look forward to during the hours and hours of labor :)
This is my first time commenting on your blog but I've kept up with you for a while.
With my 2nd, I did NOT find out the sex. All my life, I have wanted to have one pregnancy where I didn't know the sex. I already had an almost 4 year old boy and if I was having another boy we could re-use EVERYTHING b/c their birthdays were going to be 4 days apart. I figured if I had a girl, my mom and sisters and MIL, would do enough shopping for me for a year. :) I ended up with a boy (and honestly, I wasn't at all surprised...think I just knew subconsciously that we would have another boy). I LOVED not knowing and listening to everyone guess. I didn't have a clue but it was a lot of fun.
And that is GREAT about Angie! WOO HOO!!!!
We didn't find out what we were having with our son, although we both sort of *knew* he was a boy - hard to explain!!! I'm now pregnant again and we're not finding out again. It's really exciting to meet your baby the moment after you give birth and find out whether you have a son or daughter right then! But, if my husband wasn't intent on not finding out, I probably wouldn't have the patience either.
I'm praying for Laurie.
Your gift is adorable! I LOVE monograms as well and we did NOT find out what the sex of our baby was...he is a 5 month old little boy now, but it was so hard not to know and not to be able to monogram things in advance! It was neat though to keep wondering if it was a boy or girl and I think I will do the same thing with our next child.
AH! I'm finding myself obsessed with monogramming too. (especially since my daughter will have a unique name) But I keep trying to remind myself that I can't re-use or resale those clothes!
But who cares... because Harper always looks adorable!
Our cousins over at http://darenandsarah.blogspot.com/
just had a baby girl 2 weeks ago. They did not find out either.
I do not understand this option! I am like you and need to plan.
And it was hard to figure out a neautral baby shower theme for them. As I planned & threw the family shower. I ended up doing "A Star is Born" and it turned out well.
We are prego with our 3rd and we are finding out in Dec! Praying for a boy as we have 2 little girls already.
We did not find out with our first two. I'm type A too, but I was planning for the future. I didn't want to get too much blue or pink and then have the opposite gender the 2nd time. Which happened to be the case. We had a girl first and a boy second. IF we are blessed with a third, we WILL find out!! :) Something different to make it special. :)
I have my next ultrasound next week (THE ultrasound) but, while I mostly want to find out the sex and we will probably do so, part of me is hesitant.
I do love gender gifts and baby clothes and all that (including monogrammed - always adorable on Harper!).
But I guess I just thought the idea of a shower was to help a new mother get those baby necessities that spring upon a household budget all at once. (Diaper supply, car seat, diaper bag, etc.) I tend to give practical, gender neutral gifts I find are practical needs on their registry, or if all else fails, I'll get a changing mat, some diaper rash cream and a gift card.
So is it really a benefit to find out the sex? Hmmm...at least I have a few more days to think about it! :)
I found out what I was having and they were wrong! I was supposed to have a girl (Mary Elizabeth) but I gave birth to Andrew! :) I had a lot of pink stuff, but other that that it was a fun suprise.
So cute!!! I think someone has given us those same little duck gowns for our Lily Ann! I bet she just loved your gift!!
And I am totally with you on the Type A have to know thing. We had a 4D at 15 weeks so I could start planning!!!
I agree with taralynn. I am 17 weeks pregnant with my first and I'm not going to find out the gender. Like everyone else, I'm excited about the surprise, plus the "new age" part of me really likes the idea that for 9 short months my baby could be anything without limitations...we put so many expectations on our children that I like the idea of just a short while of having no particular expectations. But, practically, I've noticed that so many people just give clothes at baby showers without regard for the needs of the new parents. I know that the shower is such a gift and for some, the registry is tacky, but I hope that our showers will help us ease some of the financial burden because people will have to buy practical items instead of clothes. It's hard to find gender neutral clothes (believe me, I've looked everywhere!)
It'll still be a challenge to hold strong at the big ultrasound in 2 weeks though!
We didn't find out what we were having and it was so fun! I'm so glad we waited and it was so exciting waiting in anticipation! It was so fun also telling all our friends and family! I do think that I will find out next time though!
I have 3 sweet, handsome little boys-5, 18 months, and 2 months. With my first I did everything by the book- down to finding out the sex.
When I was remarried and I got pregnant again- my husband had not found out with his two prior children from his marriage(Yes, that's 5 kids total!!) I decided to see if I could wait til D-Day and I did!! I cannot express to you how amazing it is to wait, from someone who has done it both ways!! We also waited to announce his name until his birthday.
With my 3rd boy, I KNEW it was a girl. KNEW IT! I had known my other two were boys too so I just KNEW it was a girl. I wanted to make sure bc it affected how the rooms would be situated in our house. So, we found out. BOY!! I asked the ultrasound tech to double check again and again. I just couldn't believe my intuition was wrong this time! We waited to announce his name until his birthday too.
I *think* we are done but if we do have more, I am waiting til D-day to find out. I will be thinking boy-boy-boy anyway...I don't think I am meant to have a girl of my own. I am more of a boy momma and I adore it!! Plus, then I can come here and catch up on life with Harper and get my dose of girl!!!
PS...The basket is WAY ADORABLE!
Oh girl, I totally relate to needing to KNOW what the baby was... I didn't find out with my first, and I blame all of my anxiety and ankle swelling on the "not knowing." I was much more organized and in control knowing the second was a girl.
By the way, anyone who gives away cookies is A-okay in my book.
Yay Mary Avery! I went to high school with her. Sweet girl! I am excited about her precious new baby!
Kelly I am praying for Laurie and Harper is still precious as usual!
We didn't find out. They whole time we thought it was a girl but guess what it was a BOY!! I love surprises!!
We did not find out with our first son and we did with our second son. Having done it both ways, it was much, much more special NOT knowing. If we have a third, I will definitely not find out! :-)
We did not find out and it was the best thing I ever did! It made the whole pregnancy so exciting with everyone constantly guessing. I did get an abundance of green and yellow goodies, but I LOVE those colors so my little one would have been dressed in them anyhow. When we got to meet Mr. Max it made it even more special to know that he was a surprise for so long. Can't wait to be pregnant again and let the guessing begin.
We did not find out the sex of our first baby--wishes of my husband--and it really turned out to be a fun adventure! We recognized that we were praying for a healthy baby and that was all we really cared about!
Now, I'm 16, almost 17 weeks pregnant and I'm begging my husband for us to find out this time! I just don't know if I can go through the suspense this time around!
I didn't find out the sex of any of my four children. It carried me through my pregnancy and delivery and each baby was a HUGE surprise. My husband and I had a girl and boy name chosen.
We found out at 22 weeks that our first baby was a boy, we found out at 32 weeks that our second baby was a girl and the third time around we decided not to find out. It was really, really exciting to be suprised but it was also a lot easier because we already had baby boy and baby girl things ready!
Cute baby shower gift! You cant ever go wrong with the essentials! We found out what we were having to decorate the nursery but we didnt tell anybody. I kinda regret it tho. I think it woulda been fine if we'd had a boy, but since we had a girl & didnt tell, she ended up with a lot of "boy" lookin clothes. We just thought it'd be cute to add to the excitement of it all. If I had a boy & a girl & decided to have a 3rd (oh lordy!) i prolly wouldn't find out at all because I think it'd be so awesome to hear those words after he/she is born "it's a girl/boy!"
The basket is so cute! Great job!
We didn't find out the sex of either of our babies. It was neat to have my husband be the one to say for the first time "it's a boy!"
You are like my mom and I we ALWAYS get monogrammed things if we know the sex, I think everyone should just tell us and have the sonogram tech tell them too! LOL!:)
Cute basket!
We did not find out with our first baby, but we did with our second.
Our first baby was an in vitro blessing and since everything was planned from the get go...including the moment of conception (ha ha), I just felt like I needed one little element of surprise left to the whole disappointing baby-making saga of my life!!!
To hear..."It's a GIRL" was the most amazing moment of my life (after seeing her 5-day blastocyst-self transferred on video)!!!
When we unexpectedly got pregnant with our son, I absolutely wanted to find out...was Mary getting a brother or a sister?!!!
Like a fellow commenter, we kept his name a surprise so that family had to have some kind of suspense and so that I didn't get the 9 million-gagillion unsolicited comments about why we were naming him Benjamin!!!
I don't have children but I have friends that do and I often get stumped by neutral gifts for those that can't find out (baby won't turn) or won't find out (want it to be a surprise) and have resorted to baskets of needs such as diapers, wipes, bottles, drying racks, spoons, etc. I've gotten comments in the thank you cards from the husbands thanking me for "practical and useful gifts". This is nice, but of course I would love to purchase a more special gift if I could (also a HUGE fan of monogrammed items!).
As a side note, thank you for introducing me to Angie's blog. I had never stumbled upon it and was moved to tears reading several of her posts...such a beautiful person inside and out!
Thank you again,
I always thought that I would want to know what I was having, but when I got pregnant with my first, my husband convinced me that it would be fun to wait to find out. We had a boy the first time and 3 weeks ago we had a baby girl. We didn't find out with her either. It was SO worth the wait and suspense! Plus, I love being able to call each person and announce what we had. It makes the surprise stretch even further!
Your little Harper is just so dang cute! I didn't find out what we were having with my first! My hubby and I both thought for sure that we were having a boy! When the baby decided to arrive 4 1/2 weeks early, we were quite surprised to hear, "It's a GIRL!" We were extremely happy but it didn't sink in until we saw her 4 hours later! With our second, I ended up with gestational diabetes and so had many more ultra sounds done. We found out but didn't tell everyone! IT was SO much fun hearing what people thought we were having! Many said boy but low and behold we had another girl! LOVE BOTH MY GIRLS! It is so great watching them as they have gotten older becoming "friends"! I hope that they grow up to be BEST FRIENDS! Have a safe and enjoyable weekend!
Connie Benner
I found out for my first 2, though it was my hubby's choice, I could have waited. However we are expecting our 3rd & letting it be a surprise!
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