Monday, September 21, 2009

Shoes and Church Music!

Why is Harper so happy today?
I mean she has got the Joy, Joy, Joy down in her heart!
Because this weekend we finally broke out shoes!!! I know what you are thinking........just now? She is 8 months old! Well, at first we stayed in all the time and she was so little - shoes seemed uncomfortable so I just kept her in socks. And then she had the great habit of chewing her feet constantly so it was useless to put anything on her feet plus it was hot summer in Arkansas - so we just went barefoot. But since Fall is now officially here - I put her in shoes and she LOVED them. This morning I was worried we might get pulled over by the fashion police for wearing white shoes after labor day (does that rule apply to babies?) we headed to Target to get a few new shoes for fall.
Really - why are you just now telling me about shoes? What else are you holding out on?
We got these little black sweet shoes that have the cutest bow!
and I love these in the fall colors. They are a little big.....but will hopefully be good for a few months! We are growing so fast!
Now wait until I tell her about jewelry!
Um - remember how we got to meet David Crowder and how we love him dearly???? Remember how I listened to him pretty much on a constant basis all through the hard (and good) times of my life and sometimes when I hear "You are my Joy" I just want to jump up and down because seriously I could just burst because God IS my joy. David Crowder and his band have the greatest songs. Well - his newest CD "Church Music" comes out tomorrow and let me tell you - it is GREAT!!!!
And I am just bouncing out of my seat because I have 10 copies to give away!!!!!! So leave me a comment - tell me your favorite DCB song or if you have never heard of him - let me know that - I'd love for someone who doesn't listen to Christian music or has never heard of David Crowder to win this! You have until tomorrow night at 7 p.m. central time to leave me a comment and then I'll list the winners and we will get you the CD's right out so you can start listening!!!
(I'm picking with a random number picker)
Tomorrow - I'm going to come back here and put the link to itunes where you can download the CD yourself and listen to previews of the songs! So come back and go visit!!!

Harper says "AHHHHHHHH.......I'm SO excited! I love David Crowder! And you will too!"

I'm reading the comments and realizing so many of you have never heard of David Crowder so I'm going to put a few videos on here so you can hear some of my favorites - (I will say that his new CD is good but different than his normal stuff - so you may want to go to itunes and download "illumination" or "remedy" or "collision (so good)" first if you don't have any of his music).

(My VERY favorite)


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Lisa said...

My son's favorite DCB song is OH Praise Him! We'd LOVE to have a copy of his new CD. Lisa

Todd and Courtney said...

I LOVE David Crowder but I'm HORRIBLE at remembering song titles but I do like them! And I Love those brown shoes from Target. I almost got those for Lauren. And I'm digging Harper little clippie. Look how her hair has grown on top :) PS: I'm sooooo going to tag along with Todd next time her overnights in AK!

Dustin & Kate said...

I would LOVE to win a copy of David Crowder's newest CD! I am a Christian, and I hear his name all the time. I'm sure I even know some of his songs. But would you believe that I couldn't even tell you the name of one song off the top of my head? I need to get more familiar with his band. :)

Also - cute shoes, Harper! My daughter, Nora, has those same black shoes from Target.

Carm said...

LOVE, LoVE LOVE David Crowder and especially the new one...
OH HOW He Loves us!!!!!


Jamie said...

I haven't heard a lot of DCB other than what they play on my local Christian radio station, but I am LOVING the song they've been playing a lot lately - "How He Loves"!!! It just makes me smile every time I hear it because it's SO TRUE!

Erynn said...

Harper's little shoes are SO adorable!! I absolutely love them! :)

I would love to win a copy - sounds like the perfect Christmas gift for someone who doesn't know Christ, right? :)

The Abramowski Family said...

Eyerything Glorious is probably my favorite. I would love to win this CD!!

Wunderwoman said...

I'm kind of embarrassed to admit this, but I've never heard of him or his music. I would so love to win a copy to see what I'm missing out on. And Harper looks adorable as usual.

Lisa and Drew said...

Never heard anything from DCB but would LOVE to!!!

Alyssa said...

I'm finally finding out I looooove Christian music. I bought a David Crowder CD because I'd seen about him on your blog, but it was all remixes of his songs and I didn't really enjoy it. I'd love to hear what his music really sounds like. Thanks Kelly!

Brunch at Saks said...

Harper's little shoes are SO cute!!!

I have actually never heard of David Crowder until I read your post last week that you meant him. I've been listening for him on our local Christian station (95.9 here in LA) and would love to hear more of him!

Have a great day love! XO

Melissa said...

I have never listened to or heard of David Crwoder. I listen to Christian music stations from time to time so maybe I have heard him and just didn't know it! haha

Wait till Harper finds out about handbags! I passed the diease on to my 17 yr. old daughter. She loves them as much as I do. Like shoes ~ you have to have one in every color!!

SHELLY said...

Love David Crowder Band! My favorite right now is How He Loves Us...but really enjoy everything from them! :)

helen said...

I am new to listening to christian music and have never heard him sing before. I started listening to christian music after getting so tired of the horrible lyrics on mainstream radio. I also must give you kudos for switching me over to christian music. You would write about how it lifted your spirits listening to it and got you through good and bad times so I began to seek it out and am glad I did :-)
I love, love, love your blog and visit daily. You have the sweetest family and you are such an inspiring christian mother and woman to me.


Tales from the Trails said...

Kelly-Love your blog and love what your message is all about. You and Harper are a joy to read, oh and Scott too.
I will probably be the only one who is not familiar with David Crowder. I would love to hear more about him.

Susan said...

I've never actually listened to a David Crowder song. BUT, I understand he is very, very good! I hope I win! :)

Kelly said...

I have never listened to David Crowder before, but would LOVE to if I win a CD!!! Thanks for doing the give away, I LOVE. LOVE. LOVE praise music and it is my worship time most days.

Treasuring these things in my heart.....Sue said...

Oh how fun...David Crowder. I cannot remember song titles...I just know I love his music.

Harper can wear what ever that little darling wants to...labor day or not...

THose little brown shoes are adorable!

The 'Ssippi Scoop said...

I love praise and worship music but have never listened to DCB. I'd love to be in the know!!! I don't think the white shoes apply to babies. Bailey just got her first pair of tennis shoes last week and they make her look so grown! My sweet girl was dx with RSV today. I'm so upset so come to think of it some new praise and worship music might be just what the doc ordered!

MamaBear said...

Oh, I LOVE David Crowder Band! My favorite song is "Come Thou Fount" and I can't wait to hear his new release!! Pick me, please!!

Hester 5 said...

My favorites are Never Let Go and Oh Praise Him!!!! You got those shoes from Target???? I need to check it out!!! They are adorable!

Anna H said...

I have never heard of him, but would love to begin after hearing such a high recommendation from you. Even if I don't win, I will try to download his music. Thanks!

Deb said...

So excited! My favorite is Never Let Go!!

Shannon Willcutt said...

We love everyone of his songs...haven't heard one I didn't like!!!

Love the shoes...Lucy LOVES shoes herself!!!! She changes about 14 times a day!!

Kathryn said...

We love music at our house but I don't think I have ever heard David Crowder or if I have I didn't know it. I would love to win one of his CDs!

Melanie said...

LOVE David Crowder Band! He has recently recorded "Oh How He Loves Us." So good!

Kristy said...

I am a huge fan of DCB! I love pretty much all of his songs, but "How He Loves Us" (I guess that's the title!) just does something extra for my spirit.

Debbie Dankelson said...

I have never heard of David Crowder and would LOVE to hear his music!

Because of Love said...

I would love to have one of the CDs. I don't have any David Crowder CDs. I am sure that I have heard some of their songs, but really don't know any of them. I hear that they are so great on all these blogs that I read, but have never gone to check them out. Hopefully I will win and be able to be part of the fan club. :)

JenMc said...

I have seen David Crowder in concert but it was so many years ago. I would love to hear him again. Sometimes music just hits the right spot when you hear it!

Tracy said...

I have never even heard of David Crowder until I found your blog.

Amy said...

I am loving the shoes! I would love to have a copy, never heard of him until you mentioned him here.

Oh and good game Saturday but my Dawgs pulled one out. At least Harper was THE cutest baby in Hogs gear!


Anonymous said...

I HEART David Crowder Band!!!!!

Patty said...

I have only heard of David Crowder on your blog! HA! I would love to win a copy of the DCB CD! So, choose me, choose me!!

Harper is so adorable in her fall outfit and shoes. I love the face she is making in that last picture, so cute!

Jodi said...

I want to win! I don't have a favorite song because I really don't listen to them, BUT I have heard so many great things about them! I want to become a DCB junkie! :)

The Pearson's said...

I've read on your blog several times how much you love David Crowder, butI'm embarassed to admit that I've never listened to him. I'd love to win the CD!

Jennifer said...

Cute little shoes! I think she may be a shoe girl! She really seems to love them! :)

I LOVE DCB!!! I always listen to him on itunes when I clean house...makes it less painful! "Everything Glorious" and "Glory of It All" are my two favorites! But really I love them all!

Joanna said...

I would love a DCB, but I can't remember their titles.
Love the shoes!
Joanna Rummel

Doris said...

I have actually never heard of DCB but I am very intrigued and will go hunt a link to listen to them now. I have not listened too much christian music but the few songs I have heard I liked very much.

The Petty's said...

Your shoe story cracked me up. You are so down to earth and I love it. My favorite DCB song, is No One Like You. My family and church youth have attended a World Changers project now for 4 years (in Little Rock this past summer). I was introduced to DCB through WC, and this is the song they played the first time. I love it.....It is so true. How can He be so good to me?

Keep up the good work.

Joyce Petty
Beecher City, Il.

Heather said...

I've not heard of David Chowder but I do enjoy Christian music. I would love to win a CD :0)
Harper can pull the best expressions.....ever

Christa said...

Never heard anything before from David Crowder...but would love too!!!

adrienne1101 said...

I would really love a CD. I have actually never listened to them, but I do LOVE Christian music so much!

LuLu said...

I would love a CD!!! Honestly, I've seen you and other people say such great things about him, but have never heard any of his music! I know I'll love his music!

NiCole said...

I have never heard of them before. I would love to hear their songs. I too went through infertility treatments and am going through the ttc process again. I had many songs that helped me get through the times, and would love to hear of some more.

LeAnne said...

We didn't get my son shoes until he was 11 months old! Our daughter on the other hand had about 5 pairs before she was even born! :) She is almost 2 and when she sees shoes in the store she rips hers off and screams to get more! Oh the life of girls!

I have heard of David Crowder Band - mainly from looking at blogs I think! I don't own any of their music.

Blessings to you and your family!


wren handmade said...

I actually have never heard his music either but would like to give it a try.

Sarah said...

I have never heard David Crowder before! I'd love to try it...

Kubin's said...

I love all the shoes!!

I've never heard David Crowder (that I know of) I may have and just not know it was him. Can't wait to hear his music.

Carrie said...

All that I can say!!!! That is soooo my favorite and I didn't even know any of his songs until I started reading Angie's blog. I was super exited that you met him in person. Would love one of those CD's to listen to!

Shay said...

I love "O Praise HIm" because it was the first CD of his that I listened to. It was my happy place to get in my car after high school and hear that play!

I went to Baylor and ran into him at Target once, but I didn't have the guts to say hi!

So glad you got to meet him!!

Renia Flaishans said...

Well Kelly, I dont have good luck at winning things but I am going to give this a shot. I have never heard of David Crowder, but would love to have a copy of the CD to listen to and share with my girls. Cant wait to check back tomorrow to see if I won.

And thanks for sharing the pictures of Harper today :o)
I love the little black shoes!
Target ALWAYS has the cutest shoes!

Renia (Michigan)

ashley said...

i do listen to christian music, occasionally, but i have to say i don't know any dcb songs (at least off the top of my head). either way - i'd still love to win the cd so i can start listening! :)

Cathy Hengst Photography said...

LOVE David Crowder! I have to say I think Stars is my recent favorite. Oh and totally LOVe those baby shoes... gotta be in style!

Kodi said...

The shoes are adorable. I have never heard David Crowder but I'd love to!

Anonymous said...

I would love to have one of the CDs. My favorite David Crowder song is Here is Our King. His music just lifts me up all the time! Can't wait for the new CD!

Jennifer said...

Love music of all kinds. I have been listening to Casting Crowns a lot lately. I don't think I have heard DCB, but I might recognize a song if I heard it. I would love to win a CD!

Erin said...

Kelly, I had never heard of David Crowder until you mentioned him on your blog earlier. I would LOVE to hear his new music and get to know what everyone loves so much about him!

Mommy2CVC said...

I had never heard of him until I read about him on your blog. I still haven't heard his music though. Even if I don't win I will make it a point to find the song you mentioned and listen to it!

Anonymous said...

OHHH OOOHHH OHHHH! I love All that I Cas say and Never Let Go.. Do you think it's wrong to pray to win? :)

Love the little shoes!

Kari & Blair said...


I LOVE your blog...I have never heard of David Crowder, except your blog....I have really just started listening to Christian music more and we love it...I would love a copy of his CD...

And Harper's shoes are ADORABLE!!

Mallory said...

Love David Crowder! Can't wait to hear his new CD! I love "Open Skies" !!

stacey said...

I LOVE David Crowder!

My (current) favorite is "How He Loves." :)

The Tylers said...

Love Harper's little shoes. I mostly just listen to the Chrisitian radio station, instead of CD's really, so I'm not up on specific songs, but I know I have always liked anything DCB. Sounds like it'll be a great CD from the title!

Shawn said...

I have to be honest and say that I have never heard of him before! I am new to Christian music and would love to win a copy of his CD! You definitely inspire me in so many ways! I love reading your blog!

Katie @ Miss Klohn's Classroom said...

I <3 David Crowder Band! They were one of the first Christian groups that I listened to. I think my favorite song is "Oh Praise Him". Thanks for sharing with us!

Sandy said...

Harpers shoes are fabulous!

Although I have never heard of David Crowder, I would love to win!

Kristin said...

Well, I am happy to say that I bought my first David Crowder CD this weekend, and I love it! We sing "Everything Glorious" at church all the time. I have no idea why it took me this long to buy it, but I would love to win his new one!

Staci said...

We Won't Be Quiet, Undignified, Our Love is Loud....

...I could go on and on, but these are a few of my faves that we sing...more like rock out children's church.

Christy said...

DCB is my most favorite band! I was jealous when you showed that photo a few weeks ago :)

I love O Praise Him and........oh the list could go on and on so I will just stop with that one :o)

CBK said...

I love "Everything Glorious"! We used to sing that at youth group in high school!

Becky said...

Thank You For Hearing Me is my favorite DCB song. I LOVE it!

Thanks for the giveaway!!

beachmom5 said...

How He loves.


sagreen125 said...

I love oh praise him,but there are a lot to choose from.
thanks for the chance to possibly win a cd

Lauren said...

undignified and everything glorious are two of my favorites. i got to see them this summer at a summer concert festival at kings dominion in virginia, and honestly, DCB is the reason i went! love them and their music--and would love to win the cd! you and angie are going to hook us up this week!

Krista said...

I've never heard of David Crowder, but I have got to say that Harper is the cutest thing in those shoes! I love the brown pair the best. May this be the start of many happy hours choosing shoes! :)

Alison said...

Would make my day to win a cd. Love Harper's shoe pics!

Nichole said...

I have just recently found David Crowder, thanks to you, Kelly! I am loving his new song "Shadows." I am so glad that you turned me on to him because I'm loving going back and catching up on what I've been missing for years apparently! THANKS KELLY!!!!!!!!

Megan said...

I've never heard of him until your blog, but I am sure I would love his music! Love looking at all your pictures!!

Geaux Tigers!!

Melissa said...

i LOVE dcb. i have seen him in concert ONCE at a youth leadership conference with all of our youth group leaders and we were worse than the youth kids would have been how excited we got over seeing him live. i couldn't possibly pick a favorite song, i love them all!

Melissa said...

This is my 1st time leaving a comment on your blog. I read it almost daily. Harper is a baby doll! The shoes were super cute! You need to try Kid Express Molly's, when she starts walking. They are cute and seem comfortable too. By the way, I would LOVE to win the David Crowder CD - I have never heard him.

The Hays Family said...

I graduated from Baylor -- isn't he in the Waco area nowadays? Anyway, heard of him, but don't know his songs.

Looks like Target was a hit. SHe is precious.

Kellie's Bama Days said...

I have heard of David Crowder Band but never listen to his music. I would love to hear him. I listen to other praise and worship music. Harper is so adorable.

Christy said...

It would be a toss up between "Oh Praise Him" and "All Creatures".

ashleyjnc said...

All I can Say is so amazing, love it love it love it. I would love to win too!

Annette said...

I haven't actually heard their music but have heard alot about them. It has all been good!! Would love to win a cd....
Love Love Love Harper's shoes and I can tell that she loves them to.

Anne N. said...

I"ve just recently heard of David Crowder. Everyone is so enthusiastic about him, I'd love to win the CD! Thanks for the chance.

djp said...

haven't heard any of their music, and i could probably use some listening to it....need to turn myself back towards Him. your blog is always so inspiring and ooh soo cute!

Aimee said...

I would love to win this CD! I love many of his songs...I just don't know the titles to them!!!

Can't wait until you reveal the winners!!!!

Meghan said...

Hi Kelly! I'm a college student in NC and I LOVE your blog. I read every day and just think you and I would be such friends in real life...and how I would love to be your babysitter if we lived closer! I'm getting married in June and my fiance and I LOVE DCB. We go to Passion each year and we are both so jealous of your encounter with him in real life! That must have been so awesome! Anyway, our favorite song is "The Glory of it All." It's the first song my fiance ever played to me on the guitar over three years ago when we started dating. We sang together and continue to love his worship music. We are in a long distance relationship and so I would love to mail him the CD as a surprise. Thank you for being such a beautiful inspiration to us girls!

Shannon said...

I love DCB! It's SO hard to pick a favorite. I think I will go with "You are my Joy" or "No One Like You" both are great for singing along to in the car. :)

Anonymous said...

DCB is so awesome and so, so inspirational.
My all time favorite song is "Oh Praise Him" but I have about 10 more favorites too!!
I'd love their new CD, I can't wait to hear it!

Liz said...

I had never heard of him or his band so this would be introducing me to his music

Paige said...

I don't think I know David Crowder. But my interest is peaked!

sweethome4us said...

I've never heard a David Crowder song! Would love to win a fab CD.


Stephanie said...

First of all, Harper has the SWEETEST faces! And I just LOVE her cute new shoes. My daughter just started wearing shoes a few months ago (and she's 14 months already), because she didn't really like them and spent most of her days crawling around anyways. Now, I wish I had more shoe choices, so I'll be looking at the sales soon.

Secondly, I would LOVE to have a David Crowder CD. I honestly don't know which songs are his, but I'm sure I've heard them on the radio. I'd love to win my first of his CD's. My daughter LOVES to watch PraiseBaby and I'm trying to make it a habit of listening to praise music as background during the day.

Cathy said...

I too have heard the name, (I am sure it was from your blog) but I couldn't name one of his songs. I am sure I have heard them but couldn't place them to the artist.

Unknown said...


Thanks for the photos & stories, your daughter is gorgeous! My wife is in desperate need of a new CD, this would be a wonderful addition to her rather depleted selection.

Hope all is well with you.

Michelle said...

I had never heard of him until you blogged about meeting him. Harper is so beautiful and I love all her new shoes! Stop by my blog to enter my 100th post giveaway. Have a good day.

Amy said...

I have heard of the David Crowder Band, but I have never heard any of his music. I would love to win. We are a praise kind of family, so anything that brings praise to God is played in our house.

Sharron said...

I love David Crowder and his music. I have several CD's and I think my favorite is Illuminate. I would love having his new CD.
Harpers new shoes are darling. She seems pleased.

Kaleena said...

I'm sorry to say that I have never heard of DCB. Until you mentioned him on your blog...of course. I'd love to listen though!

Marie said...

Oh I love little Miss Harper in shoes but miss her "big bow", Glad her little foot is doing so good to be able to weaar shoes, I have only listen to David Crowder by way of youtube from your blog, but I do love Christian music and my car rocks when I am driving alone, listen at home also but LOUD in the car.

PreppyBumpkin said...

How cute are Harper's new fall shoes?

I'm excited about the new DCB CD being released -- my favorite song is "Everything Glorious". Many thanks!

st said...

I love Christian music, but have to say I don't know this band. Would love the new CD to join in on the joy of his music!

Danielle said...

Oh I'd love love love to win the DCB CD! :)

Beth said...

I LOVE DCB! My favorite song is "Never Let GO." It would be a great companion to my new Selah CD ;) Hehehe!

Jennifer said...

not a regular listener of the DCB, but I would love to be! thanks for the opportunity to maybe win!!

Kathryn said...

I have never heard them before.

Ashlee said...

I can't pick just one! I love O Praise Him, Everything Glorious, Here is our King, and You Never Let Go. Thanks for the giveaway!!

Anonymous said...

those are the sweetest shoes (on the sweetest feet!!)

Abby said...

First of all, those shoes are adorable!!!

I'm not sure of a DCB song...I listen to Air 1 but I never pay attention to who sings what songs...I'd love to win the CD though! I'm sure I'll love him too!

Sarah said...

What an awesome giveaway -- thank you Kelly, and DCB! I love DCB, and while I love every song that I've heard, I have a special place in my heart for his older songs. My husband and I were volunteer youth leaders when we lived in Baltimore. Our daughter had just been born, and the 3 of us took a trip with the youth to a MD youth gathering where DCB was playing. "O Praise Him" is one of my fave songs, not just because it's a great song, but because it reminds me of the wonderful youth we worked with in 2004-2005.

Jenn said...

My fave is "Open Skies"!!!

Cochran Family said...

Yay! Glad to see you're doing a giveaway, too. I just tried to win over on Angie's blog also, so maybe between yours and hers I have a chance! Maybe??? :)

The Scott Household said...

Hands down, "All I Can Say" is my ultimate-favorite-make-me-smile-cry-all-at-the-same-time DC*B song...and even though I own almost of the CDs (not B Collison or the CD that "All I Can Say" is on), I only recently found this song :)
My college roommate and close close friend introduced me to David :) LOVE their band and his hair! Cracks me up every time :)
My husband likes him too, even though he says that if my "like" for DC gets any worse, there'll be issues :) All in joking and fun!

We listened to all the CD's on our way to Wisconsin (a 12 hour drive) and back after the aforementioned friend's wedding. I just LOVE the music!!!

Angela said...

I don't know any DCB songs, though I've heard of them. :)

We didn't put our firstborn son in shoes until he was about 11 months, and our second son in shoes yesterday. No point when they're not walking yet! Our 17-month old only wore them to church on Sunday this week b/c it was a tad bit cold for bare feet and his socks get filthy when he crawls around the nursery in just socks. :)

Courtney said...

I love the song "Rain Down". The band has so many awesome songs though. I would love to win a CD, but will definately be going to get the new CD if I do not win:)

The Haynes Family said...

Harper is so sweet! Our son, Jackson, is 10 months old and the cutest little thing! We got him some new shoes this weekend too, but he is NOT a fan! He keeps trying to pull them off his feet! I guess that's the difference between boys and girls! :)

I haven't ever listened to David Crowder, but my husband LOVES him and knew exactly where you were when I showed him the blog ("oh, they're probably in Waco, he lives there" ...what?) So I'm sure he'd be thrilled if I won a copy so he could introduce me to a new band (slash POSSIBLY steal the CD for a few car rides to and from school).

have a great week! :)

Virginia said...

Hubby and I walked out to "Oh Praise Him" at our wedding. Love that song. Also love "We are Here" and the whole Beautiful Collision cd. You're great, Kelly. Its exciting what the Lord is doing with your blog. Isn't it amazing how He does so much more than we could ever ask or imagine?

Cute shoes too! Harper is so adorable! I guess this means her little foot is healing well from the surgery? Awesome.


Kristi said...

We are huge Crowder fans and Louie Giglio for that matter too. They both are on campus at Baylor for the new DCB release tomorrow. Oh, how I would love to be back there~sic 'em bears! I can't pick just one fave....I love them all!

Amber said...

I love David Crowder! my kids found out about him at Bible camp last summer, and I love Undignified! Beautiful song! This CD would make a perfect Christmas gift for my 16 year old, so if I don't win, I will buy it for Christmas!

Christi said...

i love all of his music!!!

Kylee said...

I LOVE DCB! I'm 16 (almost 17) and after loving on my two little foster sisters for 11 months, I just had to say goodbye to them. I miss them more than words can express, and it has been SO hard. David Crowder's music has been such a comfort and blessing to me during this time. (I listen on youtube because I don't have his music!) I love all his stuff, but I especially love his version of "all creatures of our God and king" and "come thou fount".

I would love the c.d!!

The Simmons Family said...

LOVE all the shoes!! Adorable!!

I must be really isolated in the desert here because first I hadn't heard of Okra, then I hadn't heard of the Hogs, NOW is the first time I"m hearing of David Crowder. In fact, I just asked my husband if he heard of David Chowder... so nope.. never heard of him.

I think I need a CD so that I can bring some culture into this house! Plus, Owen would probably love it too!

Alissa said...

I love ALL things DCB!! Currently my favorite song is No One Like You! ESPECIALLY in the car, I roll down the windows and turn it on super loud and totally have church in my and DCB! :)

Nancy said...

My daughter, Kenlee, had both of those pair! I can't sell them on Ebay, because they are SOOO cute. I love the black one's. I wish they made them in a 6 or 7.
I am going to listen to the song you mentioned. I've never heard of him until I read your blog.

Angela said...

I am seriously out of date with christian music. I had to ask a teenager who Hillsong was. I do however know David Crowder and I do love his music. I don't know titles but I have a few of his older tunes that i listen to a lot. Winning a new CD would be perfect for me. I just can't afford to buy CD's these days and the radio is boring playing the same songs everyday. I hope I can replace an old CD for a new one!

Unknown said...

Love how he loves!

Jamie Fenley said...

Gotta love "All I can say"
DCB is sooo great!

CMC said...

Harper's shoes are ADORABLE! I have a Harper too (she's almost 4 months) and her feet are still too little for shoes, but we have so many cute pairs for her to wear when she grows a bit more!

I had not heard of David Crowder until I started reading your blog, but I'd love to have a copy of his CD to hear his music :)

mhuffman said...

I have never listened to him, but would love a CD! And Harper's shoes are adorable!

misty w. said...

Love the last CD, but the new song Oh How He Loves Us Oh, How He Loves Us, Oh....makes me teary everytime I hear it.

Meg said...

OK Kelly!! I am excited....I love Christian music but am not familiar with this band....I have really had a tough husband is an engineer and has been working a lot of over time at the plant here in Russellville....I am feeling like a overwhelmed... single's been a month....I would love
this CD so I can get the JOY...JOY...JOY you have experienced from listening to these guys! (I have a private your email somewhere on this blog...I would love to invite son Bennett..7 1/2 months might be a great match for Harper! He!He!)

Lianna Knight said...


This is such an AWESOME giveaway!! I must admit that I don't think I know any songs from the David Crowder Band. I honestly only listen to my three Lakewood Church CD' I would love to add this CD to my playlist in the mornings and afternoons :)

I can't tell you how much you inspire me and give me hope to continue to wait for the blessing God will grant us!

Dandelion Momma said...

I have never heard of him, but would love to play some inspiring Christian music in my home.

Unknown said...

I just started listening to Christian music about a year ago so I don't have a fave DC song yet - but I'd love to win!!! Thanks for the chance.

Flores Family... said...

Love Oh praise him!!! and love harpers accesories! shes too cute!!!

Wife, Mom, and Slave said...

I love all types of music but have never heard of David Crowder! I'd love to own his new CD. Also, I love Harper in her new shoes. She looks great in everything you put on her.

amy said...

I love so many of DCB's songs that it is hard to pick a favorite! But, I really like "All That I Can Say." :)

Kimberly said...

I've only recently discovered the awesomeness that is DCB and don't have any of their albums...yet!


Lisa said...

Hi, Kelly ~ My favorite is "No One Like You." Christian music got me through my cancer and it is how I pray while stuck in rush hour traffic daily. Your comments about DCB made me investigate him on You Tube and you are right he is fantastic.

Krystal said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE David Crowder. I actually met him as well back in August. The camp I worked at the summer hosts a big youth event at the end of the summer called BIG YOUTH THING...he was in concert and I staffed the event! :) :)

Hmm...I honestly don't think I have a favorite DCB song. I really love them all. I really like "The Glory of it All". Such a great song about the Gospel!

Thanks :)

~Kathie~ said...

I listen to Christian radio a lot but am terrible with remembering names of songs or artists. But seeing your post a few weeks ago about running into him at the airport and how much his songs mean to you- has really made me want to hear his songs. Thanks for offering this great give away! And cute shoes Harper- a girl can never have too many shoes!!! :)

Taylor said...

Grace has those little white sandals!! Well, not for much longer because her little feetsies are about to hang over! But the fall ones too!

I don't know any David Crowder Band songs by heart but I do love their music!!!

Love the last picture of Harper...that face is priceless!

Alyssa said...

Talk about precious shoes! I recently started to listen to Christian music and I'm falling in love! Never listened to David Crowder! Maybe I will tonight! You are the one person who brought be back to God so if you listen to this I just may have to listen to them!

Lauren said...

I don't listen to much Christian music - and hadn't heard of DCB until you and Angie mentioned him. I'd LOVE to hear it, though!


Crazy Cowans said...

I have never heard of him till your post! Would love to win his CD!!

Beth said...

Don't you just love Target?!? Those shoes are too cute.
David Crowder is awesome! I don't really have a favorite. I love them all!

soho said...

Hey Kelly, I Love DCB, my favorite song is "Glory of it All". Thanks for doing this giveaway! :)

little said...

I've not listened to DBC all that much, but do like the song "All I Can Say".

Love Harper's new shoes.

Brittney Quick Canady said...

I have never listened to David Crowder, but I would love too!

Libby said...

I love the new shoes!!! I'm a big "shoe" fan. I listen to my local christian radio station, but I don't remember titles to songs, just the parts I like to sing along. Would love to win the CD!!!

Robin said...

I would have loved to have been there when you met him. I bet you were SOOOOO excited!! My favorite song is Never Let Go.

Joscelyn said...

I have a favorite DCB song but at the moment I can't remember the name-O phoo!!

Love the new shoes Harper. They are gorgeous.

Brittany said...

I have never listened to David Crowder, but would love to win a copy.

A Christian Mom said...

I have never heard of DCB until your blog. I saw a video on Youtube with their song, "Oh Praise Him" with a young man walking the streets & singing the song. Beautiful.

Love Harper's new shoes! The brown ones are my favorite... so cute!

Beth said...

Oh Praise Him! I LOVE DCB!!!

The Stain Family said...

FUN! I have heard of "David Crowder" from Angie Smith's blog...I think you're both in love with the same man! ha. I'm kidding. I've never heard his music, but I'm sure he's great since he has such great fans.

And those black shoes are just too much! Love 'em.

Kimberly said...

Harper is a doll as always! I had not heard of DCB before your blog, but I'd love to win the cd!

Kathy said...

I'll be honest, I've heard of DCB, but never actually heard any of his songs. And since we do not have a Christian radio station around here I would love to win a CD!

Blessings, Kathy =)

Love from Texas said...

me me ME! pick me!

Erin said...

i was so embarrassed b/c i didnt know any names to DCB songs, so i looked it up and realized that I DO!!!! I just listen to my christian radio station non stop and never know WHO it is singing the incredible songs!

so my fave is definitely HOW HE LOVES US! and i would love to win this CD!

Jacey Autumn Photography said...

Hi kelly ! I am a practicing christian and love listening to godly music but I must say that I have never heard David Crowder. I would love the opportunity to hear him though :)

J said...

Never Let Go by DCB !!

just had a baby girl and cant wait to buy shoes for her!!

Erica Hami said...

I just searched my itunes and I have one song by DCB 'undignified' I love it. I would love to hear more of his music! I know I must have heard it but I don't own any... yet! Thanks for offering such a generous giveaway!

The Johnson Family said...

I have never heard David Crowder before but I have heard that he is great.

Rebecca said...

I love DCB and my husband loves to play them. I love "Come and Listen" and I even have some of the lyrics from it on a picture in our dining room.

Summer said...

I am a Christian but have never heard of David Crowder... I would love to hear his music... Pick Me!

P.S. I love the brown Mary Jane Shoes you got Harper.... They are really cute....

Ali said...

I have just got back into the swing of things listening to my christain music. I have fallen in love with alot of DCB songs, I never knew he was the one that sang so many of my favoirte childhood songs from church. :)

Karla said...

I just heard of David Crowder from your blog but would love to win a CD!

Life of a Savannah Wife said...

I love all of Harper's new shoes. Makes me want to go shopping :) Never heard his music, but I'm always up for good Christian music!

Michele said...

We love DCB here too! My hubby and I first were introduced when they opened for Third Day a few years ago and have all their CDs!
We just learned his new on OH HOW HE LOVES US in church this past week! It was amazing!!

Harper is so cute in her shoes...I watched on the TODAY show that you CAN still wear white after Labor Day you are good!! Maybe this will inspire her to walk soon!! :)

G. said...

I only have heard of David Crowder through Angie's blog and I love the songs she has featured. I remember she said it was hard to find his CDs so I would love to learn more about his music!!

I am new to Christian music...I didn't think I would like it until I heard his voice!

Angie said...

Would just love to have his cd! My all time favorite is All that I can say!! Harper looks so precious in her shoes!

Ann Marie said...

Love DCB - my 6 year-old is always singing "Never Let Go"

Jessica said...

"All I Can Say" is my favorite!

The Dimino's said...

I love "all I can say"!!!! The best song ever!! Love Haper's new shoes!!!

Laura said...

DCB ROCKS! I love his songs. I love "Come thou fount".


The Splan Clan said...

Hey Kelly, I have to admit that I have never listened to David Crowder...However, I would love a CD that could be so up lifting on rough days. I do enjoy Christian music regularly but my cd collection is slim. Also, I dont get much time to go shopping for grown up cd's with two little ones in the house:) I LOVE the new shoes. I missed the teeny years with my girly girl so we kinda missed all the cutsie stuff. Oh well...maybe someday we will have a little girl in this house:)

Shannon Starck said...

I am new to reading your blog, but love hearing all the updates about Harper. I just recently had my first child, and feel like you do. I just love her so much and could talk about her 24/7 if someone would listen.

I am trying so hard to work on my faith. My brother passed away suddenly a few years ago and ever since then I have been struggling with my faith. I just got the daily inspirations book by Joel Olsteen and LOVE it and it starts my day out in such a positive happy note. Now if I could win that cd I could start my day out great and listen to soulful music on my way to work.

Thanks for being such an inspiration to me........


Karen said...

I would love to win. I have heard of DCB, but I don't know the names of the songs. When listening to the radio I'll hear a song I really like then learn that it is the DCB. I need to start remembering the names of the songs better!


Ginny said...

I've heard of David Crowder lots b/c of our local christian radio station but am not familiar with their music.

You can't have too many CD's! Thanks,Kelly!!!!

Allison and Rob said...

Hi Kelly!

I've never listened to his music, but would definitely like to!

Beth said...

I have heard of David Crowder from your blog, and I listened to him last week on a Christian radio program. But I really don't know any of his songs, so I would love, love, love to win a CD so that I, too, could love him as much as you do!!

Beth said...

Love David Crowder. He's coming to our church in February? I believe. Can't wait to see him in concert!

Courtney said...

My favorite DCB song is probably "No One Like You" It's great to run or clean to. I also like "All Creatures of our God and King" Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Hello Kelly! What a fun opportunity you have given me! This would be a fabulous gift for me having just turned three...that is three years this month being cancer-free!! I am classified stage 4 with colon cancer and am thankful for each and every day I get to spend with my five precious blessings! Because we homeschool, we daily listen to Christian music, but are not very familiar with DCB. At iTunes, I "sampled" some of their songs and was quite impressed. Whoever you should choose, know I will still enjoy reading about your family and the happenings of Harper! Thank you again, Cathy Williams

Anonymous said...

Love harper's new black shoes! They are adorable!

Heather said...

Love the ready for Fall!!!

Lindsay said...

Love those little black shoes! Oh little girl things are so fun! I love David Crowder, but I would be entirely too chicken to say anything to him if I saw him in public! Favorite song...that's a hard one, probably Foreverandever.

Amanda said...

I love the DCB and I listen to KLRC here in Rogers all the time. I love their new song "Oh how He loves us."

Harper is so darling.

Elizabeth said...

I actually just created my first "David Crowder" stations on Pandora after hearing of your airport run-in. I've enjoyed his work so far, mixed in with other Christian artists. I'd love to win a copy of the new cd so I can have straight DC music instead of the sporadic Pandora style I've had til now. Ha! :)

Melissa said...

I love DCB because they are so uplifting and speak to my heart in many ways. One of my favorite songs is All I Can Say. I just downloaded it from itunes last week. Thanks for doing this I hope I win.

A Wedding Story said...

Oh Praise Him is my favorite DCB song (for now!) Thanks for doing this giveaway!

Unknown said...

Ah! The shoes are too cute! The black ones are precious and the brown ones are perfect for fall! :-) As for DCB... I think "Make A Joyful Noise" because it reminds me of working with some of the most amazing Christian students I have ever met. "Undignified" is awesome too and I'll always love the classics like "All Creatures of Our God and King". This is getting long - as always, thanks for sharing! :-)

Jenna said...

I love DCB, love your blog and would love to WIN! I've never won a giveaway before! said...

I would love, love, love to win this cd!! (sunshine @

The Durbins said...

I would love to win his new cd. My daughter loves praise music but we have never listened to him.

My 3 Sons said...

I am just slightly familiar with DCB. My boys like to listen to music and it would be so awesome for them to have some Christian music to add to their ipods.

Harper's shoes are precious. I am a fan of shoes, jewelry and purses. A friend of mine said that "they always fit" and she is so right!

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