My friend Hillary and her friend Jenny came up last night to be with Katie. They all grew up together and are best friends. I'm so glad they could be here to support Katie. They are staying with another friend Shannon. Today those 3 girls met me and Laurie and our 3 little girls for lunch! I enjoyed seeing them so much.

Hillary, Me and Laurie - 2 of my dearest friends (and Emily)

Today Scott and I were playing with Harper in her bedroom and we had a little photo shoot. I couldn't help but share some of my favorites. LOVE these little bloomers. Love the little sweet bottom underneath even more.

Harper is doing so good at sitting up now.

That sweet face has stolen my heart

Ha ha!

Both of my babies.......they still aren't too sure about each other

Happy Saturday!
Love those little bloomers, too! Praying for Katie.
so cute! I love those faces! Hope you're having a great weekend!
Harper is getting so big! She is such a cuttie! ;)
miss harper is getting too big!!! she is adorable! love the cute bloomers!
i left katie a comment w/ one of my favorite verses since losing andon back in february. will continue to pray for them.
She is just precious.
Time with friends and cute pics of your babies. Wonderful.
Love the bloomers. She is adorable.
She is just precious!!! Love the pics!!
precious, kelly!!!
The pictures are adorable! It looks like Harper may have green eyes as well.
Love the bloomers! She is so cute...
Harper is so sweet. Your dog is so cute too. How do Harper and your dog get along?
She is SO adorable! = )
Adorable! I think these are some of the best pictures yet!!!! ( I love all of your pictures, I just think these are super cute!) Have a great weekend
I love your pictures! They are so precious. My favorites are of Harper and Dawson. The looks are their faces are priceless....
I LOVE that last shot. She's so precious!
Sorry Kelly, I meant to say the looks on their faces and your captions are priceless.
She is so cute. I love the paci coordinating with the outfit. We did that too! Praying for your friend Katie.
I just love the bloomers! They are so cute! Harper is a DOLL!
She is just precious. Those little bloomers are too cute. Everytime I see something personalized or monogrammed I think of Miss.Harper :0)
Harper looks so tiny in her car seat, especially compared to the other baby. And those bloomers are awfully cute!
Great pictures! The bloomiers are awesome. I love that skirt you have on too. Very stylish.
The pictures you posted are adorable as always. I've been praying for your friend Katie and her family. I also wanted to tell you that my son who just turned one and our dog took about the first 9-10 months before they really started to "get along". Our dog seemed to like Henry better once he started to become more mobile than when he was stuck in one spot. :)
Love those little bloomer, too cute! :)
How cute are those bloomers!!
Those bloomers are PRECIOUS! I love her expressions! I think she is looking exactly like Scott in one of them!
Happy weekend, Kelly!
Your little girl and your puppy are adorable. I love checking your posts, they always make me smile. :)
Those bloomers are the cutest!
How fun!! And precious pics of Harper as usual!! :)
Bloomer pictures are my favorite!!! Harper is getting so big! I LOVE her dress too!!!
Lilly has that dress but I don't think she is going to grow into it before it is out of season! I love it!
Dear sweet Kelly (aka Skinny Minny), I love that you girls got to have lunch. That is one pretty group of ladies (and little ladies) right there! I am so glad Hillary and her friend were able to come be with Katie. I am just praying so hard for that precious family.
And the Harper pics - what can I say? Either she needs to be in a cute baby magazine, or you and Scott need to be professional photographers...I'm thinking it's both. :-)
You know I love the picture with Dawson in it! They WILL be friends! Once she starts feeding him stuff they'll love each other.
Love the last picture especially. She's a cutie!
Cute pictures!
Kelly, I just recently started reading your blog a few months back. I just love to see pictures of Harper. She is gorgeous! I was thrilled to see her in this yellow dress. I am a frequent Tarjay shopper and fell in love with it when I first saw it! I have a little boy so he really wouldn't have been too cute in it! Glad to see someone found a precious girl to wear it!
Those are all so sweet!! I LOVE the bloomers!
Such cute photos!
She's a cutie!
love that dress - I bought the same one for my girls!!
LOVE those bloomers!! I just had several pair made for London to go under her fall smocked dresses! I LOOOOVE dressing a little girl! My thoughts and prayers are with Katie!
Oh my goodness! I normally don't comment, however she is too adorable!!!!! I think every post she gets cuter!
Kelly- enjoy that paci in her mouth ;) My lil muffin is a paci ADDICT- she just turned 2 and literally today brought a purse full of 5 paci's and would rotate them out every few minutes. HILARIOUS, but she talks with it.. reminds me of someone with a cigarette in their mouth while talking, it grosses me out! LOL-
I know you're a walmart phene as well, and i just found the CUTEST halloween jammies out ( already, i know) they are actually made by Faded Glory and remind me of the Carters ones they sell. they are pink and have glow in the dark bones on them- as if it was your skeleton glowing and a cute little pink heart on them. i dont know if its your thing.. but i know you had talked about Halloween in your last post..
they are like 7 bucks.. take a look- as of last week, there were only a few left in our section.
Have a great weekend!!
- Kat
WOW Harper really DOES look like Scott in those pics! I hope Dawson adjusts soon...Sandy won't have anything to do with Asher :(
She is so adorable! I just want to snuggle her!
Those bloomers are too darn cute !!! That's great that your friend got to get some extra support in her time of need. My prayers are with her family.
She is such a doll!
Jenny and I went to OBU together! Small world! :)
It is official. You have the MOSTEST MONOGRAMMED baby in blogland. I can't believe how much HARPER stuff you have!!! If you guys ever have another little one, no matter if its a boy or a girl, you are going to have to buy all new stuff!!!! She is a sweety...thanks for sharing all you do with us in blogland.
Kimberly in Canada
Love the personalized bloomers! 2 cute!
I hope Katie is doing well...ever since I saw her pregnant picture on your blog, Reese's story has weighed VERY heavy on my heart. I can't imagine the sorrow this poor family is experiencing.
Praying for you too and of course that little gorgeous baby of yours :)
I am still praying for Katie and her enitre family. I LOVE the picture of Harper and Dawson...ADORABLE!!!! I love the looks on their faces! I also like the one above it. Too cute as always! :-)
It looks like she is going to take off crawling any minute now. Those bloomers are the best!
I have been thinking about Katie and Jason and their family so much. I can't imagine the hurt they are feeling.
Your little Harper is too cute! Can't wait to have one of my own!
Do you have an update on Katie? I've been keeping her and her family in my prayers. I hope all is well.
Harper is a sweet little girl, so many memories already and Lord willing so many more to come. It so fun when they can walk ad talk!! every stage is fun...its fun when they are 22 as well, our big twin boys and its fun with our 3 yr. old!!!
She is so stinking cute! I love your style of photos!
Hugs - Tiffany
PS - I took Dale's photo class yesterday and LOVED it. Thanks for the coupon code! I learned so much and am getting ready to do a photo shoot this afternoon! I'm going to use some of my new skills! :)
I love, love, love those bloomers!
Your friend Katie is in my prayers daily.
OK....scroll down to the NYC pictures and then look at the ones from yesterday, it looks like I ate myself! Are you kidding? Maybe this was a good dose of reality! The good thing is I had a GREAT time with you and the girls yesterday. I hope to do it again soon!
so beautiful!
Love all the pictures, Kelly! So cute!!!
I love how Harper is hold her stuffed puppy in one picture! So cute!
Love the pic of Dawson and Harper.. So cute! Oh what am I Saying, I love them all! :) She's so precious!
Hi Kelly (and Harper)! This comment is totally off topic. I am a reader from the Boston, MA area and guess what?? We are getting a Sonic!! I thought of you. I just learned it is a carhop? or something like that. I totally don't get it- very new to us. I have some Sonic learning to do! I am excited to try it.
Thanks for sharing your sweet girl with us!
Those little bloomers are adorable!!
LOVE the picture with Dawson! The expressions are priceless.
She is so darn cute!
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