I'm really out of the wedding circles these days. I have only hosted two wedding showers in the last couple of years. I guess I'll have to wait until all my friend's kids start getting married to host anymore.
We had my friend Hillary's wedding shower at my house last year. Her colors were green and black. Her new last name started with a "B".

Yummy Food

How cute are these petit fours??? I got these for her lingerie shower the night before her wedding. I just think these are TOO cute!

We played a fun game and picked out names for each "nightie" she got and then wrote them all on pieces of paper so on her honeymoon - her husband could choose a "name" and then she would wear the corresponding gown. It was a lot of fun.

I had several really nice showers when I was engaged. This shower was thrown by Scott's home church. It was so nice and different. They had us come up on a Saturday and open all the gifts with just our family. And then the shower was the next afternoon and they laid out all the opened gifts on tables for everyone to look at and then I basically stood in the house and everyone came and spoke to me.

This isn't a very good picture but it was me and the two Judys (our moms) in front of the beautiful table.

This fruit table was amazing!!!

Here are people looking at a table that held our Christmas dishes and some other things.

My parent's church (that I grew up in) threw me a very nice shower also (you can tell we got married in the fall). This is me, my mom and my mam-ma.

This was the traditional kind where you sit in a circle and open gifts while everyone watches you - very chawing to me!
I'd love to see your showers and get ideas. I'm sure there are a lot of you out there planning showers soon for someone!
I loved the petit fours for the lingerie shower. How cute. And I never would have thought to have the shower where you open the gifts before everyone gets there. That's a good idea.
Awww...I can't believe Hillary and Josh have already been married almost a year!!
Your showers were beautiful!! Love the fruit table and the fall colors!!
Kelly! I had two showers that I was dying to show, so I put both links up... I hope that's okay with you!
I love that nightie idea! Very clever! That's fun that everyone was able to see all your gifts, I'm always making everyone pull stuff out after the shower, because I'm too busy to see what they openend!
Those petit fours are so great! Perfect for a lingerie shower!
Love the petit fours! Scott looks SUPER happy to be in that picture...HA! Also dig the chaw reference :)
ok petit fours are my favorite. I would have them rather than cake at all events if it was up to me :)
Oh...a good old Magnolia shower! I miss those!
I just watched the video of Harper eating and fake laughing below! Hilarious!! I really needed to laugh!!
I wasn't sure how to react when people basically came to my shower to watch me open presents - I was so embarrassed!!
What are petit fours? Are they something you make? Or do you get them at the bakery?
Just wait until you're my age, and then you'll be back in the wedding shower business in a really big way. Your children will be getting married, and you'll be hosting showers for all of you friends' children.
I was just thinking that the shower/sip and see that Scott's church did for y'all would def cut down on the "Chaw" factor. I only had two traditional showers, and man was I chawed! My friends took me out to dinner and my husband's family did the same. So no chaw there.
I love those lingerie petit fours...so cute :)
Those petit fours look divine... I will remember that idea! Thanks for hosting Kelly!
I LOVED BOTH showers you helped with. You're such a good hostess and friend! Maybe one of these days we can order a dozen petit fours for no reason and pig out.
Looks like allot of fun. I haven't been to a shower in years. I love the nightie idea. I saw one the other day with panties on the line and she had to guess who bought which ones. This is a good way to get ideas. Hopefully my son will get married one of these days. He just bought a condo with his best girl. The food looked awesome.
Nothing better then a wedding shower or baby shower. Thanks for sharing.
Love the Petit Fours - my friend had those for her personal shower and I still think they are the cutest. :)
This is one of my favorite tours - I have gotten a LOT of ideas!
I haven't thrown a wedding shower in a long time. Lately, they've all seem to be baby showers!! I did include my roommate's Kentucky Derby Shower, though.
That does it. I'm moving to the south. There is so much more attention to fussy details (that I love) then here in my neck of the woods! I was born to be southern.
Nothing to add shower-wise, as I haven't given one since before digital cameras!
HOWEVER, I am chawed that I can't remember to use 'chaw' more often. Did I use it correctly? I love that word.
Your church shower looks exactly like mine! Yes, I was very chawed as well
Scott looks like a baby in your wedding/shower photos! Ha!
I'd be too chawed to share my wedding shower photos... I have a foot long cigarette in my hand!!!!
I sadly don't have ANY pictures from either of my showers. And, unluckily - I got sick the night before my wedding and was unable to have my "personal" shower - oh man I was so bummed! I hadn't seen my girls all together in over a year and I missed it!!!
I have attended a shower where they did the naming game too. Except they wrote down (in secret) whatever was the first word she said when she opened it... like "oh my gosh, what is this!?" haha... and it was supposed to be here reaction in seeing her new husband for the first time. OH man it was so fun... one of my favorites was "so, where does this go?" haha! too fun!
I had a shower where I opened gifts the night before too and thought it was strange at the time. Maybe it's an AR thing??
Hey Kelly! We have the same Christmas china, I got married in December and I decided that I did not need two sets of china, so I picked out an every day and then the Christmas china. It is very hard to find now, unless you luck up on ebay!
Funny, I hadn't noticed before that your mom and m-i-l had the same name. My mom and m-i-l are both "Doris." And my daughter, me, and her m-i-l all have the same middle name "Lynn." So Mallory said she's naming her first girl Madalynn or something Lynn. Sweet!
Love the lingerie petit fours. What a cute idea! Scott looks like he is twelve yers old in the picture of your shower. Too funny! Loved the video of Miss Harper fake laughing and blowing raspberries. She should take that show on the road.
Keeping you in my heart in Ga.
Love the lingerie petit fours and the "name the nightie" game. I will have to remember both of those for future reference!
Hi Kelly, everything looks so beautiful. The Petit Fours are amazing! I messed up on my link entry. Is there any way of deleting #72? Thanks....Christine
Those petit fours are the cutest thing ever!!!!!! not to mention how yummy petit fours are too! Oh - they just melt in your mouth!!! mmmmmm . . . .
ha ha, "very chawing to me!"
i love the idea of opening up the gifts with family and then having them on display. i hate opening gifts in front of people and i also hate the angst of my gift measuring up in front of all the others. it's chawing, for sure.
i may have to use this idea with my daughter someday. i know she's just a freshman in college, but it's going to happen before i know it.
just yesterday she was packin away the squash and carrot baby food (and had the orange nose to prove it!) and now she's at alabama... how in the world did that happen??
We don't have baby showers or wedding showers here - just lots of rain showers in Ireland!
We do however, have an "open house" before the wedding, when the ladies of my parents generation come to look at the gifts (all set out with the gift tags) and drink vast quantities of tea!
Looking forward to visiting all the blogs to see more - but not planning to remarry an american just to get a shower!!!
My mother has those EXACT Christmas dishes! We use them every year! :)
Oh, your showers look lovely!
I only check in every so often to look and catch up on your blog! I do enjoy it! I also love SPODE!!!! Love the pictures!!
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