Tonight a group of girls from my Sunday School class who all have small children got together to go to the late movie to see "The Time Traveller's Wife". We went to the late show so we could all go after putting babies to bed and it worked out great. I think we were all so excited to be out with just girls and going to a movie. I love all of these girls so much - I am so blessed with good Christian friends.Yes I did ask the concession stand girls to take our picture - but we were the only ones in the lobby so it wasn't too embarrassing.
And yes I did get popcorn and coke. I mean if you are going to have a girl's night ..... you might as well go all the way out! I thought the movie was good. No, I haven't read the book. I'm not much of a reader and certainly not these days. I can barely read my e-mail much less books. There were several criers in my group but I wasn't one of them. For some reason it wasn't too sad to me - maybe because how realistic is time travel? But I did see several previews that looked SO good! So maybe we will have to do more of these late night movies!!!
One year ago today (8/19) we found out something that would change the course of our lives forever.......we were having a GIRL!
I would have been equally thrilled if it had been a boy. I love sweet little boys and my heart would be just as full if we had been given "Hudson" instead of "Harper". But from the minute she told life began to be full of pink and bows and monogrammed everything. That was the day that I wasn't just carrying a baby....I was carrying my daughter. That will always be one of the sweetest days of my life.
And now I would like to give a Public Service Announcement:
1. Unless you have heard from someone's mouth that they are pregnant or have seen an official e-mail, facebook status, or tweet........PLEASE do not ask them when they are due.
2. If you can not 100% tell what a baby's sex is....i.e. a baby girl that is wearing a huge bow or flower in her hair or a little boy wearing all blue and a shirt that says "100% boy" - do not comment on their sex. Say "Oh sweet baby" or "Precious little child you have".
Because in the last 24 hours I was asked when I was due at Wal-Mart by a stranger (to her defense I did have on an empire waist dress and was in the baby aisle) and got on an elevator today with Harper and an older man said to her "Hey Big Boy!" . (She was wearing a dress but no bow and was in her carseat so maybe it was hard to tell). Both things made me laugh really hard .......but not everyone finds humor in things like I do. :-)
My sweet one month old had on a gigantic pink bowband on this weekend and a lovely lady told me I had beautiful boy! What??? Her husband politely showed her the bow, to which she said she "just didn't see." (It was a huge Harper bow!) Love your blog, Kelly and I totally stole your idea for keeping up with my Lucy's month by month. Thank you for all you are!
I like the "public service announcement"! My daughter is pretty much always in pink or purple with a bow and people still ask me if she's a boy or a girl, or simply say "what a big boy"! I just don't understand how people can not see that she is a GIRL! Plus, she has pierced ears...most baby boys don't have earrings!
I really want to see that movie. Unfortunately, the hubs isn't as eager. I wish I had a large group of girlfriends to go with!
Looks like ya'll had a great girls night tonight! What a special day today is! Harper is just precious!
I'm so glad you had a girls night out! I go see a movie every other Monday with my sisters...we're going to see "The Time Traveler's Wife" next week.
I loved your ultrasound picture...I have to admit, I teared up a little. I had the same reaction when I heard "It's a GIRL!" in the delivery room.
I complete agree with your Public Service Announcement. My son used to get called a girl all the time, and then I would be told he was too pretty to be a boy. My daughter got called a boy once-the one time she was without a bow!
Ahh. I remember finding out I was having a girl just like it was yesterday too. My sweet Mallory is a miracle baby as well. I also am in my 30's.
People say the funniest things sometimes!!
My husband and I saw The Time Travelers' Wife last Friday, and I left feeling a little...confused. It was good, but a little strange :)
Love the public service announcement! My first was a little boy and I was constantly asked was he a boy or girl...the BLUE carseat and BLUE clothes, and BLUE blankets weren't enough of a clue. My 2nd was a girl and no amount of pink, bows, and dresses stopped them from calling her a boy. It just doesn't matter the gender, they always get it wrong!
Now, I did give my daughter a lesson in babies the other day. haha It was a baby dressed in pink and a bow, my girl called her a little boy. I did have to set her straight, but I doubt it did any good. She calls our male cat a she all the time. hehe
Hey Kelly,
First of all, I'm sooo jealous of your girls night out. Looks like crazy fun. And if it wasn't a 12:45 I'd be calling some of my friends! HA!
And your "public service announcement" made me lol. I can laugh because I've had those same moments!! So glad you could laugh! But I agree with you completely...I wish people were a bit more cautious in their assumptions.
Hope you and Harper are doin' great!!
I don't have kids but a lady cutting my hair asked me if I was expecting. "Expecting what" was my response. She asked AGAIN, frustratingly... "ARE YOU EXPECTING?" as if she was SOOOOOOO sure. "Uh. NO." I replied. She didn't say another word to me the entire time. LOL!!!
Your girls' night sounds like so much fun! I want to see that movie so bad- I AM a crier, so I'm preparing myself now!
Your flashback to last year made my heart happy :) Little girls are so precious, and I can only imagine how excited you were that your long-awaited baby would be a daughter! It's also so cool to see how much difference a year can make- that was ONLY a year ago?!
LAst but not least, love the "announcement!" I work in retail and I always make sure not to refer to boy/girl when I praise mommas for their cute babies. "What a cutie!" is my usual line :)
I can't even tell you how many people have said that my daughter is cute. You know the baby in blue all the time whose name is MATTHEW!!! Hilarious. Sort of.
Looks like you had fun!
I have gotten the "what a pretty little girl you have!" (my son is always in blue and doesn't look girly to me--hehe) and the "when are you due?" Ahhh...
Glad you enjoyed the movie, I can't wait to go out and see a movie in theatres again (it's been since before my son was born--who is a month older than Hunter).
Happy Late Tuesday/early Wednesday!
i've been asked if i am pregnant before...i hate that. makes me feel horrible. i have a tummy from 3 c-sections and a radical hysterectomy people! i think i will tell them i'm due in a week, that'll make me look small!!! :D
Gotta love girls night! That pop corn is looking GOOD!!! mmm - going to the movies isn't the same unless you get some popcorn!! And I love the pic of you and your hubby when the Dr. told you you were having a girl! What a priceless pic!
I seriously just love to read your blog Kelly! You made me laugh at your "public service announcement"... too funny! It's happened to me too, and I really don't know what people are thinking when they ask those silly questions.
I have a 14 month old daughter, and she has a pink and brown car seat, and I constantly get "oh such a cute boy"...drives me insane, finally broke down and bought an "I'm NOT a boy" bib...still doesn't work and my baby is beautiful...still can't believe that strangers can't tell she's a girl!
Oh, so glad you got a great night out with the girls! Girly movie, popcorn, Diet Coke, what could be better!?
I LOVED the movie. It was a good one. I didn't cry either. It wasn't THAT sad. But I did like it. And it even made me examine my life a little, which kind of sounds strange. But I loved watching her follow her passion with art, the way they were so loving with their daughter and how content she seemed with her role in the house. I know, I know, it's a movie. But still.
Also, I agree 100% with your PSA. I've given many of those before. Mostly with the baby one. It's amazing that you can have a pink stroller & car seat, with a daughter decked out in pink AND a bow, and someone will call her a boy anyway. Oy.
i saw that movie and liked it too.. i however was a crier... lol.
looks like a fun girls night! its a blessing to have such a great group of Christian friends!
Ok, these people are obviously not looking at the same Kelly and Harper as us!!! You soooooo do not look pregnant and would not even if you put a pillow under your shirt.
Lol; I was shopping in the bra aisle at wal mart one time and this lady asked when i was due because I was looking at larger bras (double D's); Yea i was buying it for my mother!! I said ummm I am not pregnant and she goes oh I just thought bc you were buying a bigger bra. lol that makes absolutely no sense but that was her theory!!
Yes, I've gotten the when are you due? question a few time over the years.
I'm stuck with a little pot after major uterus surgery between baby 1 and 2, 2 ceasers and carrying twins.
I just laugh now! I went through a lot to have my kids and it's ALL worth it now- pot and all!!
What a fun girls night out! I really want to see that movie too!
Love your public service announcement!
What a fun night!!!
My boys have ALWAYS been mistaken for girls. It just makes me laugh and I usually don't even try to correct people.
Looks like you ladies had a great time at the movie. I can't wait to go see that movie. I just saw the Ugly Truth with Catherine Heigle and it was really good.
Sara in SC
That picture of you and Scott at the doctor's office just brought me to tears this morning...I can NOT wait until I hear those's a boy or it's a girl. I am praying that our time is soon.
And if Harper isn't the girliest of girls... I don't know who is!!! The gentleman that called her a boy must not have really looked at her sweet little face!
Oh Girl I hear ya on the public service announcement! ha! My mom loves to tell the story of my first outing as a newborn all decked out in pink with pink blankets, a bow and all the girly frills...where a lady said something about me being a BOY! What an unobservant dork! ha!
Your memory of one year ago brought tears to my own eyes. I'll never forget the day I was told I was having a girl...I didn't sob, but I felt like the luckiest girl in the world at that moment. I'm a girly girl and God knew he was making my dreams come true by giving me two girly girls to raise!!
I remember when my daughter was about 4 months- she was wearing a pink outfit and had a pink blanket on her,and a lady told me my SON was adorable.
I'm chiming in today because when my 21 year old son was turning 1 he had gorgeous curls at the back of his head (it wasn't overly long).
One day he was wearing a shirt that said "100% Boy" and somebody commented "isn't she cute". Guess they couldn't read! Needless to say, the boy got a haircut the next day.
I want to see Time Travelers Wife... I may have a free day in October. lol LOVED the ultrasound picture. what a precious memory.
Awe, looks like you guys had a fun night out!
I heard the Time Travelers Wife was kind of confusing...I could tell you werent giving it the 2 thumbs up either... Think I will wait until it comes out on DVD...
Also laughing hysterically about the Public Service Annoucement. (which by the way, I thought you were going to say YOU were pregnant!) Anyway, last week in the grocery store, I accidentally cut off a lady from walking with my buggy (does that make sense) and then I got a view of her side profile, and said, "oh, I'm sorry... guess I was just trying to put you in labor right here in the dairy ilse!" and laughed...her husband looked at me kind of funny. My SIL was with me and we're both convinced she WAS indeed pregnant, but maybe they didnt get my joking comment... anyway, because of the look I got, I will NEVER imply someones pregnant again, either! Ha...
AND the boy/girl thing... Since our girl doesnt have much hair, we've had someone do the same thing to us, too...even though her clothes are always girly!!! I even had one older lady say, "ooooh, what a cute little girl! It is a girl, right?" (She HAD a BOW on and was wearing PINK!!!)
sorry this comment was so long! Ha..
i have a boy and when he was a little baby everyone would always say "oh what a pretty baby girl!" he never wore girly clothes and to me he always looked like a boy....ha!
anyway, you don't look pregnant at ALL~
Love your PSA! I didn't really have a problem with the baby thing until my 3rd child, Lucy. She would be in a pink outfit in her infant seat which had a pink cover and hood on it and EVERYONE alway complimented me on my cute boy! My mom told me if I wanted to be a msartie pants about it I could always tell them that yes, we really wanted a girl though so we named HIM Lucy :)
Late movie time w/ the gals sounds like a great idea! I think once my children get a bit older, I would like to try a cookie decorating class...maybe with some friends? Sounds like a fun outlet! :)
Ha ha! Your warnings should be heeded by all! :)
I had someone ask me if I was pregnant long before we ever thought about kids and now that I am pregnant @ 7 months, I'm still a bit shocked when people are brave enough to mention it. :)
I also have had many people comment about my little "boy" when my daughter was clearly sitting in her car seat or in my arms in a pink dress with pink flowers. Of course, here in Ohio we don't use bows like you do. Ha ha! . . . Although, you are inspiring me since I'm expecting my second girl! :)
Have a great day!
I LOVE empire waist shirts/dresses...but can ANYONE wear those and NOT look pregnant? grrrrr
Man, I wanted to see Time Traveler's Wife so bad...Luckily my motherinlaw said it was no good, but I read they say God's name in vain a handful of times in the movie, so unfortunately I wasn't able to see that one. When will producers figure out that movies are just as good without abusing God's name???
looks like a great girls night out! and to be blessed with such great friends is awesome!
i am loving your public service announcement! i have so had that happen to me and it was terrible. at church one of our ushers congratulated me on baby #3 being on the way! (i also was wearing an empire wasted shirt) but it was so awful because i had just lost 15 pounds and bought that new shirt at express and thought i looked great! i just smiled and said "i'm not pregnant" to which he kept saying, but that shirt, i thought, etc... he wouldn't just let it go. i was horrified.
anyway, i've never worn the shirt again and am waiting to give any to a newly preggo person i can find!
Everytime I see that picture of when you found out you were having a girl I cry! You are showing so much emotion even though you are covering your face. I think that's what gets me!
I totally agree with your public service announcement! I hear that stuff all the time and think...what did you just say?!
HA! I was in the checking out at the grocery one day and the lady asked me when I was due... and I said "Oh, I'm not pregnant" (I was wearing something with an empire waist as well). Well, TWO DAYS LATER I found out I WAS indeed pregnant! Creeeeeeepy!
What a fun night out, and I'm with you...I would definitely be getting popcorn! :) And I agree with you...both of those are definite no, no's. I'm not going to lie before I ever was pregnant, I had a lady ask me once if I was pregnant, and I wasn't. I didn't think it was very funny at the time, especially, because I was still in college and had lots of people to impress. :)
I love your public service abouncement! My daughter has been in a pink dress with pink covers on her car seat straps and have someone say "what a handsome boy!" I would add to please not touch a strangers baby with out asking! I can't tell you how many people have touched her hair, or cheeks and rubbed her legs.
Your sonogram picture is so great! You look so happy. Love the picture!
I was a BIG TIME crier at the movie. I am going to see it for a second time tonight.
While Time Traveleing is not "real" I can relate SO much to her in the book. My hubby is military and is taken away all the time. He just goes to work and I get a call saying,
"Sorry last minute flight to ' ' or they are sending me to the ship for a week, gotta go" and then he just vanishes! ;)
The book is way better ;)
Ha ha! You have a good attitude - one time my mother was asked when she was due (she was 60ish at the time!) and I thought she'd be devastated- turns out she was *thrilled* that someone thought she looked young enough for pregnancy to be a possibility!
Awww, so glad you were able to have a girls night!!! So fun!! :)
Even when Grace was a baby and dressed top to bottom in pink and bows, there would always be people (usually older men? Poor guys!) who called her "fella", LOL. Granted, we take forever to get hair in this family, but she was undoubtedly a gal! If I had a son, he'd be all done up in Penn State and Eagles (sorry!) so there'd be no mistakin' him. My daughters are pinkies all the way. ;o)
And what fun to go to the movies!!!! I read that book and it's one of my favorites. I've yet to see the movie, though. Our first foray to the theatre in 4 years was in the summer this year to celebrate Grace's 3rd birthday and we stayed all of fifteen minutes b/c I had to take our baby Libby outside to nurse b/c it was too loud, and Grace didn't want to stay in the theatre because she couldn't see her daddy's face. Oh well...another day. :O)
Have a happy week!
Kelly, I love the picture of you at the ultrasound. I had the exact same reaction when we saw our "Peanut's" heartbeat on the monitor. I am sure I will sob again when we find out if Peanut will be sporting pink or blue.
Okay, I am appauled, how in the WORLD would someone have thought YOU were pregnant? Yes, you were in the baby aisle, and wearing that dress, but c'mon, you are sooooooo skinny! I just cant believe people sometimes! I think that would have to be thee most embarassing thing if someone had commented and I wasn't even pregnant. im SO glad you find humor in it tho cuz I wouldnt! lol. xoxo megan from wi
I am laughing at strangers calling your precious Harper a boy! I get the same thing with my Isabella, who by the way is the same age as Harper. Isabella was born January 9th. Isabella has her ears pierced and I still have men and women calling her a boy!
I have been wanting to see that movie!!!
We had someone ask us if our son was bi-racial...he is pale white with red, curly hair. Hmmm?
i hear you on the comments!! my oldest son once had on a blue onesie that said "daddy's little dude" and brown pants when he was a baby & this old lady said "awww how old is she? she's precious!" haha!
The public announcement made me laugh. I was bald until I was 2. My parents had me all dressed up in a purple lacy dress with the baby jewelry on for my 3 month pictures (or was it 6 month). They stopped in the mall on the way to or from and two old ladies came up and asked daddy if i was a boy or girl. he told them he didn't know they hadn't told him yet. apparently the sweet little ladies ran off. :)
The girls night looks like fun.
I, too, have been asked when the baby was due when wearing a particular dress. I stopped wearing it. My daughter was often called a boy. She was bald forever(tiny "Pebbles" pony at 13 mos.), but was almost always dressed in pastels. Or at least flowers and butterflies. My son had beautiful blonde curls, and no matter the primary color or car, truck or train applique, we were told how pretty he was. Finally had his hair cut at 17 mos. I miss those sweet curls!!
I get Aaron being called a girl a lot and I'm not sure what else I can do. I guess his little outfits could be worn by girls??? Oh, well. That doesn't bother me at all, but if someone asked when I was due? I might cry. HA! I have a neighbor that always says "unless you actually see a child emerging from a woman's body, do NOT ask her when she's due." HA!
Girl's nights, esp. movie nights are the best! : )
I'm going to see TTW today so I guess i'll find out if I'm a crier or not.
WOW!!! I saw that on Twitter and just couldn't believe it. You don't look pregnant even with an empire dress on!!! You're SOOOOO the cutest girl ever and you hopped right back to that pre pregnancy weight didn't you!!!
I want to move to Arkanas just to be apart of your church and great group of friedns! Treasure it because in other places it is not that easy grab a group of friends from church!!!
people always ask me if my girl twins are one boy and one girl... ummm no. What I want to know is which one do they think looks like a boy?! They're in the phase where they pull their bows off... and since they're bald as anything I guess it = boy. :) ha!
I have a very dear friend who is expecting a baby within a couple of months and she had someone ask her the other day when her TWINS were due! She immdiately started crying and I had to reassure her she did not look fat and definitely did not look like she was carrying twins! I love the "Public Service Announcement" and will share with her : )
I'm so happy about the girls night, I'm planning one coming up soon and there's just nothing better than a good get together! With having 2 boys, we feel the desires of our heart to try one more time for my baby girl! I will react the same way you did by just sobbing! Such a sweet moment and I'm so happy you have captured it to see forever (not that you don't capture everything :) ) Love y'all and have a blessed day!!!
Thank you for the public service announcement. If only we could get this one to run on the radio and TV!!! I've had both things happen to me, and while it IS funny, it can still hurt. Well, the pregnant when you're not can hurt. The baby girl is a boy thing is just a little annoying...and mostly to my husband, who says, "I don't care if she is bald and wearing a blue outfit - she's CLEARLY a girl!" :D
I hate it when people say stuff like that! Right before I had my little girl this past May, I was in Walmart and a lady goes, "Are they both girls or boys?" I said, "What?" I really wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt...she said, 'Your twins..I assume there are two in there! Are they girls or boys?"
I laughed out loud at her and said, "Well, it's ONE big baby girl in there but I guess it's the only time in my life when I can be thankful my stomach is THIS BIG, HUH?" She was mortified.
Mission accomplished. :)
You're so much more gracious than I would have been under those circumstances ha ha! Can I add another one? If you're a man who doesn't know the mom (or really if you're a man other than her husband or doctor), please don't ask a 38 week pregnant woman "have you started to dilate yet?" when you see her on the street, because, I'm sorry, just because she's pregnant does not give you the right to know what's going on in her undercarriage! Thanks... I needed to get that off my chest.
I'm so glad you got a girl's night out - how fun!!
Sadly, once you have babies, unless you have a sunken-in tummy afterwards, you really can never go back to empire waists ever again without fear of the *due date* question!! Its happened to me too. ;(
And the gender thing....I've had my babies in HEAD-TO-TOE PINK and had people comment on 'him.' I think to old people, ALL babies are HIMs! :) ha ha....
That is the sweetest picture from when you found out you were having a girl! I have Hudson picked as the boy name for our baby due in March!
I love a girls night! Good for y'all for making time for yourself and each other!
I love PSA. I was asked how far along I was when London was 4 months old. When I politely told the lady I was not pregnant but had just had a baby, she went on to say "Oh!! I'm sorry, hun! Don't worry though, your baby is still young. You'll loose that little pooch soon enough." I just smiled and said "I hope so." haha! I kind of wanted to rip her head off for a second.
Loved the PSA! Both of my daughters have been called boys on numerous occasions. My two year old just got asked what her baby brother's name was. Now, my oldest is very verbal and would usually give you an answer to such a question, but she just stared at the lady. I could tell that she was thinking "I don't have a brother!" Needless to say her sister was wearing hot pink. Hello! We have even had the boy thing happen with a headband on. So strange! I got embarrassed not to long ago asking a mom how old her little girl was. The girl turned out to be a boy sporting long hair and hair barrettes! I never say something until I am convinced that it is a girl or boy, but this time I was convinced that the toddler was a girl! Oh well, foot in the mouth!
Ok, I just had to laugh at that last paragraph!!! I had no less than a hundred people tell me my daughter was a boy in her first year/year and a half. EVEN when she was wearing FULL pink!! It was usually older people so I'm wondering if maybe their sight wasn't the best??? hehe I also had someone ask me last year if I was pregnant. I replied with a resounding NO!! Let me tell ya, I felt great about myself that day!
It happens to the best of us!
Have to love the girls night out! Sounded like lots of fun! I remember when they told me I was having a girl & it's funny I have a similar picture in her baby book of me sobbing with joy... Afterall we tried for over 2 years for her... and after she was born I had her in the cutest custom made HOT PINK monogrammed outfit, we were at the mall and an older couple said "how old is HE, HE is so cute... SERIOUSLY??? I thought... After that she always had a hairbow in her hair... A BIG HAIRBOW... and she still to this day wears BIG HAIRBOWS and she is almost 3... I find your story so funny cause it happened to me... Love the Public Service Announcement...
I always wonder if people actually LOOK at the baby or if they just start talking without thinking. I had my little Hudson in an orange/white checked sailboat smock and THREE people asked me how old SHE was. Seriously?!?!? It wasn't like he had on flowers! It was sailboats!!! How many girls wear sailboats? Thank goodness my husband wasn't around for those comments b/c Hudson would never be allowed to wear another smock! :) hehe I love the PSA announcement. Funny stuff!
I would like to add - If you see a baby with a giant pink bow in her hair, please don't ask if she's a boy or a girl - are you kidding me?
I just love that picture of you in the doctor's office - too sweet.
I read TTTW, but I am not all that interested in the movie - a girls night out is always fun, though!
Ok, what? How could someone look at you, even in an empire waist dress, and think you were pregnant - rude much. And Harper is so girly there is no way to mistake her for a boy. You have a great sense of humor, better than mine if I'd been you.
Amen to that! I was asked twice when I was due when my daughter was 4 months old. And I REALLY don't look pregnant!! What are people thinking???
Amen sista! I took Kyah to a wedding in her PINK car seat, purple dress AND bow and one of the bridesmaisd actually asked, Boy or girl? I wanted to ask if she was blind, but I have learned to laugh. I wonder if people just get nervous around new babies? And anytime I'm in public without Kyah I find myself hiding my post preg pooch with my purse for fear someone will ask when I'm due.. haha! I know you do NOT look prego... You look fabulous, but I get it! :)
Hi Kelly! Frequent reader here who has never left a comment (please excuse my bad manners!)...I just posted a similar PSA on my blag (yours was a lot nicer than mine!)
The movie night sounds like so much fun! I loved the Time Traveler's Wife and I was a cryer. But that might be because I read the book.
oh my, I get asked ALL the time if I'm pregnant. I mean, I realize I have a little "pooch" but seriously! Your picture of finding out Harper was a girl teared me up! It's precious!
Yay for a girls' night at the movies!
You are so lucky with all your friend get togethers, playgroups, girls night. etc. I hope the movie was good! My hubs and I want to see it. Can you believe a man actually is interested, I couldn't!
On the baby sex comment... Its funny but can be annoying.
Oh' I have to admit the worst is when you haven't even turned 30 yet, and you are out with a friend who is 22 and some hippie looking artsy woman walks up to your friend and goes on and on about how young and cute she looks. That she reminds her of the girls at college and then turns to me and says "are you her mother" I felt my mouth drop even though it didn't.. then she quickly says.. sister friend... EKKK! I so don't look old enough to be her mother. However, Jill (the young daughter I mean friend) says its an insult to her to becuase she just looks like a baby. ANYHOO- People... got to love them! HA!
So funny about being asked when you are due. I love the preview commercial for Post Grad where she says she didn't think the interview went well because she asked when the woman was due and she wasn't pregnant.
When my second daughter was a baby everyone always called her a boy (she had no hair, but always wore HUGE bows) It would make me so mad. The other day at Hobby Lobby (I do go there at least once a week) the lady in the fabric department commented on how cute my little girl was and how much she looked just like her big she goes on and on. I didn't have the heart to correct her, because she is so sweet...but HE was wearing a red and blue plaid outfit with a big baseball monogrammed on the front. I just smiled and said "see you next week" she said make sure you bring the girls with you =)
Iam glad you had a fun girls night out
Amen! I had to remove all empire-waist dresses from my wardrobe because I just couldn't take that one more time.
And last night I saw a mom from school with her week-old baby. It was dressed in pink from head to toe but JUST IN CASE, I asked, "What name did you choose?" before referring to the baby as a girl. You just can never tell! =)
I can't wait to see that movie! I read the book so I'm really excited for it.
I too have been asked if I was pregnant, the kicker is I've never had a baby and I'm on the thin side but have a belly. I guess I need to hit the gym a little more :)
Our son, Owen, went with me to the doctor about a year ago for his check up. He had on overalls with dump trucks and had his hair spiked. Our last name is Whitney, so perhaps that threw the receptionist off a bit. "What a sweet little girl you have! She is just beautiful." She was old, so I just said, "Thanks, we think so, too." As my husband died laughing....hahah!
we do the same thing, have a late night girls' movie date mid-week. we have the theater to ourselves, everyone can make it and, although we pay for it the next day, we have a blast!
i'm used to baby girls having their ears pierced here in the tropics, so that's one of the first things i look for before using a gender specific pronoun :)
I am finding it hard to believe that anyone would mistake you for being pregnant! You are very thin. I can handle most things and love to laugh but if someone asked me that I really don't know if I would ever get over it! One time the waitress (who was about 15 and really OUT THERE) asked me and my mother in law if we were sisters. I still think about it.
Kelly, I can definitely you were in sorority - you do "the sorority squat" (as my friends call it) perfectly! You have the best form of your girls group by far! lol!
Also, that is crazy that people would ask when someone is due w/ out knowing they are pregnant! Even when I see women at my office who are obviously pregnant, I fear to ask them about anything baby-related in case they are not. I wait until they bring it up and then say "ohh you're pregant?! congrats!" hahah.
I LOVE the public service announcement! I am due in October (on bed rest until then) and my biggest fear is the few days after I leave the hospital...someone asking me when I am due! If only everyone would think before they speak!!
Yeah. I love being asked if I'm pregnant when I'm sporting a post-pregnancy belly and carrying a 2 month old. Good times ... :)
That's too funny. I usually say, "Oh, I'm not pregnant, just chubby" and that usually makes them run away in shame! But I'm mean like that ;) When my cousin's son was a toddler, she grew his hair out to his shoulders, and dressed him in the most gender-neutral clothes (cause that's how she is) and yet would flip out when people would confuse him for a girl. Sometimes, it is people just not being observant; sometimes, mommy is asking for it!
Some people just don't think when they open their mouth!! Bless their hearts.
that happens to my daughter, piper, all the time!! and, has ever since we brought her home to the hospital no matter if i have a pink dress, bow, and blanket on her! even at her 1st dr.'s appt., the dr. kept calling her "him" and i finally had to correct the dr.!! to his defense, it was in the computer incorrectly and he was filling in for a pedi that day!
Oh I SO agree!!! That is just common sense to not ask if someone is preggo if you do not KNOW that they are. Sheesh people
Great public service announcement! I'm sure people don't mean anything by it, but Jaiden was mistaken for a boy on several occasions, and just the other day, some man kept referring to Jeryn as "she"...he was totally dressed like a boy??!!! You might also add to the public service announcement that checkers at walmart shouldn't just ask you if your child is albino, which happened yesterday. I guess people tend to think out loud??? :)
You are a better woman than me. I don't think I'd be laughing! Haha!
You are getting me excited about my ultrasound appointment in 3 days!! We are finding out the sex! So excited!!
That picture is priceless!
It's funny that you addressed that issue today because just yesterday I listened to an old Big Mama/Boo Mama podcast where Melanie says, "Unless I see a baby coming out of the business end of a woman I will never ask about her pregnancy." I love it!
I love your public service announcement! I got asked yesterday when I was due...yea not pregnant and don't have any kiddos. I did have on an empire waist dress, but way to knock my self confidence! I kindly looked at her and said um I am not expecting. I could tell she was so "Chawed"!
I got that a lot when I'd be out with my granddaughter at the time just a baby in a stroller, dressed in pink, green, or yellow, but with a pink blanket, I'd tell them she's a girl, see the pink! Or when I am out with my dog walking HER they ask "what is his name?" I always reply with "HER name is Lilah." Sometimes people are just too quick to acknowledge our presence, I guess.
Looks like you had a great time out with the girls!! Makes me itchy to do the same with my girlfriends...
maybe once my newborn actually goes to bed. :)
That picture made me tear up!!
I can't wait to see that movie
My daughter was wearing a pink dress, with a big pink bow on her head and a couple at church asked us if she was a boy. lol I couldn't answer, my husband had to. lol
That picture is sweet. When we found out we were having a girl, I was so happy, it was amazing!!!! Especially because everyone was saying that we were having a boy...
Kelly- If it makes you feel any better, I had our son 2 years ago, I am 98 lbs and every time I wear an empire waist dress someone asks when I'm due! And my son (who is ALL BOY and would NOT be an attractive girl) got called "girlfriend" by a security guard lady when he was wearing a cute seersucker applique jon-jon outfit, and is now forbidden from wearing them by my husband :( I feel your pain!
Funny. It must have been in the air in AR. I was in Target yesterday with a ball hat, tshirt, and capris. The cashier called me sir. I guess I could give her the ball hat AND no makeup BUT would a man have DD's AND be wearing a bra??? Ha ha ha!
I totally understand your PSA...I was in an elevator with my son who was wearing overalls, a red long sleeve shirt, blue baseball shirt and sneakers and a lady told me he was an adorable little girl. I looked at her like she was nuts and said that if HE was a girl HE'D be dressed in pink from head to toe!! Matthew never ever looked like a girl...not even for one minute...believe me!
My comment should have read...a blue baseball hat...not shirt...Sorry!! Either way...He looks like a boy! :)
i love your PSA!
i was in hawaii last summer with our then 8-month old daughter and was repeatedly asked by strangers on the beach if she was a boy or a girl. let's keep in mind she was wearing a pink tutu bathing suit. i mean, really!
And please don't touch a pregnant woman's belly unless you've been invited into her personal space. Yes, it's a big deal because, you see, her up close and personal space gets tinier and tinier as the months tick by. Besides, there may be other weirdos like me whose belly buttons are pushed out and it simply hurts to touch it...and when a stranger does? Seriously. Get some social graces. Ahem.
What a fun night, Kelly!!
I was wondering if sometime you could post your guacamole dip recipe?
I eat avocados for lunch everyday an would love to try yours.....
I love girls nights!! So fun, thanks for the review of that movie, I am so wanting to see it soon!!
How sweet! The day I found out the sex of each one of my babies were great too!!! I wish I would have thought about getting a picture...
Thanks for sharing, and you don't even look close to being pregnant, you look small :-)
Too funny! I heard someone say one time that unless you see a baby protruding from a woman's body, DO NOT ask if she is pregnant! Pretty good advice, I think!
I know some people huh?
When I was 15 I was at the drugstore with my parents and younger sister. I was wearing a jumper I had made and this lady comes up to me and asks when I'm due. WOW. I had NO clue how she even got that, I was thin! I had never even been on a date, so can you imagine how that threw me? lol
so glad you enjoyed your movie night. my friends and i started a "movie of the month"club, since it is way more fun than a book club! we are going to see julie & julia sunday night.
love your PSA!
Hi Kelly, I've never commented on your blog before, but I'm an avid reader. We've recently moved from the UK to California for my husband to take up a job as a professor at a university. I love hearing about American culture from your blog - Thank you for all the hard work you put into it.
I just laughed out loud when I read your "public service announcement" - I'm so glad to see you have such a great sense of humor about it! :)
P.S. Why no pictures of Miss Harper in this post??? I love how you usually sneak one in. :)
I am reading the book "time traveler's wife" now and I am not that impressed. I still want to see the movie though.
Seeing that pic of you finding out Harper was a girl made ME cry!! :) I remember that moment. All the horrible meds and mood swings was so worth it when I heard that I had a princess on the way!!
I just have to say that the picture of you when you found out you were having a girl is so precious. It makes me cry, the happiness and emotion is so clear!
wow am I a mess today or said no more kleenex posts... and I see the pic of you at your ultrasound and Im welling up like a big baby! So So
1. Who took the picture of you in the ultrasound room?
2. I think the single girl comparable to the are you pregnant/boy or girl question is this response I get (often!) when I tell people I'm not married. "So what's wrong with you". Thanks.
Great post! Great moment caught on film- what a blessimg.
My little guy is 3 1/2 and STILL people ask about"her"!!
My friend put her daughter in a pink Chicago Cub's hat one day. While out and about, some older gentleman attacked them asking why on earth they would make their little boy wear a pink hat!!! Oh, the nerve! ;)
I like the Public Service Announcement very good adivce
Girls night sounds like so much fun! We may need to start that with our small group girls.
I had only been reading your blog for about 3 months when you found out you were having a girl! And I remember you had a pic of you and Dr.Seale and I was so excited you used her, too! Haha!
girls night looks like it was so fun! .. i recently saw this movie, wasn't too impressed! ha .. but goodness did I get chills when I saw the preview for the one with Julia Roberts "adopting" the boy!! Can not wait!
and what a precious memory, incredible what all can happen in a year .. now look at your precious girl! =)
Love, love, loved your public service announcement! That should just be common knowledge but unfortunately it's not. I do not have children yet but would have added for family and friends.....don't ask someone if they are trying to get pregnant! MIL has already asked me several times and we have only been married a year. Harper is a doll by the way and looks very much like a little girly GIRL!
Thanks for the laugh!!
totally got tears just looking at that picture from the moment you found out!
and what a fun, fun friend's night!
April 6th is when. So far it's just bloat, though, but thanks for asking!
Oh, and shhhhhhhh!!!!! :)
I just discovered your blog a few days ago via Kodi BeVelle's blog. Love it!
You mention OBU...I'm assuming that's Ouachita? I went there from 1999-2002, how about you? It's the greatest college on earth, as far as I'm concerned.
One more thing...our 9-month-old boy is named Hudson. Great name!! :)
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