Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Be Prepared to Cry

Grab your kleenex

As I said in the previous post - you can win the new Selah CD here and it is awesome. I listened to it yesterday and it's amazing. But I was listening to this song that Angie and Todd wrote in response to losing their baby Audrey. I was crying so hard I could barely breathe. So I found this video on you tube - Angie had it on her blog before but I don't think at the time I understood the grief of losing a child. I still don't but it's a little more raw to me right now. In honor of all of you who have lost a child - I hope this precious song gives you hope.

And for the rest of the week - I will only be talking about happy things. No more crying!


MommaOfBoys said...

That's the second or third time I've watched that video and it doesn't get any easier. I can't imagine having that kind of strength in the midst of such loss. They are both incredible people, and an inspiration to others who have lost a child/baby.

Maddy said...

so sad!:(

Marc and Charity said...

man, wow. gonna go hold my babies now.

Colleen said...

I have had that video on my support group's blog since last year. I cry every single time I watch it. Only those who have actually lost a baby, or child, can understand the grief. I am so thankful that you and Scott did not have to join those of us who do.

jonesbones5 said...

Hi Kelly,
I love this video, it always makes me cry. Angie is beautiful. I had the priviledge of helping with Compassion on the trip that Angie took to India. I will be helping with El Salvador and look forward to meeting you too.

Cate said...

After losing our first last year, I listened to this song on repeat. It's so comforting to those who have experienced a loss.

God Bless.a

Karla said...

I've watched this video before but it makes me cry everytime I watch it. I'm 13 weeks pregnant with our first and sometimes it seems like there are so many losses it's just overwhelming. I can't imagine what those parents go through.

Kathryn said...

What a beautiful video and pictures. Thank you for sharing it with us.

God Bless.

Megan said...

I have to keep reminding myself over and over that our God is in control. I cannot fathom losing a child, my heart aches for every mother that has to endure this pain.

Todd and Courtney said...

just finished sobbing to the video Katie posted. Lauren sitting in my lap about to cry as I cry. You're a great mommy Kelly!

Rory said...

Have you seen the Plan B interview they did on Youtube? They are so strong....

Ginny said...

Oh man, I have seen that music video a million times. It has been up for a while now. Ironically, I just watched it last night. I have never understood how people have joy after the death of a child....but that is just how Jesus is...Philippians 4:7--"And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

Julia said...

Oh man...this is too much!

Jennifer said...

I remembering cyring when I watched this on Angie's blog and it still makes me cry now. Such an amazing video put together to honor Audrey.

Stewart Family said...

I have watched this video everytime and I think it just gets harder each time. The song is just breathtaking--no other words.


Samantha said...

A beautiful, sweet, sad song.

Claudia said...

Isn't that a beautiful song and video. The strength and faith of this family is AMAZING. You're so lucky to have the chance to get to know Angie and Todd Smith. I'm sure your life will only be enriched by them. Thanks for sharing this Kelly.

Michael, Kelly, Kai and Kale Hobbs said...

Wow! That was amazing and now all I want to do is love on my two little angels!

Kelly said...

Wow, thanks for sharing this Kelly!

Alexis said...

That is the most tear jerking thing I've ever seen. I found that video when I was pregnant, and cried myself to sleep thanking God for a healthy baby over and over again. I still have to swallow my tears just thinking about the message in the song. So good!

raveninthewolfden said...

I am now a follower of your blog. Thank you so much, I love visiting. I will certainly be back!
Loveable-Lerwills Blog!

Tara said...


Kelly said...

that was so great.......i did cry. thanks for putting that up.

Love Being A Nonny said...

I remember seeing it on her blog. It never gets easy to watch but it does give me hope. Thank you for sharing.

Teresa said...

I just cannot watch this again. I end up in tears. This mrning I watched Baby Reese's video and then Cora Paige's video again, and I just cannot take it. I have been in tears so much lately. I think tears are good for us.

Angela said...

Wow. That was heartwrenching! I was doing okay until the picture of the three girls with Mickey Mouse hats on, and Audrey Caroline's hat was on the ground. Oh. My. Goodness.

Jenna said...

That is a very powerful video! Thank you for sharing.

momMYsliceoflife said...

I had JUST watched this video on Saturday. I cried the whole time too. Angie is an AMAZING woman.

Hurricane Rojo said...

Not my first time seeing it, but everytime I do, it moves me in ways it didn't before. Thank you for sharing it again. God is so good.

Anonymous said...

I literally SOB every time I hear this song. Especially the last verse. Such an amazing song.

SometimesSheWhispers said...

I saw this video several months ago and I bawled like a baby! Your other blog won't let me leave a comment to win... :(

We've Got Scents said...

Thanks for sharing this again. Still unbelievable strength by Todd & Angie as you watch this. Continue praying for their entire family and so thankful Audrey Caroline lives on with us...what a legacy.
Blessings today and always,
Matthew 21:22

The Scott Family said...

Wow, if that doesn't put life in perspective, I don't know what will. What a beautiful, heartfelt song!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing this. I buried my only little boy back in 2007 and the grief experience is not something that I wish to go through again. God is faithful and I am so grateful to be holding a sweet little girl in my arms (similar in age to your sweet little Harper).


3LittleByrds said...

I sob everytime I watch that. Such a sweet and beautiful video. Such strength in a family. Watching that reminds me how blessed I am to have 3 beautiful healthy kids.

Anonymous said...

Im a mess...sniff... but we know God is Good always~

Cecilia said...

Oh how I needed this today. We lost our firstborn, Ethan, in April. Thank you for sharing.

Jessie Kaitlin said...

I've watched that before, and I still can't help but cry my eyes out.

They are such a strong family.

Anonymous said...

Ok, I am sitting her crying at work. I read Angie's blog as much as your blog. Angie is so beautiful inside and out. I had 2 miscarriage, but actually holding and touching a baby then loosing her...I can't even understand the pain.

Teresa said...


This is another 1 with a video. Josh and Cali, young couple, baby tied of a cord accident just days before birth. She is pregnant again. Go and leave them a comment, show them God's Love. This is the baby's remembrance site with a video. Their site is


Jodi Lansink said...

I am actually puting a video together today of our little girl Jillian that passed away last month---Angie was so kind to send me the song to use in my video too---I cry everytime I listen to this song, it is perfect and makes me think of Jillian...:(

Lauren said...

There should be a disclaimer not to watch this video at work!!!! So so beautiful, and thanks for sharing Kelly!

High Heels and Huntin' Boots said...

Wow. That is so precious. It gave me goosebumps!

Michele said...

Wow! This video makes my heart hurt for my friend who lost her dear Cora! She is just as "strong" and faithful and it is such a testimony, it makes me ask myself if I could be so faithful?!
I am hugging my little girl a little tighter and longer.
Thanks for sharing!

Suburban prep said...

Wow is all I can say.
gives one pause to think.

My sister is a cancer survivor but she is also someone who has lost two children. She gave birth to a little girl and the little one passed shortly afterwards. Then when she found out she had cancer she was pregnant. Due to chemo and all the treatment, she was not able to maintain the pregnancy.
Next week on August 28 with be 8 yrs since her bone marrow transplant.
She has a daughter who she fiercely loves and adores. While Katie was not born from her she was however born in my sister and BIL's heart. Katie is the first one to say she was born in her parent's heart.
My sister, BIL, parents and other family members will not forget the two members of our family in heaven.
I have to say though that when this happens to anyone it is the strength of character that follows through.

Aimee said...

You would think "Be Prepared to Cry" and "Grab your kleenex" would have been enough of a warning to deter me from watching this video at work! Nope...I watched it anyway and now I am trying to fan the redness and tears away before walking out of here in 20 minutes!!!

Lynette said...

Wow! Really puts things into perspective, I think I will go hug my girls right now!!!

BOWquet said...

Wow! Makes me so thankful for my little girl!

Erica said...

wow wow wow. i cannot stop crying. their strength is so admirable.

Kristy said...

Beautiful. I cannot stop crying. It reminds me so much of my sweet baby boys who are playing with the angels. :(
Thank you for sharing.

Sebrina said...

Wow our God is so Good and never makes mistakes!!!

Holly said...

Yeah, tears. Takes me back to my own path on that road. To God be the glory.

Kelly Taylor said...

This is still just as beautiful as when Angie posted it the first time. I'm so grateful they allowed us to peak in at that precious time in their lives.

Anonymous said...

wow...seeing them all smile in every picture knowing what lied ahead of them strikes awe in me. I don't know if I could be that strong. I read her blog and she amazes me all the time! I'm grateful they've shared that with us and Kelly, thanks for sharing it again!

Holly said...

What an awesome song, video, and testimony! Thanks for sharing!

Amanda said...

Thank you for sharing this. I had watched it several times on Angie's blog as well, but it always touches me because I too have lost a child. My son Gavin was actually born on the same day as Audrey last year and I was blessed to have 26 days with him before he went to Heaven.


Forever missing Gavin 4/7-5/3/08

Unknown said...

Makes you realize what a miracle and a blessing from the Lord that these little ones are.


April said...

They really did have such beautiful photos taken to have such cherished memories of their time with Audrey.

Kim at Polka Dot Thought said...

Just amazing. The video, the images, the music--all so very powerful. Definitely puts things in perspective...Many thoughts and prayers to the family for their loss.

Melissa Miller said...

Too sad for words...:(

Nan & Mike said...

I wish I had my girls to hold on this earth, I cry everyday. Thank you for honoring bereaved parents. Please if you have an earthly child(ren), hold tight and dont ever let go. Hugs, Nan xo

Justin and Allison said...

Beautiful and moving. Thanks for sharing.

Angie said...

Someone shared that song and video to me a few short months after we lost our daughter and I just balled! I pre-ordered Selah's CD just for that song!

Anyways! I am glad you are going to share happy things for the rest of the week - and hopefully more sweet pictures of Miss Harper :)

Sunni at The Flying Mum said...

Kelly, OK, I just had a good cry. I probably needed it. And I went over to Katie's blog, and watched the You Tube video. (She was a tri delt with us at Baylor--in my sister's pledge class.) I, like you, am blown away by her wisdom. And all the pictures were so, SO precious.

Marci @All Things Wonderful said...

Beautiful tribute to a sweet baby girl. I cannot imagine the pain of loosing a child. Thank you for sharing.

Mrs. Shelton said...

What a beautiful video! You're right...I am bawling! It makes me so greatful for my beautiful baby girl!

Traci said...

Well my, there really aren't words. What a powerful story.

Teresa said...

Absolutely speechless, what a beautiful family. I feel so terribly sad for their loss of their little precious girl. Such beautiful pictures and so much love in such a short time which will endure forever. Thank you for posting Kelly.

Sonya said...

I have never seen this video before but it is beautiful! Angie looks amazing and Audrey is so sweet and adorable. I have heard their story on the radio and I started following Angie's blog several months ago and their strength and faith in God is wonderful!

Leigh Ann said...

I cried, too. I've cried a lot over Reese and this video is just THE sweetest thing. What inspirations Katie and Angie are.

Father's Grace Ministries said...

This post gave me another idea for the Show Us Your Life posts.

How about showing off our CD collections? or listing our Top10 favourites? Just an idea.


Sarah Fries said...

Thanks Kelly. Sadly this situation has hit a little closer to home. I saw you at Reese's funeral, we have known Jason and Katie about 6 years now. I can't believe how strong these mothers are and I know they can only get that strength from the Lord himself. They are so faithful.

sixsweetsmiths said...

What amazing stength has been given to these two to be able to pull from Him in the midst of tragedy. The song is beautiful! What a great way to show the time they had with their precious one!

Keri said...

Losing a child IS the hardest thing anyone could experience. I never would have survived if I did not have faith in God to carry me through.

Missing my Landon, 7/17/2003
& many others I will meet in Heaven some day.

Thanks for sharing.

Amber Filkins said...

I know that sadness. I cry every time I hear their song Glory Baby. This one makes me so sad too.

Praise to the one who can heal that unbearable pain & ache.

Anita Grace said...

I've seen that once before.. and cried then, and when I watched it today I did the same~ shoulda known that would happen ;)

What a testimony of God's peace though. I could truly sense the peace of the Hold Spirit as I watched it again today.

Unknown said...

I cried so hard when I first saw this movie and heard the song.Angie and Todd have been such an Godly example in all of this!

Katie said...

I cry each and every time I watch that video. I followed Audrey Caroline's story and was so inspired by Angie and Todd. What a beautiful song and testimony to God's Grace and love.