I'm hopping on the MckLinky Blog Hop today because I have to tell you something funny. You know in the south - two of our core ingredients are : Cream of Chicken Soup and Cream of Mushroom Soup. I mean I can not think of many recipes that I have that do not involve one of the other or both.
So today I watched a snippet of Martha Stewart. I have never been a fan - she is just not my kind of down home cooking and decorating. Anyway - she had a girl on there making the recipe below which is a standard in my home and I nearly fell out when Martha said "what is that yellow stuff? Huh, I have never heard of Cream of Chicken Soup. I've heard of cream of mushroom but I've never tasted it." REALLY MARTHA??? I immediately changed the channel because Martha and I are clearly not one in the bond of love and southern cooking.
(Ya'll - I'm not bashing Martha - she is VERY creative and does amazing things.......I just thought it was funny! I'm NOT putting her down in any form or fashion. I promise I didn't mean it as mean)
So here is one of my favorites and you can find more on my recipe blog:
This recipe is SO quick, easy and good. It's great for your family or for taking to a potluck or a family needing a meal. YUM, YUM!

3-4 chicken breasts, boiled and cut into bite size pieces
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 can cream of chicken soup
1 can rotel (chopped tomatos and chilis) (you can find in the canned veggie aisle near all the tomato products)
1-2 cups cheddar cheese
Package of corn tortillas (small)
Tear the tortillas into small pieces and line the bottom of a pan. Mix together the soups, rotel and chicken and pour on top. Top with cheddar cheese. Bake at 350 for 30 minutes or until cheese is bubbly. Seriously - it's that easy!
I usually serve with spanish rice (just a rice-a-roni mix) and/or a green salad
http://www.mcklinkyblog.com/2009/07/mcklinky-blog-hop-for-july-21-2009.html Also, be sure to submit your recipe here too: http://www.mcklinky.com/recipes.asp! I WILL CREATE A MckLinky RECIPE BOOK, AND MAKE IT AVAILABLE TO ALL BLOG HOPPERS FOR FREE! ...STOP

We had that for dinner tonight! : )
And you know what i'm guessing.. Martha ate cream of chicken in prison in some dish or another.. and just didn't know it! Ha, ha! : )
How can you NOT know about cream of chicken soup! Time in prison I can overcome, but seriously Martha... cream of chicken soup?!?! I don't think she and I can ever be friends :)
I'm SO with you on this. Love the recipe!
I bet Martha has also never cooked with my favorite ingredient- Velveeta. She doesn't know what she's missing!
Love your blog!
I've had this dish, but never actually made it! I can't wait to make it myself! Thanks for sharing! And yes, Paula Deen over Martha Stewart any day!
love Paula Deen. I grew up in Savannah, GA and thought it only appropriate to have my bridal luncheon at "the lady and sons"...Jamie, her son, was my waiter! :) This was before their huge fame (2004)...they were famous but not famous enough to not serve me! :) I love me some Paula Deen...ho cakes and all!
thanks for the recipe! can't wait to make that!
WOW, that is shocking Martha. I think I would have started laughing at her. HA HA
Looks really good, I am going to have to try it!!
Great post Kelly! I completely agree with you....never been a Martha fan. Every southern girl LOVES Paula Deen! Love her home cooked recipes and LOVE her personality! I am a HUGE fan of her new magazine too! I love this recipe too....very easy and everyone likes it! I can not believe Martha has never heard of cream of chicken?? Where has she been?? LOL
Hey;) I'm not necessarily a Martha fan, but don't discount people just because they've been in prison.
My blog shares about our life while my husband is in prison. God can do some amazing things even when prison is a part of one's life.
I completely agree about liking Paula more than Martha. Paula has such a warm, sweet and welcoming personality. Martha seems cold, sarcastic and a bit cocky. She is an extremely talented woman, don't get me wrong, I just think she lets her ego get a hold of her. Paula makes me laugh, she seems so friendly and honest.
Awesome recipe! I've made this before and it is DELICIOUS!
I have a feeling that my husband, son, and I could do some serious damage to this caserole! Yum!!
I LOVE Paula Deen. Isn't it funny how we all eat so different all over the country? I am so thankful God put me here in the south. I cook so much with cream of mushroom/cream of chicken I keep it stockpiled!
I love Martha for her crafting, but I can NOT watch her show! She bores me to death. And I can't cook any of Paula Deen's recipes because that's a heart attack for me. I guess it's death by either choice!
Team Paula here too, Kelly!! WhooHooo for southern girls! I was born and raised in Mississippi and now live in Dallas (I think I may have said that on here like 20 times now... hah!) and my mom makes something really similar to the dish you just posted. Yum-MO (meaning Yum and I need some 'mo)! I'm going to give yours a try. Putting it on the list for next week's menu. I'm a good little southern girl, so I think I have all those ingredients on hand! ;)
Seriously? I'm amazed. That's like Paris Hilton not knowing what a Walmart is.
I love that recipe too! What? How can you have never heard of cream of chicken soup? Crazy! I always have to give Veronica a hard time about not knowing what Rotel is! LOL!! I love Paula Deen....I think you should be a guest on her show one day. I bet y'all would have a blast! Ha!!
Kelly, what is rotel? I'll probably be embarassed when I find out. I'd like to try that recipe.
I have made this before and it is really yummy! I think I'm going to fix it again soon. And it is super easy. Also, thanks for directing us to Laurie's blog. I needed to read what she wrote.
I watched that episode today too, and I laughed out loud. It's a staple to make almost any casserole or soup with a cream base! Poor Martha. I am sure many people are "hating" on her right now for sounding like a food snob on her show today. I loved the girl that was showing her how to make it, she totally made it into a joke!
I am with you----really Martha?!??! I use Cream of Chicken or Cream of Mushroom in most of my dishes as well----thanks for a good laugh tonight :) I needed that!
I've got to make this recipe...it looks so yummy. I don't know why but cooking with chicken has always weirded me out though. I terrified to touch it. HA. And...I would have a hard time picking...because I do love martha...but I think I'd rather hang out with miss paula.
I think I was meant to be a "Southern Gal!" (living in the west)
I made this recipe from your recipe blog. It was so delicious! Even my pickiest eater loved it! Thanks for the dinner-time help!
ps: My blog-hop entry is #126
Get this...I have heard Martha say she didn't know what Cool Whip is!!! Supposedly she only eats things made from scratch. I bet her mother knew about Cream of Chicken soup. Miss Harper didn't look too thrilled with her avocado. It is kind of an acquired taste. Try it again later.
I'd hang out with Paula Deen anytime.
Keeping you in my heart in Ga.
It looks so tasty and easy to make. I love tortillas.
I can NOT believe Martha had never heard of cream of chicken soup! WHAT! I am a southern gal too and I have four cans of each in my cupboard now!! lol Anyway I have done this recipe but we've always used tortilla chips OR doritos!! So so good! You can add a layer of refried beans too if you like it!!
Love Paula and love her boys! She is my kinda lady and gets my vote over you know who. Thanks for the great post and I may be a bit behind here but love the pic. in your banner!!
She really said she had not HEARD of cream of chicken soup? I am not sure that's possible. I think she may have lied.
I got this off your recipe blog a few weeks ago and it was so easy and SOOO yummy! :)
O.K. I have never been a big fan of Martha either... Now this whole cream of chicken soup thing has really sealed the deal. Ha! Ha!
I think everyone uses cream of chicken soup in one recipe or another...
High fives to Cream of Chicken and Paula D! I use C. of Chicken in all of my casseroles! If you haven't already, read Paula D.'s book (out a few years ago). I laughed until I cried! (The part about meeting her huband and her dogs.) It's super! She's such a girlfriend!(Yes, read it in all of your spare time! Ha!)
HA! She knows what it is, she's just too snobby to admit it! Who doesn't love Cream of Chicken!
Go Paula...and you too Kelly! This is one of my fav recipes...which reminds me I haven't made it in awhile! Thanks!
Yummy! We'll try it this week!
Looks delicious!!
Oooh, that recipe sounds ace!
I make something really similar to that, but instead of using tortillas, I used rolled out cans of croisants on top on bottom. So yummy.
What on earth??? Glad someone introduced her to cream of chicken soup. Seriously??
Anyway....I call that recipe King Ranch Chicken and it is a staple in this Mexican food loving house!
Oh Kelly! You are making me laugh! My childhood dream was to grow up and be Martha Stewart (and I grew up in Magnolia...so this was quite a stretch)! I moved to NYC and worked for her after I graduated from U of A. My plan was to get "in" and takeover someday. Why did I think this was a perfect plan? Because I would be better at it because I have SOUTHERN CHARM!!! That is definitely the one thing she lacks! And I know...I've met her! I even did a personal project for her. However, I must add that she can be a lovely person...sometimes. And I only worked there for a year...it wasn't all I dreamed it would be. And as a sidenote, my mom did meet Paula Deen, and of course, she was lovely! Thanks for the recipe and the comparison! You couldn't be more right!
Love live Campbell's soup! ;)
I say Martha is LYING. Who hasn't heard of CofC soup?? Are you kidding?
Of course she probably doesn't run down to the WalMarts to buy her own groceries; but then she's not known for her truth-telling either. LOL
I absolutely love reading your blog! We buy cream of chicken or cream of mushroom soup every single week when we go to the store. I'm hard pressed to think of a good casserole recipe we have anywhere in the family that DOESN'T include one or the other! This recipe looks delicious and I can't wait to try it. Thanks for sharing :)
(I would have switched the channel too!)
LOL! Oh my gosh I had to read your post to my Mom and we both got a good laugh out of it! She immediately said what a lot of others already wrote in their comments, "Martha must be lying!" Which made me laugh even harder. It is pretty funny when you think about Martha being a small town girl....
Anywho, thanks for the laugh!
:-D Amanda
I totally made that a while ago and got the recipe from your blog! How can she not know what cream of chicken is? I'm not a Martha fan either!
:) I saw that part of the show yesterday too. So funny! She seemd so shocked at the color!
Although, to be honest, I don't think I had ever seen Cream of Chicken before I was married. My mom didn't make any casseroles other than Tuna Noodle.
My MIL was a casserole queen, though, with 5 kids, so she introduced me to it. My husband is so glad!
This sounds fabulous! I'll definitely be trying it!
Love Paula Dean and I agree that everything is better with butter on it, ha ha. I am such a food network junkie:-) I make King Ranch too at our house and we LOVE it. Seriously Martha needs to think outside of the box,lol:-)
That looks delicious!!!!! I'll have to try it!
How can you not know what cream of chicken soup is!?!?!?
Go figure!
I love this stuff, sometimes i replace the corn tortillas for nacho cheese doritos.
I like a recipe that has a HUGE range in the amount of cheese you put in. I ALWAYS pick the bigger amount. Also, I'm pretty sure Martha's had cream of mushroom soup at least - she may not know it, but she's had it. I'm always shocked when I call my mom for a recipe and she tells me it has some sort a cream soup in it - sometimes you really NEVER know.
Martha, Martha, Martha...
I wonder if she knows what real butter is. Or meatloaf.
I'm with you! NOT a Martha fan at all. I'm making this recipe this week, actually.
There's plenty of other Wall Street thieves out there; they just haven't been caught yet. Ahem...if a recipe called for a "cream of" soup Martha would probably just make her own version of it in a roux or something. I happen to like Martha over Paula for trying to use fresh ingredients more often than canned ones, plus she's just interesting to watch.
I honestly can't believe she would say that--so rude! You KNOW she has had some before (or at least heard of it). COME ON.
Seriously??!! That is unbelievable to me.... those are STAPLES in my southern pantry- haha! I got a good laugh out of that one! I'm definitely a Paula Deen girl, too. Much more my style! :)
I honestly can't believe that Martha had no idea what Cream of Chicken soup was! Next she will say that she has never heard of Campbell's soup! The crazy thing is that one of her advertisers in her magazine or on her show is probably Campbell's and I bet they have advertised a recipe using Cream of Chicken soup on her show or in her magazine!
Kelly - I make the same recipe except substitute a can of green enchilada sauce for the Rotel. Really good! XP - A TC sis
I have gotten this off of your Recipe Blog and my whole family loved it! It is super yummy, thanks for sharing!
I love that recipe!! I live in NY and went to Wal-Mart to buy rotel after I saw it on your blog. They had it in stock! I LOVE it, you can use it in so many things. I have 12 cans in my kitchen now thanks to you! Ha Ha!
YUM! King Ranch Casserole!
Paula Deen is "okay" and has all the good southern recipes but she has gotten really obnoxious over the years.
Have a wonderful day with Harper!
She hasn't heard of cream of chicken soup!! What kind of cook does she think she is?
Your recipe sounds great!
WHAT?! I can't believe she has never heard of that! She sure is missing out :) Your recipe looks great. I have made something like that before & it was really good!
I love Paula too. I can’t always cook what she’s got going on (not really Weight Watchers friendly) but I love having her cooking show play in the background on Sunday’s while I’m doing house work. I can’t eat it but I sure can drool over it.
Your dish looks delicious!
Martha Stewart is a bit too prissy for me. Anyone who calls butter a "vegetable" is a winner in my book! Yesterday I watched Paula make cinnamon rolls and LICK her fingers. Don't think Martha would do that and that's another reason I cannot love her.
Such a funny post!
This sounds so yummy! I think I'll have to make it for my family next week!
Yum! Cream of chicken is a staple at our house....I have at least 5 cans in the cabinet right now!
Poor Martha and her lack of ingredient prowess. I would have changed the channel too!
Pretty much all of my favorite comfort foods involve some sort of cream of something soup. Martha just doesn't know...
Haha! That is so funny.
I used to watch Martha daily when she featured etsy sellers. On several occasions it was someone I knew so I was very excited for them. But I haven't watched in ages.
I just made this for dinner last night! And for the first time, I added in some crumbled bacon and a big squirt of ranch dressing. YUM!!!
I am taking a meal to a family from our Sunday School class and this sounds perfect. Thanks for sharing!
How funny! She'd never heard of Cream of Chicken. That and Cr/Mush are two things I don't want to run out of! :)
Thanks for sharing the recipe! I've been looking for more quick easy things to add to my "menu." :)
I saw that same show and think about Martha everytime, which is A LOT, I open Cream of Chicken soup. REALLY?! How has she never heard of it?!?! Cream of Mushroom and Cream of Chicken are things I stock up on when I notice they are on sale. They are QUICKLY used in our house!
Oh, I am right there with you on the Martha issue! But her snootiness IS fun fodder! Now that's really not nice, is it?!;)
Sounds great. I'm going to have to try it.
Looks so yummy!!! :)
I've got cans upon cans of the stuff in my cabinets :o) Used it last night! Thanks for the recipe sounds so yummy :o)
i made this shortly after you posted the recipe a couple of months ago and we DEVOURED it!!!! and i was so impressed with myself that i was able to find rotel here in michigan :-) and martha is SOOOOOOO lying through her teeth (again) saying she'd never heard of cream of chicken soup! :-)
I was watching that same snippet of her show and nearly fell over when she didn't know what cream of chicken was! And never tasted cream of mushroom? Unbelievable! I don't feel like I'm cooking if I don't use a can of one of those!
Love Paula Deen! Just hearing her voice makes me smile! haha =)
There is a wide chasm between Martha's "reality" and the reality of the rest of the world :)
Besides, Paula Deen rules!
YUMMMM!!! I love Paula Deen! I'm not a Martha fan either.
The recipe looks delicious! I can't WAIT to try it out!! :)
We love Paula too! I have this same recipe but we sometimes add ground beef instead of chicken and it is good too...kind of like enchilada casserole. Blessings to you!
That recipe is a staple at our house. I got it off the Rotel website years ago and we have been it eating it regularly ever since!
My mom has been making this my whole life, now I make it for my family. We use a less healthy option of fritos in place of tortilla. Also Paula is a staple within our home as well. Her recipes are always so easy and I seem to always have the ingredients.
I can't watch Martha either. I love Paula though.Your recipe looks great. I have a favorite Cream of Chicken recipe that I create a good chicken pot pie with. Love that soup!
Adding you recipe to my must try list!
I totally agree about Martha...how can you not know about cream of (fill in the blank soup)? It is a staple in any good southern casserole recipe.
And I adore Paula Deen and her boys. We're going to Savannah in the fall and eating at The Lady and Sons is the at the top of our to do list.
That martha is a pretentious lady! Craaaaaaaaaaaazzy. Love your recipes Kelly! I have made a few. But don't worry, I credited your blog for them! :)
I made your recipe a few weeks ago and it was great! Thanks. Looking forward to more recipes!
You just made me laugh out loud. I can believe it that Martha never heard of Cream of Chicken, she seems to live in her own world! Your reciepe sounds devine! Will have to try it soon.
I saw that episode of Martha and I couldn't believe it! She comes from a family with six kids and was raised in the 50's when convenience food like that was new and super-popular! I'm SURE her mom used a can of soup or two in her day!! I wish she had more episodes like that with home cooking. I usually just fast-forward the recipe segments of her show because there's no way I'd ever make anything so involved!
I have been making "Chicken Tortilla Casserole" for 20 years. I add a cup of sour cream to the soup and rotel. My husband loves any recipe from Paula Dean
Paula is the Queen of Southern cooking. I make that casserole too...but I add a cup of sour cream or cottage cheese to the soup. YUMMY!
Paula is my FAVORITE too!!! She is my kind of hostess, and I adore her... plus my kids eat her cooking when I make it.
My hips love it too.
I was just listening to Matthew and Daddy talk at length about Cream of Chicken and Cream of Mushroom soup LAST NIGHT. Those ingredients are like 2 members of the family. :-)
Girl, The Tysons would totally have your back if you went up againt old Marth.
I just read your blog today and coincidentally, I made that casserole for supper last night after looking at your recipe blog. My husband was skeptical at first, but LOVED it!!! I used Chili Fixin's Rotel which added a different flavor. It has been added to my dinner rotation.
I am so glad you posted this! I had no idea you had a recipe blog! I seen lots of good looking recipes! Thanks
I don't know if anyone watches "My Life on the D List" (Kathy Griffin). Paula Deen was on there a few weeks ago, and she was hilarious! I've always liked her in her cooking show, but this showed even more of her personality. It was great!
After reading your post, I literally laughed out loud. I couldn't agree with you more... the really funny thing is when I was reading your post I was actually eating the mexican casserole that you were talking about. I made it for supper last night. :-) It is definately one of my most favorite easiest recipes.
I made that recipe last week! I call it mexican chicken :) I completely agree with the Paula Deen thing! I told Russ we are going to HAVE to go to her restaurant!
I totally laughed out loud reading the first part of your post. I too love me some Paula! Will have to try your recipe. Sounds yummy!
Well I deleted my last post because I thought it posted twice but I guess it didn't. If it does it this time I am just going to leave it lol. I love Mexican Chicken yum :) I can't believe she has never heard of cream of chicken. She must be living under a rock. I buy this stuff atleast once a week and haven't made to many casserole's without it. One of my familys fav. is hashbrown casserole we live on that stuff. I love reading your blog and I am a Arkansas gal to :)
Girlfriend you know Paula is the Queen of the South in the food...no compairson to Martha!
Added a tomato pie that is to die for...you must try it out...
Also been stuck on your birthday party linky most of the day...my goodness so many neat ideas....well I must share this link so others can check it out from my blog...I believe one of your cousins lives in Georgia and is on my firends list...April. Anyway thought I would tell you I am sharing about this.
Oh and Harper is getting so BIG and Beautiful! I could just eat her up...heck I just love me some babies!
Well bless poor Martha's heart! The Yankee in her does not know what she is missing!! I guess I will have to look past it; I am still a Paula girl though!! And to think people live without cream of chicken and mushroom, tisk, tisk, almost as crazy as not having rotel tomatos!!!!
Sounds great. I have one that is almost exactly the same except for the rotel. You use cream of celery. I think I will try this with the rotel because we all love it. Thank you.
Ha Ha Ha!! this post made me laugh. I love the recipe and Paula Dean!!!
Wow...come on Martha???? Unbelievable.
Yum! I am definitely going to copy this! I have been following your blog since Harper was born (followed from Bring the Rain) I recently went to Savannah and ate at Paula Deen's; the best thing was the collard greens!
Yummy! I am going to have to try this recipe!!
I am NOTHING like Martha Stewart, and I have tasted both cream of mushroom and cream of chicken soup, but I have to admit I very seldom use either one of them. Unless noodles are involved.
But, I love me some Rotel Chicken and haven't had any in YEARS! Church fellowship does come to mind when I think of it!
I love your blog! I agree with you....Paula Deen over Martha Stewart any day! I have made alot of Paula's recipes and have LOVED them ALL! My family's favorites are her green beans with new potatoes and her steak and greens.
Martha is just wrong for that!
Well, I bet the folks at Campbell's won't be calling Martha to sponsor her show anytime soon! :) How do you go through life and not use cream of chicken and/or mushroom soup? I buy it in bulk at Costco! Haha!
I love Paula Deen, too. Anyone who starts a show by saying, "Now look, y'all, we're going to start with a half-a-pound of butter..." is my kind of cook.
Just saw a promo for your news story tonight!! Can't wait to see the story!
i'm absolutely appalled that martha didn't know what in the heck cream of mushroom was!!! however, she expects you to be able to find the most random thing ever for all of her recipes!
not to mention that she has rosie o'donnell doing crafts on her tuesday show!!! wtheck?!? crafts? rosie?
i don't blame you for changing the channel!
btw - harper is just beautiful! my little girl turned eight months old on monday! aren't they the most precious things ever! i am expecting a little boy in december... hopefully they're just as awesome as sweet, little girls are!
Cream of mushroom and cream of chicken soup are kind of gross...they smell kind of funny. I have just added fresh mushrooms or chicken and some cream or sour cream instead and that works well in the dishes I have tried that called for canned soup. I choose the Barefoot Contessa as my favorite cook:)
i JUST made this for dinner last nite and it literally took 10 min to throw together- martha s alittle too uptight for me.. i'm all about some southern cookin myself.
Love your posts!
Sounds delish! Hopping over to say hi :)
She seriously never heard of cream of chicken!? Now I know why I never really cared for her.
I know I haven't been leaving you a ton of comments lately, but you know I just had to leave you one on this post! You had me LOL when you even gave directions on where exactly to find Rotel tomatoes. I'm so glad that Kristin educated me on that one because I would have never known what they were. Seriously, you just can't find Rotel in CA! :)
I will definitely have to try this recipe soon, and either make it with a can of diced tomatoes and chilis I can get here of just get Kristin to send me a can of Rotel to see what all the fuss is about!
The dish looks delicious, but like the commentor before me...I didn't have a clue what was rotel.
Also, even though Martha Stewart wasn't aware of Cream of Chicken Soup, please don't hold it against her. I love Paula Deen to death, but I also love Martha Stewart. Both ladies bring and share so much. They come from different worlds, so it's a little hard for me to accept so much criticism from someone that loves the Lord. Accept people for who they are and accept their difference. You have every right to change the channel but don't bash the woman because she didn't know anything about Cream of Chicken Soup.
Remember life comes full circle and lessons always seem to be learned the hard way.
Now Martha I am from the north and Have heard of both those things... You have had a sheltered life... soup helps the dishes out.. And I don't cook ... anymore....
I am not nor have I ever been a Martha fan. I am also not from the south just based here thanks to the good ole USAF. I do however use Cream of Chicken, Mushroom, Celery in a lot of my recipes. That is also one of my faves to make.
This made me laugh! I saw that on TV yesterday, and was thinking...what?!!! Seriously, has Martha never heard of Campbell's?! I did, however, go online & print out that recipe because it looked yummy & I figured if it fed those 9 people, surely it can feed my 4!
This casserole looks so yummy. I can't wait to try it. I think every casserole I make uses either Cream of Chicken or Mushroom. I buy it in bulk because I use it so much!
Hey Kelly...I have been reading your blog for a while and wanted to say hello. I make a similar chicken tortilla casserole...except instead of cream of mushroom use a thing of sour cream and flour tortillas. YUMMMM-OH! And yeah right like Martha hadn't heard of Cream of Chicken....she probably just makes it herself or something! :)
As today turned out... We spent the majority of our day shuttling between our pediatrician's office and children's hospital for lots of labs & x-rays. The ONLY thing I had in the fridge was chicken that I'd boiled the other day. When my SIL called to offer dinner, I was able to politely decline and make your casserole. THANKS! Now I have another great, super simple recipe for times like today!!! We would covet your prayers if your prayer list is running short. HA. Details on my blog. Thanks again for the recipe!
Love it! I grew up in FL, NC and VA and my parents are from OH. Condensed soups are a must. My husband cringes when I make casseroles with cream of mushroom soup (he grew up without casseroles, such a sheltered life!), but he always goes back for seconds. I'm going to try this one soon!
Thanks for posting this...I made it for dinner tonight! It got two thumbs up from my hubby and 3 kids!! :)
I'm about to watch you on t.v!!!! How exciting!
I SO agree with you about Martha. I always race to change the channel. I get so annoyed when she talks about how SHE did all the work for each craft, which all seem to have 100 tedious steps. We all know that she has a ton of people doing if for her. :) Love the cassarole! I make it often! Now my mouth is watering.
Seriously...my husband and I are practically rolling on the floor. It doesn't suprise us one bit. One day I was watching and she didn't know what allspice was! I was like women you need to go to cooking school or something!! Crazy!
Thanks for the good recipe and the good laugh!
We're like 2 peas in a pod! I've never cared that much for Martha and now I can see why....you've never heard of cream of chicken soup?! I can't cook without the stuff. That and Ro-Tel! It still amazes me that people don't know what that is...only the best ingredient in the world!
Thanks for sharing your great recipes! I think I've tried about all of them that you've put on your recipe blog. We share a great love for food!
(If you have a few seconds to spare, please head over to a recipe contest sponsored by myrecipes.com and vote for my Fruit Pizza recipe. It was nominated and is one of the 5 recipe finalists! http://bit.ly/13VKq3 Thanks!!)
Sunshine (in Little Rock - go Hogs : )
I completely agree! Being an Oklahoma girl all my life, I find that Paula just cooks like I do, like my momma does, like my grandma did! Come on Martha! Never heard of Cream of Chicken soup??!!?? Seriously!!!
LOL at the Martha comment. Ha! I like Martha for Christmas craft ideas but I stick with Paula Dean and Barefoot Contessa for my food! Even Campbell's has more of a clue than Martha...they conveniently offer a soup called "Cream of Chicken and Mushroom." It's a 2-in-1 and in good supply in my pantry. I will have to try this recipe. Thanks, Kelly!
We love that recipe. I've made it many times.
I cannot believe she said that! Do you think she was joking or serious?
Who hasn't heard of CofCsoup??
Paula's things aren't for the average person. Her recipes always have some odd ingredient that is hard to find. Love Paula Dean! I have all of her cookbooks. Making this for dinner tonight!
Sounds yummmmmmmmmmmmmy!
I love your comment about Martha! Who has never even HEARD of Cream of Chicken Soup!?
I'm trying your recipe tonight! I'm super excited!
I love martha's crafty ideas but this really cracked me up. I'm a southern gal too and my best recipes start and end with cream of whatever! This sounds alot like King Ranch Chicken. I think it's a TX thing.
c/m and c/c (as I so fondly refer to them as) are ALWAYS on my grocery list..I like to always have 4 on hand in the pantry. A Southern pantry staple indeed!
Have you see "Whatever Marths" on the Style network? It's HA-LAR-IOUS! Martha's daughter and a friend comment on past "Martha" episodes. Even my husband enjoys is. "Oh, Martha!"
I made that reciepe that you just posted a few weeks ago for our new minister and his family. I have since made it for my husband and I. We, LOVE it. I got it off your blog awhile back when you posted it.
Hope you have a great week.
You can also make a more mexican dish by trading the chicked for 1 lb. ground beef and then exhange the rotel for a can of enchilada sauce. Add a cup of milk and can of green chilis. I usually do a layer of tortilla, mixture, tortilla, mixture and then cheese. Voila!! Thanks for sharing- I made it tonight and it was YUMMY!!
Too funny! My father in law has my 2 yr old pretending she is calling "Martha" from her pretend kitchen's phone when she is "cooking" for us. I was like, seriously Poppy, you couldn't think of anyone better for her to call! He said it was the only one that he could think of. He is going to get a kick out of this when I tell him!
I know this was a few days ago but I made it last night for dinner, my husbands says, I hate casaroles before he got his plate but then has 3 servings of it! it turned out good and I cant wait for my leftovers during lunch today!
I could she not know about cream of chicken soup! That's insane!
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