This little girl's tummy is feeling much better!! We had a good night and she ate avacado mixed with applesauce this morning happily! And then took a 2 hour nap this morning. We've had a good day!
We had lunch with a future friend for Harper - little Avery. She is 7 weeks old! And she loves the Big Bows too!!!
I ate with my blog friend Ashley (and Avery) and my neighbor Melissa at Mimi's today. It was so yummy and they are such sweet girls! Melissa and I have been walking together some and I think Ashley may start joining us! They need to motivate me to exercise!
Since we didn't see Daddy at lunch - we decided to stop by his work and surprise him with a Pina Colada slush from Sonic. I have never been to his office so it was fun to see where he works and I think he enjoyed showing off Harper. He loves her so much and it is so sweet. He calls her his little buttercup and that just cracks me up! I made a mental note that I should make more of an effort to show up and surprise him with treats from time to time or just let him see Harper. He deserves it - he works hard for us and we are so thankful for him.

I possibly have an opportunity to do some guest blogging for a local bank to talk about managing money for your household, money saving tricks and any other topics that "young women" or "mom bloggers" might be interested in. I'm talking to them on Friday and I was brainstorming ideas and then it dawned on me......."hello - Kelly - your blog is that exact demographic. Ask them what kind of "money" topics they would like to hear about". Saving money, paying down debt, saving for retirement, clipping coupons, places around town where kids eat free or where you can get meal deals, stores that are having sales,etc ..........what kind of things like that would interest you? What would you want to read about?
One of my latest books might be a good resource for you. "Life Without Debt"... you can download it FREE here:
Brent (Abby's Dad)
I think that is a great idea! I am a newlywed just starting out so I love to see sales for groceries and especially retail. Love to shop and that would help! What a great offer. Making your recipe, Lemon chicken with green beans and potatoes tonight...Wish me lock! Love the blog!
That sounds great!
I would love tips on how to save money for retirement when you live on one income and barely have any money to save! Also, how do you pay down debt, places kids eat free, and how to plan for college expenses. Also, for those moms who work, it would be great to get tax/financial tips on how to use the childcare tax credits vs. putting the money in a employee account to pay for childcare.
As a stay at home Mom, I would love to know more ways to be crafty when I have no income. As they say, it takes money to make money. So, maybe how to get great deals on craft supplies, budgeting for crafts, etc. I love to make things but often find that I don't have the money to buy the supplies I need because I am not working and our bills and 4 kids must come first. So, a feature on money for hobbies/crafts would be fun!
Great idea! I think sales, coupoons, and saving money are all great ideas! I could really use some money saving tips. Even though I try to e-bay shop and such, I still spend way too much on clothing for my sweet baby!
Coupons, sales and saving money on one income is a great topic I think. Good luck!!!
Hi Kelly,
My name is Cassie, I just started reading your blog recently and I have to say I am so intrigued! Our lives could not be more different, but I think your passion for your family, religion and friends is awesome!
I am currently graduating college at the end of August, and moving in with my boyfriend, and would love to know how to pinch those pennies- especially in this not so great economy!
good luck with everything!!
Hey friend!
when I go fun shopping and house shopping - I like to go with cash. I can ALWAYS find deals in fact they find me...but charging a good deal is not good when you are paying 19% APR each month. Carry cash....also watch the drinks at happy hour/dinner - wine is empty calories AND costly. When you go out to eat - look to eat 1/2 the meal - good for your waistline and you are making two meals out of the cost of one.
take credit cards out of your wallet if you have no control....its like not keeping sweets in your cabinets. It's a lot harder to spend the credit if they are not ANY where around you,
ps: thanks for your sweet comment - we think the same on Mr. Ed.
I'll be a newlywed in 2 months so I would love to read about saving money when shopping or decorating as well as paying down debt :)
Great thing for you to do!
hey kelly,
something i have been wanting to ask for a while is did you prepare to go from two incomes to one? any ideas? we don't want to have kids for probably another three years, but i know right now, we couldn't lose an income. love reading your blog!
Hi sweet friend!! :) I love that you & Harper got to go visit Scott today!! You know his whole week was made just by that visit! Oh, and his office is fabulous!
I'm so exciting about your big debut tonight! I'm also hoping that they're going to have it on the website after it has aired. It's one thing to "read" the interview, but it's WAAAAAAY better to get to see your beautiful face and hear your adorable accent that I love so incredibly much!
Okay, I'll try to end my book now, but saying that I think that blogging for that bank would be right up your alley! What a fun experience. To be honest, it wouldn't matter to me what you talked about, because I do, and would, read ANYTHING you write!!! Plain and simple as that!!
Love and Hugs to you and Harper
I frequent the parenting boards on WebMD and there are always conversations going on about REAL work-from-home opportunities and how to find those jobs.
Hi Kelly! As a young mom with college loans and (shamefully) credit card debt, I'd love ideas about paying off debt. It would be great to hear what other moms do!
This is a great blog that I check out from time to time with info about coupons, how to save money, cooking on a budget etc. Maybe it will give you some ideas!
Hey Kelly!
I love reading your blog so much - Harper is such a cutie!! I have a friend at work who blogs about money-saving tips and she has some good ideas on her blog, so I'll link you there:
Good luck - it sounds like a fun opportunity for you!
We are saving for a house, so anything in that dept would be nice!
Kelly, any of the financial topics you listed above would be wonderful!!! I would love to hear more about paying down debt. You are such an angel!
Scott's office does look very modern and chic.
I'd really like to know good websites for grocery coupons. It seems our grocery bill is climbing higher and higher every week, and I need to slow it down!
My family was driving through Arkansas last week (coming back from Cincinnati and heading to Texas) and I thought about you, wondering if we were driving near where you live! :)
Yes, I'd like to hear about ALL of what you mentioned!!. Saving for retirment is probably highest on my priority.
Glad to hear Miss H is doing better. Applesauce was always 'binding' with my kids too.
Have a great night!
I would love to read about how if we cut out certain extravagant pleasures from our day to day how much it could save over time... (Starbucks, mani/pedis, haircuts... well, fancy ones anyways.) I think that's something we all need to do in this economy and it's sort of refreshing to appreciate the simplicity of this newly adapted lifestyle.
I'd also love to hear about how to budget being a stay at home mom. Weighing the options of a second income with the cost of day car. How can being a stay at home mom actually save? That sort of thing. Good luck! I hope you take on the challenge. You'd be fabulous!!!
I would love to know how to pay down debt. I would also love to know some of your ideas on entertaining..with friends. On one income it is hard to dine out,maybe you have some great ideas for that kind of thing.
That sounds like fun! Good luck on it! :o) I am so thankful that my momma and daddy always told us how important it was to save for our retirement. As soon as I got my first job after college, I started investing via a 403-B. I HONESTLY do not even know it is "gone" from my check. I am always trying to tell my friends at work to start investing NOW, regardless of how much or how little, because time is our best co-efficient!! (I'm so nerdy-sounding...I know it...) I think it would be awesome to encourage YOUNG people to start saving, even if it's just a LITTLE. Right now, I am interested in trying to find out more about ways to start saving for Jack & Amelia...Roth vs. 529 vs. other??? Saving money with food is, of course, always a fave topic with me, too! (Or maybe it's just the topic of food... ;o) )
look at miss harper and avery! two of the cutest babies ever!! :) and anything you write about i'll read. i need help in the savings dept
I am always envious of those that have no debt and have a nest egg. I think that is an ultimate goal that many of us have. I also think that we can all take a lesson from the "not favorable" economy we live in right now. If we stopped spending money we don't have and start saving what we do have. A topic on this would be great!!
Also... I love being as SAHM, but I also am pursuing nursing school. Education is so important!! Even if we don't plan on using it when our children are little or ever.. it is a great way to further ourselves. Maybe a post on education or even taking classes pursuing a hobby as women can help with our self esteem and confidence.
you'll do great!
Saving for college and retirement.
making a little extra money! Good Luck and I know you'll do a wonderful job!
All of the above!! Maybe something about how to move to a new state without spending a lot of money.
ok - so I'm not a mommy yet but I am determined to teach my children about fiscal responsibility. so maybe ideas on how to teach kids to learn the value of a dollar, save money - all in fun & exciting ways. I know a lot of kiddos who think Mommy just goes to the "machine" and sticks a magic card in and out comes money! What a cool opportunity - you'll be great!
I would love to see these topics:
family fun on a budget
eating nutritionally on a budget
First of all that first picture of Harper is absolutely amazing!
I am a soon-to-be SAHM when my son arrives in October and i would love to hear about prepping for the financial transition to one income, money saving tips for a SAHM everything from groceries to free activities to do with an infant, etc.
Even though I am now a grandmother, I think you are on the exact track. I think nuturing a young child in being responsible with money is so important. They need guidance as well as practice. What a great opportunity for you. By the way - LOVE those BOWS! How cute!
All that you have listed are wonderful and interesting topics.
Another thing you could do is to give tips for mom's that want to stay home with their family. Maybe advice on budgeting their finances to downsize, adjusting to one income, etc.
This is a great idea and I am sure you'll do a wonderful job!
This would be a good resource for you:
She has great tips!
I feel like I spend a million dollars on groceries every week/month so I'd definitely like to read about how to save money on groceries.
This man has not only been there done that... but has helped millions help themselves out of debt and budgeting is what he IS about! :)
It's not complicated when Dave is around. It's common sense but He keeps his teeth in.
My daughter's and I occasionally bring Starbucks to my husband, he loves it! Your husband's office is so swanky! I want to work there!
Saving money, paying out debt (and getting out of debt completely), family friendly budget ideas.
Thank you :) and God Bless.
Purchasing your first home!! We hopefully will be purchasing in April or May of 2010 and any advice would be fantastic!
Congrats on the new gig!
Money-saving tips would be great as well as advice on how to pay down debt like student loans:)
Hey Kelly! What a great opportunity for you! Personally I would love to hear more about coupons, internet promo codes, savings options, and teaching kids about money. Hope that helps! Oh and Harper looks always!
Okay, first I must state the most obvious thing about this post... Harper's outfit is way too cute. I almost can't handle it! lol. Where did you get it!?
I think its fabulous that you are going to guest blog. I love reading tips and tricks on saving money with coupons and other great deals.
-Grocery store deals.
-Restaurant deals.
-Entertainment deals... such as, theater, mini-golf, you get the idea.
- Good hand-me-down places.
-Inexpensive educational opportunities, like preschool and/or play groups, etc.
I have no help for you, sorry. I cut some coupons but that's about it. I love the pictures, the office is awesome and of course Harper is adorable. Glas she is feeling better.
I admire you and Scott for planning well enough to go to one income after Harper arrived. I hope to be a SAHM when we have children. While I know it takes discipline, I am interested in what steps you took in the planning process and what you do know to save money.
Love your blog!!
Mandy Pierce
I'd like to hear about how you can still look like a fashionable mommy but not spend a ton of money. I think you do a great job with that!
What a nice office!
I am a newleywed and would love to hear about any savings tips!!
Congrats on your possible new blog venture!
As a recent college grad, I'd love to know whether or not it is safe to buy a house right now. I have some money that I inherited and really think that I should get into a house while the market is down, but am I being too risky with my money?
Good luck, Kelly! God Bless XOXO
Please Pro Dave Ramsey--he is such a great influence for so many people--in debt or not--so many resources there!
Good might add places to find coupons(websites, newspapers, etc)...
o.k...I LOVE zebra print with pink...please tell me where you found Harper's little outfit. I love those pants.
Cool opportunity! As a youngish mom, I'm interested in learning about saving for retirement, saving for college, what kind of car we should purchase as our family expands (balancing what makes sense financially with what would be the best "fit" for kids), finding ways to pay off debt (Especially the house! I have dreams of trying to pay it off BEFORE I'm paying for college too!), ways to feed your kids organic/healthy food without breaking the bank, hmmmm.... I guess that does it for now! Like the new blog makeover:-)
Wow, you have never been to your husband's work before?? How long has he worked there?
I would like to know about the following: saving money, paying down debt, saving for retirement, clipping coupons, saving for college, even purchasing a home...a good amount to put down, etc.
My husband is in school and working part time at the church. I teach school. We pay minimal amounts for childcare, thank goodness. It is SOOO hard to save money with so many, childcare, etc.
How do you get soo many comment??
I think you should definitely stress the importance of saving for retirement beginning at a young age. It's SO important to start saving young, it can make a huge difference down the road!
I would like to hear about saving!! I don't have any dept, but I am not a great saver. I graduated college a little over a year ago, so mostly this past year was about survival (ON MY OWN, YIKES!), but now I need to save. My parents pay cash for EVERYTHING. I would like to be able to do that one day, but I am not really sure where to begin. Thanks.
I want to know how to sucessfully pay down debt! We have a lot of debt from marrying young & school!
I would love to do hear more about coupons and how to use them and find them for free. I would also like to hear about how they recommend to save for college. Time management and organization is great.
Credit cards!!!Ugh they are the devil. We got into trouble early on in our marriage.
We try to only have one car payment if any, at a time.
I knew I wanted to be a stay at home mom, so we never counted on my salary for anything other than savings or vacation. That way it was easy to transition to a one paycheck income.
I'm the mom to 2 little girls and I would love ideas on how to save money and paying down debt and maybe if you had any ideas on fun inexpensive things to do with with your kids/husband. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with!!
So funny that you are asking this question because my mom and I ran into a lady today who is an a coupon clipper and she saves 60-84%on her groceries every week! WOW
As a young married women living in a single budget household, I would like to know whys to save that pertain to my every day life; gas, groceries, eating out, hair, shopping, etc...
I want things that are simple and easy to use. I also want more information about my credit, how to repair (I am not afraid to say we are living in debt and hate every moment of it) or strengthen it. My 403B (like a 401K), ways and how to invest. How to make my money work for me.
i would love to learn about saving for college. all the info is overwhelming to me and i don't know where to start. thanks!! :)
i LOVE LOVE pictures of harper, especially the first one. too cute!!
grocery coupons may be helpful, but i think bigger topics are much more interesting. topics i am passionate about/would like to read about are...
1. getting rid of all debt except a mortgage and saving 3-6 months worth of expenses(dave ramsey)
2. college savings (putting 529s in parents' names vs. kids names for tax purposes, best funds [i.e. the gift in arkansas v. arvest 529funds])
3. paying cash for big purchases (cars, furniture, etc).
4. budgeting (my husband and i do a post-spending budget at the end of every month that is not super restrictive but helps us see where our money went each month to make sure we are living within our means).
5. learning to live on one income (and save the other if both parents are working).
hope you enjoy the opportunity! i look forward to reading your thoughts!
I would love to find information from real people (i.e. not banks, etc) about credit cards, saving for retirement, and paying down debt on a limited budget. those are all topics i've tried to look up online, and have had little success!
thanks for such a great blog....i've enjoyed reading so much!
Hi Kelly-
Your husband's office is SO cute!!
I tried to think about your question from the perspective of what a bank would want its customers to know as well.
For me, a big thing is opening the right college savings plan for my kids. I think they're called 541 plans, or something like that. They vary by state, and many banks sell them as well. I don't have a clue where to start, and even though it seems early (my kids are in preschool), I know by the time they're ready for college, it is going to be outrageously expensive. Plus, they always get cash gifts for birthdays that I'd like to just invest straight away without having to think about it.
Budgeting, coupon clipping, getting rid of all debt except a mortgage would all be good topics!
I think "saving for baby" is an interesting topic...I mean, do you know exactly how much to save? When to start saving? Starting to save for their education even before they're born?
Inquiring minds want to know. Not that those minds are pregnant or anything, those minds are just curious. ;)
What a wonderful opportunity!!! I would like to see information on vacations for a large family on a budget. There are lots of deals for families of 4, but there are 5 in my family and no deals for us.
Good luck!!!
Congrats!! This sounds like it will be lots of fun. I would like to hear about how you and Scott planned to go from 2 incomes to one. When I email you my praise someday :-) I hope to be able to be a stay at home mom too and even though I am a saver it would be very nice to hear how you did it and what you might suggest for planning for this ahead of time.
She is absolutely adorable!
Yes! :)
I would love to hear about ALL of these. I have learned some on my own, some from money-management courses...but it never hurts to hear it again!
I think that is a wonderful idea! I would love money saving ideas such as shopping, food, or great finds in our area.
There is a website that RB and I use when we go grocery shopping here in Canada. It was started by a man in Ontario, Canada as a way to get the best bang for your buck. What it does is takes all the major grocery stores and uploads their current prices on goods and their coupons and fliers. It has functions that make it easy to compare so you can make up a list of things and see where you should go.
The best part in my opinion is the price guide they have. You simply type in an item that you buy, say "Kraft Peanut Butter" and it will come up with all the stores that carry it and what the price of it is.
I think another topic that would be excellent for a blog to talk about is getting back to buying hand-made or real good quality items. I read a good article recently in our National newspaper here in Canada about how always going for bargains can hurt the economy and your own wallet. Basically there is a reason things can be cheap ---driving down wages, made overseas in exchange for cheaper labor, poor quality products.
As well, most people end up actually spending MORE at sales or when bargain hunting than they would otherwise. It's time we get back to purchasing less but in better quality--things made in the home country or at least nearby (our friendly neighbours). There was a time when people paid artisans for what things were worth.
Another money saving tip that could be emphasized is the greatness of farmers markets. Often you can find local, organic fruits and veggies, meats and grains for much cheaper than the grocery store.
Whew that was a lot.
That is a great opportunity for you and I'd love to learn more about money fact the service at my church last Sunday was about finances, debt, etc.
I am currently a reader of tightwadmama, I love the coupons and money saving tips. Most of the money-saving stuff is geared towards higher end middle income and up, so I would like to see some "for real" ideas about normal people saving, like 401k's, what happens to them while you are a stay at home mom, debt management, daycare and utilizing flex-spending accounts, do they really save you money? Saving on vacations might be a stretch, but in this economy, the vacations are the first to go!
Your house is beautifully decorated ... would love to hear some of your tips for decorating on a budget.
Where did you get Harpers outfit/bow? I need one for my 2 month old, Paelyn!
What a great opportunity. How about saving for your child's college education in this economy. How about savings bonds for children. Online deals for families, freebies for moms and kids...just to name a few. Hope that this helps and congratulations on your new blog adventure.
I would love to learn how to set up a monthly budget that includes a sample in excel, something I can download and play with.
I think all of those are great ideas! I would personally love to hear your thoughts on all of them. What about family vacations on a budget? Saving for college? Back to school on a budget--clothes, supplies, etc? Making money with what you have- turning crafts/hobbies into businesses or selling extra stuff on ebay and craigslist? Just some thoughts- Good Luck. I hope if you get to do this you will share your "guest blogs" on the blog.
Kelly Oh my goodness I just blogged about this on my family blog...I was looking for HELP budgeting now that I've decided to quit my career and stay home full time with my girls. And the first thing I was faced with was, "How to celebrate Christmas on a budget??...and GROCERY SHOPPING!!! How to get that dollar down. I asked for HELP ON THIS ahahahaha and I prayed that some how someone would have some insight so I didn't feel so scared that we would end up in the poor house. I hope you will let your blogger friends know the link to read this blog!!! Thank you for taking this on:)
i think you will are the perfect person to be a guest blogger!! i think it would be great for you to write about:
-paying down debt
-places kids eat free
-saving for retirement
-coupon clipping tricks
-cheap date night ideas
btw....loving your hubby's office -- so cool!!!
You would be great at that. You always tell about good deals you find and how you save money on clothes for you and Harper. I would like to know more about investing money, not just having it in a savings account.
I would also like to thank you for being so positive all the time. I have been reading your blog since Harper was born. I love that you are "real" and share your live with everyone. A friend told me the other day that she reads my blog and then still wonders how I am. You do a great job of telling about your whole family. I am going to start doing better. I just figured that the people who read my blog, mainly grandparents, only wanted to hear about the grandkids.
Good luck talking to the people on Friday. Oh, Harper is so cute!!!
I know you've already received tons of great ideas.
One I thought of is ways to do things (1) as a family (2) as mom/child activities during the day and (3) as a couple for free (or very cheap at least).
I definitely spend my fair share of $$ from time to time, but as a SAHM I've found SO many activities to busy me and my kiddos with that are free or extremely cheap. I think cheap activities/entertainment would be a great resource for folks.
I LOVE your blog and Harper! She is the best dressed, best "bowed" baby out there!! I also have a little Avery she is 20 months old and I loved the big bows, then she learned she did not and would pull them out all of the time!!
I work part time right now and it seems that we could not lose that income! But, as we think about having a second child, I would like to hear advice about living on one income! Suggestions on saving and how to go from two incomes to one would be great! What did ya'll do to prepare etc.... What a great opportunity for you and for all of us!! =) Can't wait to read about it! You are an amazing person!!
I just love reading your blog. It is so inspirational. I would love to hear your advice on saving money, paying down debt, and clipping coupons!!
By the way, I love your blog layout! And the fact that it rotates. Did you do it yourself, or did someone help you out?
Todd and I were just talking about this - crazy. You might not be able to read this though. It's far down on the list. We were discussing life insurance policies. We, of course, want Lauren to be taken care of in the event something happens to us. It's CONFUSING. We talked to State Farm today and the terminology and what not is confusing. It'd be nice to have a blog/webpage that is black & white, defines the terminology agencies use, what policy you need, what you don't need, what's a rip off, etc.
I would love to know how to budget and save on a fixed income.
Is it possible to still have things like cable and internet when your on a tight budget. Are there cheaper ways to get these "wants".
I didn't read through all the comments but as a newlywed I think it would be nice to read advice for setting up for the transition into marriage (name changes, new accounts, best ways to save together, budgeting, etc.).
I love reading your blog and I thing that Harper is just so adorable!
I'm a new mom and would love advice on how you can go from a two income family down to one.
I'd like to read something about how to compromise when it comes to money, budgeting, spending and saving. Personally, we struggle to compromise on things, since we both grew up totally different as far as finances are concerned.
I think it would be great to hear about saving but yet still being able to have nice things and to do family outings. What to always splurge on and when to really save. Like should u really pay full price for furniture or whats the best time to buy ti etc.Also how you can still go out to eat and still not blow your weekly spending money.
How to manage student loans...consolidate them and all.
I've tried very diligently to borrow money from the same bank. But with the economy the way it was they've sold off some of my loans to another bank?!? Yikes.
Very awesome topic and I look forward to reading!
Harper is adorable and where does Scott work? That office was beautiful!
Kelly...that is great about your possible new adventure blogging! I think! I think most stay-at-home Moms appreciate places to go, eat, great sales, etc. that are kid friendly and CHEAP! I think it is a great concept! CONGRATS!!
You have so many comments. I get excited over 2 comments but props to you for reading all of them.
I would love to hear someone talk about spending money and how often to set that. For a married couple with a joint account, how do you split spending money?
Thank you for asking.
Don't think I can add any topics that have not already been discussed, but just had to comment because the first pic of Harper is absolutely gorgeous!! Definitely needs to be framed. She just gets cuter and cuter by the day!! She is getting more blonde hair, isn't she?
I've just started clipping coupons and really looking for sales at the grocery stores. I've been amazed at how much money we save that way! The area I think I still need the most help in would be budgeting.
I would love to hear about going from two incomes to one. My heart's desire is to stay home with our son and we're currently working on making that a reality...hopefully very soon (I almost can't even contain my excitement!). Also saving for retirement when you're living on one income would be a great topic. All the topic suggestions are PERFECT for you!
I want to know it all! HELP!
And tell me whether or not you liked the last season of the Gilmore Girls!
Hi Kelly! Here's what I want to know... I know how to use coupons, but my problem is with organizing them. What is a good way to organize them so that when I get to the store I can easily find the coupons? I always end up with a pile of coupons in my purse that get scattered as I shop. Then it never fails, I drop one somewhere in the store. I also spend too much time looking through my coupons at the store to try to remember which ones I have. Any ideas for a good coupon organizer?
How about some great things to do with the kiddos that are free/cheap. And, the easiest and quickest way to pay down debt! Thanks!
What a great thing to blog about! I would love to read about saving money at the grocery store and living on one income!We are newlyweds trying to just live on his income and this topic would be so helpful.
I love that last pic of Harper...she is too cute! =)
Harper has grown so much. How beautiful! I think a great idea for the blog would be money saving tips from grocery to clothing. Anything to make our lives simpler.
good job on TV that was neat!
Your husband's company makes my favorite coffee!!! Found it at Harps several months ago and now it's all I drink. I love the containers it comes in, reminds me of the airstream trailers! I had no idea it was a local company.
I would love to learn how other people stay within their budget. I am currently trying this envelope system but wondered what other ways are out there. Thanks!
Budgeting, saving on groceries, and paying off debt; those are my three.
I live in Fayetteville, AR and absolutely love your blog. It was one of the first ones I began reading now, I read a lot and even started one of my own! Anyway I saw you on the news tonight and it was a great story about you and your blogging. I think it is great that you are hopefully going to be talking about finances, etc on your blog. I work at a local bank and it is a fantastic idea! My husband, Denver, has an Allstate Insurance agency in Springdale and I think one of the topics that you should talk about is Insurance and how having the proper insurance can save you so much money in the long run! Rather it be properly insuring your home, health, or auto to which life insurance policy can protect your family. If you need a resource from someone local, I know my husband would love to help! My contact info is
Also, I am going to email you this as you have so many comments, I don't want you to miss mine!
I think all the things you listed are perfect! I loved your post a while back about style on a budget and you always seem to have such neat decorating ideas for low prices. Good luck!!!
Every time you talk about this pina colada slush from Sonic, it makes me want one! Do you know what they put in it?
With the economy being the way it is I'd like to get info on how to save money & pay off debts. Also, saving on groceries (this can get SUPER expensive) & budgeting.
How awesome! What a great experience. I am married to a CPA so my life is engrossed with money and money topics. We have done the "Dave Ramsey" stuff, money in envelopes and paying down debt. I would have to suggest paying down debt and how to save money. We have really worked at saving $ since we had three girls in three years and I have stayed at home for the last eight years. How fun!!! I would love to help you in any way I can or ask my hubs, the CPA, for advice!! :)
Any tips you have would be awesome to read about! Love your blog. I do have to ask....where is Harper's outfit from! I LOVE IT! I have three girls and one little boy and baby on the way and would love outfits like that for my girls (of course with their names on it *wink*)
For restaurants in NWA where kids eat free, go to for places offering free meals for kids listed by the day they offer it!
I love advice on keeping on a budget (we are so bad about this!) and retirement planning. We have a few things, but just don't understand it at ALL!
OH, and so glad Harper is feeling better!!! So glad you mixed the avacado with a really does help!
You should defintely do the guest blogging. And all of the topics that you mentioned would be great ones!! Keep up the great work!!
Warn about getting loaded down with credit card debt.
Don't spend more than you make!
Save for big goals - DON'T charge it on a credit card.
Pay CASH when you can. It will be so satisfying.
Pay back debts by paying MORE than the minimum amount.
That's this Grandma's suggestions. Good Luck!
Betty in Oklahoma
Things we have learned in 3 years of marriage:
1. don't have credit cards
2. have $1000 in the bank for emergencies
3. don't take trips/vacations/or go out to eat/buy presents if you can't pay cash
4. have an allotted amount of blow money that you can have fun with and do whatever you want with it as long as its not immoral. and your spouse can't say anything about how you spend it. ex)jewelry, ball tickets, yard sales, etc.
5. buy groceries @ kroger, they double coupons!!
we both had part time jobs and both went to school full time & have graduated college since we got married, not only have we managed not to acquire debt, we have payed off previous debts, traveled around the world and the US.
I love this idea! You're probably flooded with a ton of suggestions (110 it seems!) but I'm a poor graduate student who is recently married. I'd love any tips you have - I am clueless about coupons and other tricks that wise mothers and experienced wives have; so whatever tips you have for money-saving would be awesome!
It is amazing that your blog has garnered so much attention and you are becoming so successful and people look up to you - you have much to be thankful for! :)
coupons, saving money, envelope method, becoming debt free
Neat idea! I'd love to see tips on saving, couponing, and budgeting. Maybe investing, too.
Unlike you, I am too lazy to read through all of your comments - so, if these ideas are repetitive, I apologize!
As a mom, I think just talking about the first year's expenses of raising a child would be interesting. I don't think some people realize all that goes into it (doctor's visits, diapers, possible childcare, food, etc.).
As a mom who stays home (for the summer at least), I'd be interested in reading about entertainment options that won't break the bank.
And, lastly, how in the heck to afford college? How to save...where to save...when...and so on and so forth : )
Good luck!!
Sounds like a great opportunity, I'm excited read your ideas :) The ones you mentioned are fantastic. After our second child was born, my husband and I got on board with Dave Ramsey. We cut up and paid off our credit card and just this year got my student loans paid off (thanks to a nice tax refund)! I have been a SAHM for two years now (since our third was born and now #4 is one the way) and we have been doing the one income thing without credit cards. It's been tough and tight but we aren't going back to credit! I have been trying to come up with some ways for me to bring in some money...ideas on that topic would be great
Love the pics of Harper in the Bumbo--PRECIOUS! :) I love Daddy-daughter sweet relationships like that, esp. since I didn't have that kind of relationship with my Dad.
Any of the topics you mentioned would be good. I'm sure you'll do great!
It's fantastic that they asked you to do this! I think you hit every topic that we would be interested in. Personally I'd be interested in ways to save money overall. Like tips or tricks to knowing when to look for sales at grocery stores. I'm always clipping coupons, but I'm always missing the sales that could save me the extra money. I'm always looking for deals on diapers and baby food without skimping on food for us. I'd be interested in anything like that!
I'm a 24 year old building a house which will be finished in November, paying off my car, paying off student loans, and I want to start investing. My work doesn't offer a 401K, so something about which debt I should concentrate on paying off first or how I should start investing and how much I should invest, and anything about Roth IRA's or saving for retirement would be great!
I think writing about avoiding a bargain when you don't need it would be good, too. Lots of the coupons I see are for stuff I would never buy if there wasn't a coupon--I actually spend more, because I wouldn't be buying the item otherwise. I think people can get stuck buying stuff because "it's such a good deal" --but it's not a good deal if you don't need it. I've also made a rule on clothes--don't buy them, no matter how cheap, if they don't fit well or make me happy. The clothes need to make me happy, not just the price.
good luck! I enjoy your blog and your sweet baby!
First, I would love to hear about free/really cheap things to do as a family on outings, ie. free days at the museum, free parks, water play places, etc...
Second, I'm always excited to hear how Mom's save money on keeping house, ie. making their own laundry detergent, inexpensive/healthy meals, saving at the grocery store, etc...
Harper is so cute, and I must say, while Riley was getting used to eating food, applesauce was a savior many times! Mix that in and he'd always be willing to eat whatever I put before him. As he's gotten older I don't really have to do that anymore. It is still my go-to though if food I've made is too tacky or thick, applesacuse smooths and thins really well!
Coupons for sure... and how to budget for kids. What should you do before going from 2 people to 3 people financially?
Sarah, if you are looking for how to save money on groceries check out We post deals that can be used all over the US.
The importance of having a large amount in savings and the importance of breaking the credit card/debt addiction. Just to let women know that doing without some of the "extras" at first will pay off big in the long run. So many familes have tons of debt and no money in savings. Scares the life out of me. they are just one major incident away from losing everything.
I just want to say that this first pic of Harper on this post is THE custes ive ever seen!! So adorable & love the coloring in it!
Hi Kelly! I think all of the things everyone listed are great. I do marketing for a local credit union and one thing that we help people out with a lot is mortgages. For a 30 year mortgage, if you cut your payment in half and pay it bi-weekly rather than monthly (you're not paying any more that month, just paying it in 2 segments) you can cut about 7 years off of that 30 year loan. That's a lot...and a lot of money, depending on the size of your loan! Just a helpful tip!
Love your blog! Some of the tips I got just reading the comments were great.
I'm really interested in paying down debt, saving for retirement on a limited income and doing these things while still being able to enjoy life.
my thing is how to budget. should i save or pay off my debts first? how much should i be saving? should it just go into a savings account or are there better things to invest in.
those are some of the questions I have. I currently use the 60% (really 50% since I use 10% for tithes) solution but I dont know if it is best.
I would love the topic of saving for retirement, especially with only one income and definitely how to do it in these tough economic times.
I love that baby and her bows!! Makes me wish I had them little again.
I think that blogging for the bank would be an awesome thing for you. I think most young women and couples could use some advise on living within their means. I see so many folks out there with shopping issues and the need to have and have and have.
Absolutely the most gorgeous picture of Harper at the top!!!
I would like to hear about the all!!
Love Scott's office!!
As an old married woman, I can look back and sees ways I wish we would've done things differently. I wish we would have saved more.
In the past 15-20 years, I've learned to do the envelope system in an electronic world with my financial software. For us, now, on a limited income, there are no real surprise bills and we are more prepared because we've already saved for those larger monthly, quarterly, and yearly items... even Christmas.
I wish as a young adult people would have shared with me more (or I would have researched more) how to budget monthly for giving, saving, and expenses.
Oh my, I don't know if I should leave a comment, you have so many. I'm no expert, but some things that stand out in my mind:
1) Don't live beyond your means! I know this seems obvious, but it needs to be said. People don't respect their "means", they want to keep up with the Jones', etc.
2) One thing that my husband started doing, he gives me an incentive to 'use coupons' by giving that money back to me. So everytime I use a coupon at WM, he puts that money into a savings acct for me to spend anyway I want. So we really are "saving" that money. Then I turn around and spend it on stuff...ha!
Good luck and keep up the good work!
oh goodness! what a great question! As a new wife (going on 6 weeks of marriage! YAY!) I'd love to hear about saving money & paying off debt. We have students loans galore but we don't want to live like we're broke. We are enrolled in Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University class right now & LOVE it! We're saving like crazy and paying off debt! It's great! But cutting coupons is the way to go as a newly-wed in debt! and we watch the ads like crazy! can't wait to see what you come up with! =)
Happy Wednesday!
~Krista from Seattle
I would like to know more about saving for retirement. IRAs, both traditional and Roth. Also, how about shopping for a mortgage? What are points? Savings accounts vs. CDs. vs. Money Market accounts.
I think saving for retirement is something young people don't think about as much as we should and I would love to hear more about it.
That first picture of Harper looks like a piece of art! So beautiful! I would be interested in reading about all of the topics you listed. Please share the link with us!
Ways in the household to stretch the dollar... I have been trying to research how they did things in the depression era, when my grandmother was growing up. They were so frugal! I wish I could find more practical advice.
saving money, paying down debt
living frugal
I think all of the topics you mentioned would be great! I would also love tips to meal plan and save at the grocery store! Please let us know when you post. I want to read them!!
how to save money at the grocery store!!!
I would love to learn how to make each and every dollar stretch. I love to find a deal or save a penny.
I think you would be the perfect person to do some guest blogging for a local bank--you have already mentioned great ideas! For instance, how to save mney for retirement when you don't really have any to save; paying down debt...faster; where kids can eat free; and to prepare for the cost of college. I so love your blog--you are such an inspiration to me..and Harper is looking cuter than ever! Wishing you a wondeful day! From you blog friend in Monticello......Audrea
I love the idea of doing something special for the dads. Even though I work full time as does he- he does wonderful things for our family and deserves a little thank you now and again! Have a great day!
I would love to read more about paying down debt (realistic ways). I work part time and spend the majority of my time as a SAHM (and love it!!!). You could also help us all find ways to entertain our kids without spending money. I have found a mom's group (on that has been fabulous! We to eachother's homes often and it really doesn't cost any money (except the fact that we always want to eat.....). I also have found that it has become difficult to balance looking for good deals on groceries and other essentials (while still getting good brands) without having to go to more than one store (which is a no-go with an 18 month old and one on the way!!!)
Just some ideas. I continue to read your blog daily and love it! You make me want to move back to the south every day-ha! Harper is so adorable and I just know she and my Emmy would be best little friends :)
PS I just left you a comment but then thought of something else...I have found some amazing kids toys at garage sales (and some nice clothes too!!!) for a fraction of the price. As long as the toy can be cleaned with bleach water (no stuffed animals etc) or washed in the washer/dishwasher, it's fair game to me! For example, I found an entire bag of little people for 50 cents-wow, a steal, considering you would pay almost $20 for that in the store! I have also had really good luck at a resale children's store (Once Upon a Child). They don't take things that are not in good condition, including clothes. I bought a changing table for kiddo number 2 for $45 that was originally over $800 and is in awesome condition!!! Just a little touch up paint and it will be ready for our new baby!
Just some more ideas for you :)
I would love tips on how to pay down credit card debt and how to save money. Where to get the best coupons and how to use them for the most savings.
Saving money on groceries.
Paying down debt.
Just two of my ideas. Can't wait to see what you do.
I would love to hear more about clipping coupons & actually using the coupons (why does that always seem to be where I disconnect?) & sales & such. Basically, just overall saving money while still making delicious meals & doing things with my family. Love your blog! Keep up the good work!
What a great opportunity! I would love to learn how to pay down credit card debt and a good way to start saving money other than just a standard savings account. Stores that are having good/great sales would be nice too!
Your husband's office is AWESOME!
That is too sweet! I can imagine that the parent who works for the family would love a visit from their little ones from time to time! I work with a lady whose husband is the stay at home dad. He brings in their three kids from time to time and it really is a joy to see them and their faces! :)
That is great! What a cool thing to be offered to do!
I think some advice about how to go from a two income family to a one income family would be great (we are looking at that transition as we are expecting our first one in March and I want to stay home), saving for kids college, and generally saving money around the house (food, outings, decor!) without sacrificing too much.
Good luck!
ok, this is off the "money" subject, but I have to ask. The Pina Colada drink from Sonic. Is it the menu? What is in it? Is it a drink, slush, etc? I'm in Little Rock and we have a great sonic by my house but no PC! Please tell, so I can get one!
I love your blog...and I love to talk about money! I worked for a bank for 11 years and thought that this stuff was just common sense, but it is not. I took for granted the knowledge I gained from my industry. Now I share my knowledge to anyone that listen. Good for you for taking on this topic and sharing it with all of your readers. It is so importnat for a woman to empower herself and gaining control of her finances is a great way to do that!
These topics may be way too specific, but here are a few of my thoughts:
1. Eating for one - when you're single (or the hubby won't be home for dinner), does it make financial sense to try to cook for yourself, or just live on takeout?
2. Dressing for the job you want - how to have a nice, professional wardrobe that lasts through several seasons without breaking the bank.
Just a couple random ideas, I hope that helps (not that you need any help, you'll come up with thousands of great ideas on your own, I'm sure).
OH Kelly....I am pretty much obsessed with saving money and clipping coupons. So much so that my blog is dedicated to that topic. There are just so many great and easy ways to really make a difference in your budget. I have gone from spending $850-$900 a month on groceries to $400-$450 by using coupons. And I get tons of free or almost free stuff at Walgreens, Rite Aid and CVS by matching up sales with the coupons. I could go on and on and on about this topic:) Hope this helps a little.
First off I love your husband's office!! I can't believe you have not visited it before - so cool!! :) Second, a few ideas for the blog . . . weekly list of the places kids eat free in your area, couponing(check out my friend's site, ways to save, and creative things to do that don't cost a lot just to name a few!
I think the blog world is pretty saturated with couponing, grocery sales, etc... I'd love to see more topics in line with the financial world, i.e. beginning investing, saving for an emergency fund, decorating on a budget, etc.
Just my 2 cents!
I would love to know how much other mom's spend on their kids---ie., for clothes, toys, etc. Sometimes, I feel like my spending in that area is fine and sometimes I feel like I spend a fortune. I wonder if you could do a quick poll of this and maybe some other questions like this of your readers.
hey kelly...i think that would be a great opportunity for you and I can't imagine how it would help the bank.
being a sahm there are lots of thinks dealing with saving that i love to read about...
-organizing/utilizing coupons
-shopping sale ads
-deals around town
but to be honest my hubby is better at understanding it so I'd love to learn more about investments/iras/college funds...well, that's what i need to learn about.
i must also say that dave ramsey's envelope system is the best. we have adjusted it for us but great for keeping the spending in check...also another thing i love is organizing bills/computer tracking our spending.
just a few of my ideas ~hugs pk
Kudos to you for helping others with their debt and managing their finances. It can be difficult in the world we live in today to find people that strive to save money and minimize their debt. Good for you for inspiring others. There's so many great free debt tools and information out there to improve out debt knowledge.
Keep up the good work!
Jeff at
I work at a bank, so you'd think I'd get some pretty decent money advice, but, I digress.
Suze Orman's book Young, Fabulous, and Broke has a TON of great ideas if you can get your hands on it.
I always wonder if I should save my extra money for our next down payment on a bigger house or if I should pay down our student loans. Should we set aside money to keep in case of emergency or should we pay off our debt (that's NOT overdue)?
I hope that helps! Good luck!
First, I wanted to tell you that I love your blog. Your blog has helped me with so much in my life. I started a blog called Janie Out of Debt and it deals with me getting myself into $26,000 of debt and getting out of it before getting married.
My blog is:
If you want to check it out. I would love to get your feedback on it because I value your opinion.
I love your blog! Thank you so much for making this public for all of us to enjoy. You are so positive!
Harper always looks so peaceful and that does look like such a fun office!!
I think people can save SO much money with coupons..I've been doing them some..sometimes it is a bit time consuming but there are some good websites on there now you can just print them right off.
also, a lot of websites (firehouse subs) you can sign up for a birthday coupon...and that is..well one free meal a year :)
I'm an office manager for a bank and have been in banking for 6 years... I think a great topic is something that people don't like to hear about, but need to hear about. That is using a register! Ever since the invention of the debit card, people have forgotten what a register is and how to use one. When I have an overdrawn person asking me, "How did this happen??" and I ask them to see their register, most of the time they look at me with a really questioning face like "what is that?" People need to learn the easiest, most elementary way to keep their dollars accounted for. Keep every debit card receipt, write it down at night, subtract...and get your balance! Easy as 1-2-3... I'll get off my soapbox now, but I really think that something that basic would be perfect!
I would love to help you out. I cut coupons for a living and have saved my family over $10,000 in just 7 months. Here is my coupon blog:
I'd love to know how you make your home, self and child so beautifully dressed on a budget (or is it that those aren't "budget" things, but just things that you have prioritized financially). You all always look great!
I'd love to find out more about how these moms use coupons to save so much money. One friend told us that she bought $200 worth of groceries at Publix, but only spent $16 by using Southern Savers...what the?!?!?!?!
I live in Dallas and have been wanting your Pina Colada slush ever since you mentioned it. Nobody here knows what I'm talking about, much less white coconut, not blue. Any advice? Thanks!
I need help on budgeting. I am (or used to be, pre-kid) a smart gal and was pretty on top of money then, but these days I just can't seem to get a handle on the budget. Of course that means I'm probably over-spending a lot and definitely not able to plan ahead for specific purchases. Just a yucky place to be. Maybe you have a system you could recommend or something? Or how often you tend to your budget stuff?
Hey Kelly,
Where did Harper get her outfit and where did your friend get her little girls flower bow? Thanks Tammy
My email is
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