On Monday - her parents took her to the doctor for some hand tremors she was having and now they are faced with a very aggressive, malignant brain tumor that is wrapped around the major blood vessels that feed the brain.
She is having surgery tomorrow. They can not remove all of the tumor because of where it is.
Please pray for her.
Having a daughter now - I can't imagine how this family feels.
Praying for this beautiful girl. Her parents must be terrified. :(
Just breaks my heart. We hear so many stories like this and they never get any easier...
Brent (Abby's Dad)
Praying for you sweet Kate! And praying for strength, comfort and peace for her dear family.
Definitely in prayer for htis sweet girl. This hits home for me, when my brother, who is now 22, was 5 yrs old he had a brain tumor and everything moved so quickly as hers seems to be. Surgery was performed in just a few days of finding out. Thankfully his was benign (sp)but they were unable to remove all of it due to paralysis and more damage. He is healthy and normal today and I pray that it will only be the same for them or better. Thanks for posting, I will be keeping up with her for sure.
I am so thankful that our God is bigger than any tumor, bigger than cancer, bigger than our biggest fears. Lord please touch this family and give them great faith to endure this difficult time.
Kelly thank you for all you do in bringing light to those who need prayer. It is a very emotionally draining and exhausting job I'm sure. You are an angel. There is so much heartache in this world and I feel my heart break over and over again when I hear stories like this! I will be praying for this family as I do all others I have come across. It is difficult to hear of so much tragedy and not be afraid for your own family and loved ones. It makes me so grateful for my own blessings and miracles that is for sure!
Our prayers go to the same God that walked on water, that healed the blind with a single touch, that multiplied food, and could heal a servant merely by thought. Lest we not forget, the same God that gave His Son to heal us of our sins. If He so chooses, that tumor can disappear without trace.....
What a beautiful girl. I'm so sorry she is dealing with this. Thank you for posting, their fam will be in my T & P's.
Poor sweet girl. My heart goes out to her and her family during this most difficult time. They will be in my thoughts and prayers.
My thoughts and prayers are with this little girl and her family.
I'll be giving my own two girls and extra hug tonight.
My heart goes out to them, and it makes me sick to think about this and to know that any of us can be plagued with this with our babies.
Yes she is absolutely beautiful and also in my prayers!!!
This story is so sad! I went to college with Kate's mom. Their whole life changed in one totally unexpected momment! Thanks for posting their story.
she is beautiful and this gave me goosebumps. I will absolutely pray for her, her family and her doctors.
I had a friend that had a brain tumor a few years ago. We weren't out of high school yet. The doctors were able to get all of the tumor.
I'll be praying for a miracle, wisdom for the doctors, and strength for the family.
It's just so sad. I know I shouldn't ask Why all of the time but I do. I struggle with that. I don't understand why. I do understand that God has the perfect plan but it's hard to understand sometimes.
She is just beautiful. My prayers are with Kate, her family, and the surgeons.
Devastating! Every parent's worst nightmare.
Oh, how I will PRAY!
Jesus, please heal Kate and comfort her parents. Give Kate's doctors deep wisdom.
Father, I thank you that you are the healer. Thank you that everyone who came to Jesus was healed. Thank you for shining your light on Kate's brain, all of her body, and dissolving the tumor and every malignancy. Thank you for cleansing her cells so that she is free. Thank you for her life giving glory to you. You know the number of our days, Father and we want every one of them to glorify you. Thank you for the best care for her, for wisdom, discernment, and extraordinary skill for her health care providers. Thank you for assigning your angels to her to watch over every procedure. In Jesus' name.
So very sad. We are praying for beautiful Kate and for her family.
We'll be praying for this beautiful little little.
Prayers are going out to her and her family .
You just never know it just makes you value each and every day !!!!!
Praying for Kate and her parents. I can only imagine how they are feeling.
Thank you for telling us about Kate. She's beautiful. My prayers are with her and her parents.
this is really sad. I will send lots of prayers to this family for this beautiful girl
Thanks Kelly! Looks like they're at Phoenix Children's and that's Mr. Owen's home away from home. I'm going to have to put together a goodie package for her and drop it off. I would never have known without you posting... see, you make a HUGE difference! :)
Such a beautiful little girl! Praying for her and her family!
Praying for Kate and her family, and her doctors.
We are praying for Kate. It's a good thing you do here Kelly! It's not very often you can "get" who a blogger is, but your loving caring personality always shows clear through. God's been working miracles through you.
We will be praying for Kate and her family too, Kelly. Thanks for sharing this request with us!
This just makes my stomach sick. I'll be praying for them...thanks for sharing.
Why does this happen to our children!? I'll be on my knees saying many prayers for Kate.
Thanks Kelly. Your blog is truly a place for us to come together and lift up family in need.
You should be very proud.
Thank you for posting about Kate, she needs a miracle and all the prayers that she can get. I grew up with Kate's mom and her sisters. We went to school together, played sports together, and I graduated with her sister. This breaks my heart in a million ways, thank you for giving her some "blog space" and for asking for prayer. I cannot fathom what they are feeling right now...Our God is big and can do anything!!
our family is praying for sweet little Kate.
I pray that the surgeons can remove as much of the tumor as possible.
What a beautiful little girl. Kate and her family will be in our prayers.
I will certainly be praying for darling little Kate, her family, and the doctors during this very scary time. Please keep us updated, Kelly.
I will say a prayer for this family. Kate is beautiful. It breaks my heart to know what they are going through. But we know that no tumor is bigger than God.
Praying now...
This absolutely breaks my heart. I have a 6 week old son and I can't even imagine hearing news like this. I will be praying for this little girl and her family...praying that God does a miracle.
kelly - will be praying for that one. cannot imagine.
i thought you'd want to know about this promotion at chick-fil-a on july 10. i could totall see harper winning it. dress like a cow and you get free food on that day - but there's also a kid's photo contest going on right now. see cowappreciationday.com. i used to work for this awesome commpany and the promotion is so fun. i thought your readers might like it too. here is my blog where i am promoting it. www.thedefeofam.wordpress.com
How sad for that family. I can't imagine being in her parents' shoes. They're all in my prayers
I found a blog with more info on Kate...a close friend of the family. There are more pictures of Kate, too. She is an absolutely beautiful girl! If you watch this blog you might find more updates. :)
praying...thanks for letting us know.
Oh my. I just had a brain MRI Monday that came up clear. How I would trade places with this child in a heartbeat. I am praying.
Oh my goodness...my heart just aches for that sweet family...storming the Heavens with prayers now...and will continue to do so!!
Thanks so much for sharing!
Many Blessings!
Glad you posted this Kelly. They are originally from our area...there is also a group on facebook if anyone is interested in joining.
such a sad story! i'm praying! thanks for posting this Kelly!
You know, sometimes the weight of the world is just too much. It is so sad that this family is going through this. She is so young, and vibrant. However, I am so thankful that we serve a LOVING and FAITHFUL father.
oh my goodness, bless her heart, I can't imagine. Lifting them up this moment.
I am praying for sweet Kate. Our God is bigger and stronger than tumors. Praying for the family, Kate, operating room staff and her recovery.
I am reminded of the song "Great is Thy Faithfulness" and how Faithful our God is each and every morning.
Praying for Kate and her family. Forwarding our prayer requests out to others so that they may too cry out to our Lord for a miracle!
Thank you for blogging about Kate. I will be praying so hard. I have a little girl too. This just breaks my heart! God is good. He will take care of her and her family.
My husband had this 12 hour surgery a year ago. He came through better than ever because the seizures and memory loss were gone. Praying the same for Kate.
This truley breaks my heart. I have a 9 month old girl and I cannot even imagine going through this. I just am at a loss of words. All I can do is say a prayer for this family and this beautiful little girl.
Thank you so much for telling us about this beautiful little girl. My family and I will be praying for her! Children are our most precious gifts. God's blessings, Sarah :D
what a beautiful little girl. i will been praying!!
Kelly, I just cannot imagine what these parents are going through. It just breaks my heart, I can barely see through the tears now.Surely God will show His compassion on this beautiful little girl and let her live a life more abundant.
Keeping you and Kate in my heart in GA.
My prayers are with Kate and family.
That hurts my heart - I have a 4 yo daughter named Kate. I will pray for them!
That beautiful sweetie is in my thoughts.
Lord, we pray in your precious son's name....please perform a miracle, a miracle of health & renewal of this precious girls body. Lord, we KNOW you can do all things, all things that are according to your will. We are abundantly thankful to rest in that. We pray for this family to be cradled in your arms during this time. For every mom and dad that is out there that heart breaks for this little creation of yours, we lift her up to you...in the mighty name of Jesus~ Amen
Definitely in my thoughts and prayers!
Thanks for sharing this prayer request with your readers. I will certainly be in prayer for Kate and her family.
Matthew 21:22
In high school i was good friends with Kate's mom, Holly.This whole thing makes no sense to me! There must be a plan right? My family is praying hard for her & her family. Thank you for getting the word out there, I know you have a TON of readers. Please Lord bring on the miracles!
That is so, so sad. I will definitely be praying for little Kate.
I'll be at work next week and would LOVE to get to see you and Miss Priss!! I got to play with Jeff and Gwen's little boy, Luke, Sunday morning before church started. Oh my, he stole my heart! He just grinned and jumped like a little jumping bean the whole time.
Sure will pray for Kate.
Kelly, thought you would want to watch. Aaron & Holly posted a video of themselves asking for prayer, and telling their story. So hard to imagine.
Kate & her family are in my thoughts & prayers.
As a momma....i just can't imagine. Thanking God for our healthy kids and praying for this sweet girl and her family now.
Oh no! She is in my thoughts and prayers!!
Read about this on your blog and then tonight saw a couple of my friends' facebook statuses....they went to high school with Kate's mom... Here is the link for the YouTube video:
I'm so sorry to hear about sweet little Kate's condition. I will say a prayer for her tonight.
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