Harper and I have had a BUSY morning. A lady in my church asked me last week to come and speak to her work and share Harper's story. Her department just finished raising money for Children's Miracle Network and she wanted a personal story to show them what they were raising money for. I was thinking it would just be a couple of people and instead it was a couple HUNDRED. I was so nervous that my voice was shaking and I'm pretty sure I didn't make any sense. I also started crying a couple of times. But Harper looked cute in this little dress that Courtney sent her and she was SO good! It was also a miracle because we were supposed to be there at 8:30 and that is no small feat and we were there by 8:15! I was so proud! ha! The lady in my church works in our nursery and she knows Harper pretty well by now. She held Harper while I spoke.
(P.S. The lady had someone else come out and meet us in the front lobby of their building and she told her she would know us because the baby would have a BIG bow on her head! She was right. And I will keep those bows on her head because I get asked at least once a day if she is a boy (if she doesn't have a bow on) and even when she is covered in pink. )I finally got a few pictures of Harper framed and I wanted to show you. I saw this frame on Angie Smith's blog and knew I had to have it. I absolutely love what it says.
I got these frames at Hobby Lobby on half price a few weeks ago and finally put pictures in them. I love having her picture around our house! I'm sure there will be more and more soon!
We also went this morning and met up with Laurie and the girls to swim. I was so late meeting Laurie because I had to get both of us changed and then I decided to stop at Wal-Mart and find a little shade floaty thing (which ended up not working because Harper can't quite sit up yet - but it will come in handy down the road). Sarah Kate had a good time!
Emily just took swimming lessons and she was excited to show me how she could blow bubbles!
When we pulled up and I went to get Harper out of the car - I realized she had had the GREAT BLOWOUT of 2009. Poop was running out of her swim diaper and was all over her shorts, swimming suit and car seat. Lovely. So I just put her in this little extra outfit I had and let her swim in that. We didn't stay too long but she really liked being in the water. I hope we can go again soon!
She is taking a nap right now and I figure she might take a good one after the busy morning we had. This is what I found a few minutes after I laid her down - she was in her bed just talking away.

P.S. There is a great tile giveaway going on at Kaye's blog for the Fourth! Check it out!
P.P.S. Can you pray for this family? http://kinseygracethompson.blogspot.com/ I'm about to put them on the prayer blog but I can't get them out of my mind. Last July they lost a baby girl at birth. It sounds almost similar to Harper's birth only their baby did not make it. And now they are weeks away from having a baby boy and he has Trisomy 18 and most likely will not live. I know life just doesn't seem fair sometimes and I'm just very broken over this family tonight (I don't know them personally). Can you just lift them up in prayer?
Great pics Kelly! Beautiful...
Brent (Abby's Dad)
Wow! Y'all did have a busy morning! I bet you are tired! I dropped off your fabric on your front door! Thanks so much for letting me borrow it. I hope y'all have a happy, happy 4th full of memories!
Sorry about the blow out!
I think that pink outfit is my favorite of all her outfits!!
How exciting to be able to talk! Great job!
Harper is so beautiful, what a blessed Mama you are! Have a great 4th of July weekend (:
Adorable pictures and I LOVE that frame!
FYI...swim diapers are the worst! I don't put my kids in them till we are ready to go in the pool. They don't hold pee at all. I have had so many wet car seats on the way to the pool or beach! I call them poop catchers b/c that is about all they do! :)
Harper is growing too fast! She is beautiful and looks like her mommy!
Oh don't you just low the blowout diapers??!!?? I am so glad we don't need them anymore.
Great pics and frames -- I love having pics all over my house and am always on the lookout for great frams.
Thanks for the link to the tile giveaway. I've wanted one of them for a long time, but just haven't splurged yet. Maybe I'll win one instead. :)
I love love love Harpers bows! I'm due in December with my first baby and I'm hoping it's a girl so I can dress her all up cute in little dresses and hairbows like Harper!! She always looks adorable!
LOVE those socks in the first pic & love the new frames!! Those 2 bottom pics make me laugh-they're so cute!!
Swim diapers are definitely not made for use outside of a pool--you've gotta wait until you are ready to put your baby in the water and then put the diaper on--I guess you figured that one out by now. :-)
I was changing my son in a public bathroom one time and he was wearing a blue outfit that said Thank Heaven for Little Boys. I had his diaper OFF and a lady asked me if he was a boy or a girl. Even if she missed the blue, or the saying, you would think she would have noticed his....well, ahem....you know what I mean!
She's so cute, and such a miracle.
I always waited to put the swim diaper on right before getting in the water. It does not hold anything really. I see a few other moms said the same thing but I just wanted to leave a comment too!!!!!
Let me just give you a suggestion...from mom to mom....don't put on swim diapers until you get where you are going. They DO NOT hold stuff well. They even leak pee. So...wish someone would have told you that earlier but swim diapers are not designed for holding stuff in...apparently! =)
AHHHH LOVE LOVE LOVE the little Ralph Lauren dress on her. Granted she's beautiful in anything! She is so precious Kelly and I'm so happy for you! I'm sure you did a wonderful job speaking this morning!
That first picture is wonderful! We had so much fun this morning and the girls both took LONG naps. It is sure different than when we used to lay at the pool and look at magazines! Haha!
I wondered how much those swim diapers would hold being that they don't absorb the water. We were just in our pool and I heard Avery pass gas and my husband quickly checked to see whether it was a false alarm or not. We didn't want to take any chances of the great poo getting in the pool!
My Avery is 5 months old and lately she has been having nights where she wakes up and lays in her crib just talking away. If I go in to check on her she grins, giggles and gets so excited. There is no way I could get mad with her. Even though it is 3 in the morning and I'm starving for sleep.
I also love bows, flowers, clippies and basically any hair accessory ever for my twin girls. And Harper wears them so beautifully.
she is so adorable! I can't wait to hit the pool this summer. So far I haven't been able to but Lauren loved it so much last year!!
I echo what others said - swim diapers don't hold pee/poop in unless they are wet - so don't put them on until you are ready to dip. Even then all they do is 'minimize' the mess, not contain it 100%. I learned this the hard way - my daughter was sitting on my lap in a boat....... makes sense - swim diaper in the boat. Not so much, now regular diapers in the boat until we dip in the water! (As I write this I wonder if the whole 'swim diaper' concept is a way to sell more expensive diapers to un-suspecting customers!)
AAAAHHHHH SWIM DIAPERS ARE NOT DIAPERS! Don't let their name fool you!
They are great for the pool but we found out the hard way too, after I put my kids in theirs on the way to the pool, and when we got there, they were soaked because they had peed in their swim diaper. Now, I put suits on, keep diapers on and change into the swim diaper when we get to the pool!
Summer in the pool is so much fun. My kids love it too!! Harper is such a doll, I love the daily pictures!!
I'm sure you did well because you always speak from the heart, the emotion just probably added to it! Looks like a fun day!! I know you are SOOOO busy, and you get a lot of comments, but if you have time stop by my blog!! :)
I think I am going to take my little one swimming on Friday but I don't know what to use. What if she poops while in the pool. I know those swim diapers won't hold it in. Harper is a cutie pie and there is no way you could ever get mad at that face...never!
So much fun!! WARNING: Never dress Harper in blue! Just Kidding! I only say that because my sister dressed her daughter in a pretty blue dress, with a pretty blue bow and someone asked her if she was a boy. WHAT?! When she responded that she was in fact a girl, they said, "well she's wearing blue!" We didn't realize that was an exclusive all-boy color. ha.
Where did Laurie get Emily's floaties? I have been seeing those all over on kids, but don't know where to find them. The first time I saw them on a kid my mom said "I bet Kelly will know where they came from!"
she is adorable!!
I bought the same frame, with the Einstein quote, a couple weeks ago at a shop in Philadelphia MS. I love it.
LOVE me some seersucker on little girls! She is precious. Of course, I love the bow, too!
Have a blessed 4th!! :)
YES! it was the same with BOTH of my girls...people ALWAYS asked if they were boys even when they had all pink on. i'll never understand that...
Where did you get the "Miracles" frame? I need one!
You're baby girl is a DOLL! :)
Harper looks lovely, I am sure you gave a GREAT speech!
There should be a warning on swim diapers. They aren't exactly made for really holding anything aside from keeping it out of the water! Bless your heart! Next time wait till ya'll get to the pool :)
Love the pics of Miss Harper! And that frame is great too.
Love the pic of her laying in her crib - that look on her face is precious. Such a sweet, innocent look.
So I guess you learned the hard way, as so did I but luckily mine wasn't with a poopy diaper just a wet diaper. The swim diapers just really hold the poop in them but do not hold pee in them. They are pretty much made to keep bacteria out but not keep the mess in! Wait til you are ready to get in the water before you put her in one.
Very cute pics. You might try mixing the rice cereal with a little baby food fruit for some flavor. The rice cereal is so filling, it might help her sleep longer at night. You probably know this; I just thought I'd share.
That last photo is awesome. Sorry about the blowout... we all have our fair share of those. Owen almost pooped in the tub yesterday, scooped him out in the nick of time. Love the frames, I might have to get me that first one.
harper is more and more beautiful each day!! i love her smile!!
I don't get how people think she's a boy! I think she has such a girl face!!
Wow...I am impressed that you spoke in front of so many people. For some reason, public speaking terrifies me! I can speak in front of children every day, but adults is a different story.
Harper is so sweet and precious. She doesn't look a thing like a boy! She seems really happy now. I'm glad you got her allergies straightened out! :)
Would love to have heard you speak. I am sure you were a blessing to everyone in attendance.
Cute, cute pictures of your precious Harper and Laurie's girls.
Your frames are beautiful and what you've put in them is too!
Thanks for the link up:)
Blessings this evening and always,
Matthew 21:22
Everyone thought my boys were girls, even dressed in jeans and little flannel shirts. Of course they were pretty.....
The biggest blow out I can remember was at lunch at the preacher's house. Took Justin to the bathroon to clean him up and needed a firehose. Couldn't leave that mess in their cute little trash can and perfume the whole house. Thank goodness for ziploc bags. Everything went in my purse and to the car. I was mortified then and laugh now. You have changed her diet by adding fruit. She is adjusting. It will get better, I promise.
Keeping you in my heart in Ga.
Oh my goodness, I would have been nervous too! Glad Evie is not the only one with blowouts. She had one the other day at playgroup as we were walking through the door. I picked her up and then it got on me! Before kids, I would have been so embarrassed - now it's just par for the course. I learned something new on here today. Did not know you had to wait to put the swim diaper on at the pool!
Harper is so stinkin' cute! I am sure that your speech this morning was great, I would have been crying with you. What a fun day at the pool!
I am sure you did an awesome job speaking to that group. You have such a sweet spirit and I know that showed through regardless of your words. I'm sure they were all blessed with what God has done to and through Harper.
That's awesome you spoke! Oh man, I'd be so nervous!!! I bet you did great. ;)
Little Punkin' looks so comfy in her bed.
Congratulations on speaking about Harper and only crying a few times...I would have been a wreck. Have a great week.
What amazing pictures of that precious baby!
It sounds like you had a great day!
Just a little FYI... swim diapers are the worst, they don't hold anything and almost always end up leaking. I was so happy when my kids outgrew them!
Such cute pictures of little miss Harper, she is beautiful!
Thats cool that she thought of yall and what yall went threw..and She is so cute
Ha! LOVE it....the Great Blowout! That's hilarious! Mine decided to do that in her swim diaper the other day too....not too much fun! I'm proud of you for your speaking engagement! I bet you did great!! Harper does look so cute....I don't think I could ever be mad at that face either!
People sometimes think my little girl is a boy too! It does make me mad sometimes but I usually just blow if off...but one time after I explained she is a girl to an older lady, she replied "Well SHE looks like a BOY!" How rude!
Oh, and those swim diapers don't hold anything in. We learned the hard way too! :)
Swim diapers don't hold poop! I just blogged about this, terrible!
I see that other people have already mentioned this, but swim diaper don't hold anything. They are good just when they are in the pool and as soon as they are done I change mine into regular diapers. It saves on a big mess later on.
The pictures are adorable and I am sure you did better then you think speaking in front of those ladies.
That little smile is absolutely PRECIOUS! I can't believe how cute she looks just chatting away in her bed at naptime! My girls talk when I put them to bed and even though now it's less babble and more words, it's equally adorable!
How wonderful that you were able to share your story to be an encouragement to others! I love baby Harper's bows, may need to invest in some myself because my little Tilly has the same amount of hair as your precious girl and we get the boy thing all the time, even in pink and dresses! Blessings, Heather
Oh little Harper looks adorable!! Happy 4th to you all. We are off for some much need R&R.
So cute! Where did Harper get that cute ice cream outfit? I love it! Thank you for blogging, I love reading:)
This was a lesson I learned the hard way...the swim diapers are not absorbant until they get wet...in the future, don't put the swim diaper on until you're ready to get in the water...otherwise you end up with a huge mess.
Love the pics of swimming! I had the same problem when I first bought a little floaty thing-then by the time I pulled it out my little boy was too tall and tipped it over! There's a window of time where they fit perfectly I guess...I'm glad you found swimsuits at Walmart. I've bought them there a few times and have always been glad I didn't spend more $$ on them because they were great!
Great photos! Hope you guys have a Happy 4th!
My former pastor in Danville and his wife have a daughter who has Trisomy 18. Abigail will be 10! She isn't very high functioning, and it's been a long, hard battle, but she is a true blessing! Hope you're family you're asking for prayer for is blessed by their baby boy, too!
I see several people have told you about not wearing swim diapers to the pool but I wanted to share another swim diaper suggestion. If you use the disposable swim diapers they are washable as they don't absorb anything they are a mere containment device. So unless we have a poo in our swim diapers they go in the washer with the suits. We are able to wear them several times before they start to wear out. This really makes the expensive swim diapers not quite as expensive.
Yeah, swim diapers just catch the poop...Wait till the last second to put one on her!
First of all, thank you for sharing your life and all the precious pictures of Harper. I send updates about once a month to my friends and family who were praying for you and always include a few of the newest pics of your little angel. Everyone loves her. Also, thank you for sharing the prayer request for the Thompson family. I went to their blog and was sobbing reading their story. I will be praying for them thanks to you. I can't even imagine how heartbreaking it is to go through what they are. I know I am in God's hands, but worry about having a healthy baby one day, as I am STILL single at 40 (never been married) and have wanted kids since I can remember. I am am only child so I don't have nieces and nephews, but I am blessed to have many little ones in my life thanks to special friends who share them with me. Kelly, I hope to meet you face-to-face one day...you are a doll.
Love and Blessings to you,
Genah in Indiana
I haven't commented in a while, but I am still reading! I can't believe that your speech ended up being for so many people. I would have been so scared. I meant to comment yesterday and tell you that the comment about praying for different things on different days is a great idea. I think I am going to implement that in my prayer routine. Thanks for the helpful tip!
I LOVE the pics! Harper is the most precious little girl! ;) You are so blessed! Can't wait to go on a walk with our girls! ;) I haven't forgotten about lunch, I have just been so scattered lately!
That is the sweetest picture of Harper with that little mischevious look on her face!
fyi...only use swim diapers in the swimming pool. I'm sure you've figured this out after today, but they are pretty much useless to keep your baby dry or hold the really big blowouts. Don't worry...everyone's done it.
Kelley I found these shoes and thought you might like them for Harper.www.kidskicks.etsy.com Your baby girl is positively adorable.
Harper is getting so big - and such a pretty girl too!
she is just adorable and changing every day! :)
beautiful baby and beautiful blog! I had heard those swimming diapers were not too sturdy! lol
Love Harper's bows...I finally broke down and bought a bib for my daughter that says "I'm not a boy" (from walmart)...I can't believe people think she's a boy...and she's 13 months!!!
love the crib pics of Harper...precious!
Harper is just so stinkin' adorable talking to herself in the crib!
Great pictures ... soon your home will be filled with nothing but framed photos of Harper, rightfully so. I love the frame with the quote. I need to look for that one.
LOVED the pics of Harper and she's so precious in her pink!! :)
Hi Kelly,
I wanted to wish you all a happy fourth of July!!! The baby is getting so big!!!
It is always nice seeing who you prayed for doing well..God is good!!1
Man it sounds like you guys did have a busy morning.
Since I have been in Ohio without internet I feel like I have missed so much of what has been going on with you both. I will have to go back and catch up on everything!
Hey Kelly, I laughed about the blowout on the way to the pool! We've learned that you don't put on the swim diapers until you're ready to get in the pool. Even if they just urinate on the way to the pool it leaks! Glad you and Harper has such a fun time!
Harper, you are absolutely adorable. It has been such a joy to watch you grow. I don't recall how I ran across your Mom's blog (sorry) but I am sure glad I did. You are such a beautiful little girl. Have a safe and Happy 4th of July!
Elaine from MT
Oh....don't you just love the blow-outs! It always seemed like my kids had a blow-out diaper when we were going to church!
Swim diapers are definitely good in the pool, but not outside of the pool. And even in the pool I am not convinced that they hold pee...just poo. But definitely don't put them on Harper until she is ready to get in!
GAH! Harper is so cute!!!
Kelly- you better get used to talking in front of people! I have a feeling your story has reached and touched so many people (including me) that you may just speaking to a LOT of people. Think of how many people you talk to each day on just your blog. You have a gift! And you are certainly loved and appreciated by many!
I often talk about you with friends, and I start by saying, "My friend Kelly whose blog I follow who doesn't know me at all...ha ha ha"
Bummer about the blowout. I've had my share of those. The other day I had my first double blowout. My 2 year old and my 3 month old at the same time. Prayer was involved!...lol
I have to say that Harper is definitely pretty in pink! Such darling photos!
Congrats on the courage to be able to tell Harper and your family story. I admire your courage.
I am also in LOVE with those picture frames (the second ones!)I wish there was a Hobby Lobby near me those would be PERFECT for my wedding!!
I enjoy reading your blog :)
I am a reader of your blog and pray for everyone (heartbreaking sometimes)but have never commented. Your Harper is a cutie pie! I had the same trouble with my 2 girls being called boys even in head to toe pink dresses even! UGH! Anyway, wanted to let you know that a bunch of baby floaties have been recalled. Here's a link http://www.aqualeisure.com/recall/ Enjoy your fun summer activities! Many blessings to your family.
So sorry about the swim diapers! When out daughter was little we rode a shuttle with my in-laws to a water park. I did not know about the "swim diaper laws" (ie, that they don't hold pee) and my father-in-law was holding her. I kept saying, "she must've sat in water at the hotel." Later I discovered she had urinated all over him....poor guy!
By the way-can you ask about Emily's water wings? They are SO cute. I would love to find some like that. Thanks!!!!
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