Thursday, July 09, 2009

Fun Week

I just got back from spending a few days at my parent's house. Harper enjoyed getting loved on!
Thankfully - she is a great traveller! She slept pretty much the whole trip both ways! I hope she keeps this up! We are headed to Dallas next week with my parents and my Aunt Linda to visit my brother and SIL and my grandmother and Aunt and Uncle. I'm excited for Harper to meet her only living great grandparent! I wish DEARLY that she could have met them all - she has a wonderful legacy but we will make sure knows about each one of her great grandparents and how much they would have loved her.
I need lipstick ........but I love this picture. I know what else you are thinking ..."Is that the only shirt you own?" ha! I have a bad habit of wearing the same things over and over. I have a closet of clothes and I somehow rotate about 3 outfits at a time now that I'm home. Need to work on that. A lot of that is driven by my desire to avoid ironing at all costs. ha!
My aunt and uncle took my mom, Harper and I out to dinner for my mom's birthday. There is this GREAT restaurant on the White River about 40 minutes from my parent's house. It is in a beautiful setting and was the best meal I have maybe every had. EVER. (That is saying a lot because I like food).
I had to get mine to go because Harper didn't nap yesterday and it was past her bedtime and she was NOT happy. I fed her a whole jar of applesauce and she screamed everytime I moved the spoon away from her mouth. I couldn't get it to her fast enough. I ended up taking her out and nursing her while everyone ate. But this steak and amazing fried twice stuffed potatos........still just as good at 9:30 when we got home. Did I mention it was the best meal I have ever had? (if you are in AR - the restaurant is PJ's and it's near Norfork).

What is the best meal you have ever had??????


Sebrina said...

Kelly, I love your blog..Harper is getting soo big.. My favorite meal is anything I don't have to cook...

This Texas Momma said...

Hi Kelly! I just wanted to introduce myself- I feel a little odd knowing all about someone without at least saying hi! My name is Lindsey and I just have gotten into this blogging thing the last couple of months. I really enjoy reading your posts! Your sweet Harper is beautiful. I love all the monogramed bibs and outfits. Thanks for being a great read!


Sarah said...

OH I LOVE the pic of you and Harper cheek to cheek!

I can't remember the best meal I've ever had, but I will say that when I allowed myself a cheeseburger and fries from Fuddrucker's last week (I'm dieting so don't eat those much)--for my birthday--it was great. :)

Harper is a doll. I hope she sleeps through the night soon!

Jenny said...

I'm so glad you had a great time at your parents!!! That steak looks so good!!! Harper is as cute as a button!!! Have a great weekend!

Jenny said...

I can't name just one best meal, but all my favorite meals have been at my grandmother's house. She's the best cook. Fried chicken, cornbread, all the Southern style cooked vegetables.
Another favorite meal was on our honeymoon. We rented a cabin in the mountains. One evening my husband grilled steaks and that was the best steak I have ever eaten! 7 years later he still makes a good steak!

Love your posts!


Ginny said...

There used to be a franchise of restaurants here in Texas called Old San Fransisco Steakhouse and they made the best steaks- EVER!!!!

Kelly, never once have I heard you complain...but I remember when my kids were babies and I got so emotionally tired of every time we went to eat I was sitting in a bathroom stall nursing while everyone was having a great time. It never failed....every time we would sit to eat my daughter would cry. Thank goodness it came time for baby food. Babies definitely seem to to rule what goes on when they are little. I used to get so tired of that happening over and over!

That steak looks absolutely YUMMY!

His Doorkeeper said...

Thanks to you and Harper for making my birthday so great! Thanks for the sweet basket of gifts but you know I don't need a gift EVER again because Harper is enough to last me a lifetime! I love you both!


Heather said...

I don't know that it gets any better than the Thanksgiving meal! I love me some dressing, but I also love me some good ribs and baked potato!! You are so stylin' in these pictures! I love you black sandals, those seem pretty popular, I love that shirt by the way! :)

Myra @ My Blessed Life said...

Kelly, you and Harper are always SO cute!! All I can say is that that steak looks amazing!!!! I'm glad you had a great time at your parents and that Harper traveled well. :)

Mrs. McB said...

The best meal I have ever had was on my one year anniversary. My husband and I took a trip to Baltimore. We decided to eat in Baltimore's Little Italy. We ate at a wonderful restaurant, Germanno's. I had the largest and best piece of fresh salmon I have ever had.

Audrea said...


I am new to the blogging world. I just got into blogging a few months ago and am still learning. I really enjoy reading your blog--your daughter Harper is beautiful. My name is Audrea and I live in Southeast Arkansas. I just started a blog myself to show off my beautiful children. I have it set up as invite only--so if you want to visit just let me know. Also, I love the shirt you are wearing--to cute and cool for summer. If you don't mind me asking-where did you find it? And my answer to your question aobut my best meal ever I guess would be one that I don't have to prepare and clean up after. Have a great day!

Emily said...

Is that PJ's? We ate there for Mother's Day!!

The best meal I ever had was at Roy's in Pebble Beach, CA. Beautiful view. Amazing food. Mmmmm.

John Moeckel said...

Where is this restaurant? From the description I think it is Gaston's, but was not all that impressed last time I was there. Looks good. Harper sure is cute. I have met your parents and sat down to dinner with them once. Your Dad preached a revival at my Church, when my wife was on staff. Nice folks.

Gassville, AR

Marianne said...

My most recent best meals were fresh seafood dinners while we were on vacation in Myrtle Beach. But I must say the Fried twice stuffed potato sounds heavenly!

Nicoolmama said...

Mmmmm....9 months pregnant and now seriously craving twice baked potato. :) We don't eat meat though so I will pass on the steak.
The best meal I have ever had is my grandma's potato cheese soup. YUMMY!!!

Emory said...

Oh, please tell us the name of that restaurant. My parents are building a house on the White River and I would love to tell them about this place! It looks so good.

Hester 5 said...

Favorite meal....hard to say...I LOVE food! Dallas?! That's where Brice and I are now. Wish we could meet up...that would be awesome but I know you are busy. Love the picture of the two of you.

Kim said...

Everytime you wear that shirt I wish I had it!!

Katy said...

Harper IS getting to be a big girl..what a sweetie!
Ummmmmm, that steak looks scrumptious!!!
Fave. meal: A GREAT steak and salad.

Rachel said...

Wow- that meal looks SO yummy! And your shirt is super cute. Harper is adorable!

Jenna said...

I saw that pic of you and The Sweetie on your momma's page and just thought it was just the cutest thing EVER!

Could those two Stamps girls love eachother ANYmore?? Um, I think not. :-)

Glad ya'll had a great trip!

Lori said...

The first "best meal" that just came to my mind is the filet megnon at Spencers in Salt Lake City it was in the Hilton Hotel. Another favorite is shrimp tempura almondine very large shrimp encrused with slivered almonds at Hour Time Restraunt in Lafayette, Indiana. I have a picture of the shrimp meal a few post down on my blog.

Leslie said...

The best meal I've ever had was at Disney World this summer- O'hana's in the Polynesian Resort. They cook the meat on skewers in a firepit and the dessert was soooooo good.

Tiffany said...

That steak looks so good! Glad you had a good time and you look great!

Lindsey said...

You look GREAT!!! And that meal looks delicious!

2 Little Irish Boys said...

Funny, about the shirt thing! That has been happening to me lately on my blog, too. I need to be a bigger rotater!!
The best meal I have ever had was at Simon Pearce in Quitche, VT. Fantastic views, beautiful glass, and mouth watering food!!

Jo said...

Oh my word Kelly. This is the first time I was able to tear my eyes away from the adorable Harper pictures. That steak looks incredible. So do you and Harper of course but honestly...that meal looks scrumptious!


Jacquie said...

I don't think I could even guess what my best meal ever was???

It was good to see both you girls yesterday. I love seeing you as a momma!

Brandi said...

That is a really cute picture of you and Harper, and I was thinking that shirt looked familiar. Ha, ha - I do the same thing. :)

Denise said...

My favorite meal . . . hmmm, I love so many things. I do love when someone else does the cooking. I guess it might be the blackened salad at a local place called Maggie's. Love reading about your meanderings with Harper!

Laura said...

Kelly...I love your blog....did you see that Grayson Thomas was born on the 7th and got to go home with his family? How wonderful for them...even though I don't know them, it brought me to tears. That is one of the things they were praying for....I am so happy that they have this time as a family. Just wanted to let you know in case you hadn't heard! xo

~Shelly~ said...

dont worry u arent the only mom with only a handful of outfits u pick from!! besides the best meal being something i dont have to cook.. there is a place in temple texas called Cheeves Brothers.. its amazing.

Anonymous said...

The best meal ever was the night my husband cooked beef ribs after finding out he was going to be a daddy for the first time. I don't know if it was the pregnancy hormones or that rosy glow from finding out I was pregnant, but I still dream about that meal. It was the best thing EVER.

Dawn said...

I'd say the best meal I ever had was at The Boathouse restaurant in New Westminster BC Canada. It's amaaazing!!! Fresh crab and salmon. Mmmmmmmm

Brandi said...

That steak and potato looks delicious. And I love the pictures of Harper. What a cutie!

Pamela said...

Hi from MS Kelly!! I have been following your blog ever since Harper was in the NICU and someone had asked me to pray for her!!! Well, I know that we have at least one thing in common!! I LOVE food also!! LOL!! It shows too;) Anyway, I'm not sure of the best meal...but THE best thing I have ever put in my mouth are the "Apple Puppies" at Applewood Restaurant in Pigeon Forge, TN (right by Gatlinburg). My husband and I just vacationed there (first time traveling since my 16 month old son was born---he didn't go, by the way). They serve these free as appetizers(sort of like chips and salsa at a mexican place). They look like a hush puppy, but they are like a dessert version!!! SOOOOOOO GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD! I can't even describe how they taste!!! If you're ever in Gatlinburg, make SURE to stop there and try them!! They definately remind me of something Paula Dean would probably make!!!!!!!! LOL!!!

123 said...

The Loft - in Chattanooga Tennessee. Best meal ever for me.

I love the picture of you two cheek to cheek. Too Sweet!!

Also, don't feel bad about wearing the same stuff a lot. I do the same thing. I hate much that I pay my local dry cleaners to press our work clothes.

Jennifer said...

I think it is so funny that in the background of all of your food pictures now there is a little jar of applesauce. Gotta include Harper's food in those pictures too so she doesn't feel left out!

Liz said...

Once you have kiddos, ironing is for the birds!!! I don't buy anything unless it's "wrinkle-release-able"! You wear those cute outfits, girl and don't worry about us!

Kelly said...

Kelly, I love the pictures of Harper! She's changing and growing so fast!! Believe me, I understand about avoiding ironing at all cost.

Your dinner looks AMAZING!! I think my favorite meal is anything my hubby grills or smokes...he's incredible!

We've Got Scents said...

Sure wish you took this route when going to Dallas!
Your PJ's meal looks and sounds YUMMY!
So thankful you were able to spend your Mom's special day with her.
One of the best meals would have to have been at III Forks in Dallas.
Great steak, salad & sides!
Take care and blessings always,
Matthew 21:22

A mom and one princess said...

wow that looks so good! my favorite meal was at a restaurant in atlanta- it is at the top of a hotel and it rotates so you can see the whole city. it is heavenly!

Becky said...

My favorite meal is grilled tilapia or grilled shrimp. But, if I ever could eat some Puerto Rican Arroz con pollo, tostones, and a bacalaito, I would weep for joy.

The Andlers said...

Where is that shirt from? I am thinking maybe Forever 21 since you love that store.

Best meal lately, Old Stone in Belmont, NC. Delicious wedge salad, southern grilled chicken, and baked potato!

Holly said...

Prolly something my mom made. She makes good food.

Alexis said...

Easy! Arroz con pollo from a local mexican restaurant. It's chicken and onions on a bed of seasoned rice and drowned in cheese. Yummy! Thank you so much! Now I won't be satisfied until I get some!

Trace and Sarah said...

I am headed to Flippen this weekend, we may have to make a trip to PJ's - looks delicious!

The Anglin Family said...

I have been there! yummo!!!!

That steak looks delicious. Trying to decide where to eat at tonight!!

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness, my mouth is watering while looking at that photograph. Now my stomach is aching and yearning for that meal!!!

Jenny said...

Years ago while travelling we went to a small, quaint restaurant in Syracuse Sicily. It was a divine meal....pure Italian...
The pizza in Rome is a close first though!!LOL

Barrett said...

I do the same thing!! I have a closet full of clothes but will wear the same outfits every week! Habit I guess, maybe laziness.

Kelly said...

Your dinner looked wonderful! I'll definitely have to try eating there. My future in-laws have a lake house in Cherokee Village, AR so Norfork is not far away! Glad y'all had a great trip!

Ann's Page said...

Hi Kelly,

It look's like you had a wonderful time...and Harper gets cuter by the minuate...I was gonna let you know..I know it has been awhile since you asked about Harpers son Blake had eczema...slight case..we used Aveeno products only..they have a great baby line..and dreft detergent...I never had to use anything differently with my other two..but his little cheeks seemed to always break out...Blessing's to you ..Ann

Erin said...

The best meal you had and it was togo! Thats really saying a lot :)

That picture is adorable without lipstick or gloss :)

How is her mouth doing?

Blue-Eyed Bride said...

i LOVE that picture! love it!

i'm doing the same thing now that i'm at home. i have 3 j.crew ruffle tees and i rotate them through the week. they stay folded up on top of my dresser and i just pick one up every morning.

can you tell us where you got the adorable green shirt?

Unknown said...

best meal I've ever had was the first meal I had after having my last son. The nurses forgot to order my food and I sat patiently for 13 hours for them to bring me food. The hubbster was working, my family was working, my 'friends' were lazy to drive to the hospital, LOL! It was the best meal I've ever had, even if it WAS hospital food =)

Dina said...

I've been reading your blog for awhile, somehow I found it right before you had Harper. I love reading your blog and all the updates on Harper. My name is Dina. I see you are coming to Dallas, where in Dallas will you be?

Melissa said...

I love the pic of you two with your cheeks pressed together - so sweet.

My favorite meal.... I don't know if I have a favorite meal but I have some favorite hubby makes the BEST eggrolls...seriously, I have never even had a better eggroll at a restarant. I have had some pretty outstanding Paris the crepes and chocolate crossants were super yummy and in London the sheperds pie was amazing.

Gale said...

Harper just gets cuter all the time. So glad you are getting to have several little trips with her!
I think she sounds hungry, from all you have said. Ever tried mixing a little rice cereal with the applesause? Just a thought, but it worked with my babies and grandbabies. They did not like the bland cereal alone but mixing 1/4 ceral with 3/4 applesauce was great! You can work up to half and half. =)

Love with a Latte said...

I found you through Amanda Ledford's blog (we are sorority sisters) and I am a Kindergarten teacher so since I've been out for the summer I have read all of your blog entries and am fully caught up! YEAH!!!!! I currently live in Dallas so I'm gonna be on the lookout for you and sweet Harper!

Melanie Keffer said...

Kelly . . . . You still don't know me, but I read your blog often thanks to a mutual acquaintance, Sara Campbell.

You mentioned no lipstick, same clothes all the time . . . . That is the sign of a true mother in love with her children. You looked beautiful without the lipstick, by the way. Who cares how many times you wear the same thing as long as you look attractive to your husband? Your face was glowing. Your daughter is also a doll and I have enjoyed watching her grow through pictures.

My own children are grown but I remember well their births. I have four -- Prayed for, spared in childbirth and the whole nine yards. I remember the time when Christian Dior panty hose (that gives away my age) were no longer important to me. Until that time, I wouldn't dare be caught dead wearing something from Wal-Mart. Not because there is anything wrong with it, I was just that vain . . . . Then my babies came along and I loved something more than I loved myself. It was an amazing transformation. All my energies were channeled into my kids and their looking like dolls. I wish I could share pictures with you. You would relate, I know.

I also loved the stroller walks, like you seem to.

Just had to send a comment to say don't sweat the small stuff because, speaking from experience, you are right on track!! (That doesn't mean it is bad to wear lipstick! Ha) You know know what I'm saying.

God bless you.
Melanie Keffer
Olive Branch, MS

P. S. OH, and I forgot to mention the never being able to eat at a restaurant and not sleeping through the night . . . . Oh boy, do I remember that!! I could not tell you when it changed. We finally gave up and put our daughter in the bed with us. I am sure there is a better solution but I never could find it. :)

Melanie Keffer said...

Kelly, and by the way . . . . the daughter who didn't sleep at night, let me eat in restaurants, always had to be taken out of church, etc., etc. . . . .

Is a wonderful Christian young woman who just graduated from college summa cum laude (perfect 4.0), is at this moment studying in France and received a 100% tuition paid scholarship to law school this fall. So maybe, that restlessness is a good sign. :)

loyo03 said...

Since I can't decide, the 2 BEST meals that I have ever had have been at Koi and Cut-hands down (both involved steak-my fav)! I experienced both on a girls trip almost 2 years ago and I can't wait to go back!

Alphabet Soup Momma said...

The best meal I ever had was on my wedding night. We got married in Auburn and took a limo to Atlanta to flight out the next morning to NYC. When we got to the Ritz we were STARVING and we ate at the Atlanta Grill in the Ritz. IT WAS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING FOOD! I had duck over mushroom risotto and the hubs had Chilean Sea Bass. That was 4 years ago and I remember it like it was yesterday!

Anonymous said...

The best meal I ever had was at Delmonico Steakhouse in Vegas (one of Emeril's restaurants). Best steak ever!

Todd and Courtney said...

Woo hoo for the pink Ralph Lauren dress! Love the new pictures. My sister lives in Dallas....too bad we won't be there at the same time. okay so I love food but I have to say that I loved the food on our cruise to Alaska we took. It was on Princess cruise lines & the seafood was so fresh.

Tara G. said...

Deep dish pizza- Polcinego, Italy. Oh, and there is this restaurant on Peachtree (I think) in Atlanta near the Cheesecake Factory that had the best steak, potatoes, salad, and bread that just melts in your mouth.

vera said...

My best meal was probably the ridiculous amount of sushi I accidentally ordered on our honeymoon - like a hundred pieces! But Taste of Thai on the square in Fayetteville is still one my favorite restaurants (pad thai, beef, #2 spicy).

So... you have to drive through Little Rock to get to Dallas... just saying ;) If you want to stop by the Starbucks by my house (near the interstate) for a refuel (or you need a house to change a diaper or take a potty break at - we live close to the interstate too) let me know!

Amy Miller said...

There is a steakhouse in Knoxville, TN called Ye Olde Steakhouse. They sear the steaks by deep frying them first. It is pricey but worth every penny. One of the best steak places in Tennessee.

Harper is getting so big! She is a cutie!

Unknown said...

Hmm, my favorite meal is stuffed manicotti with a crab cream sauce. I get it at a local hole-in-the-wall restaurant that has fabulous food!

Dina said...

I am the worst at wearing the same things over and over! All your clothes are super cute so don't fret.

How long are you going to be in Dallas? You should totally come over!

Donna said...

Hi Kelly,
I guess my favorite meal is Thanksgiving, with all the family favorites. Even though I do the cooking, having family around adds just the right spice to the meal. Have you thought about pumping to have a bottle ready for Miss H? Or will she even take a bottle?
The picture of you and the little darling cheek to cheek is adorable. Don't worry about lipstick. Turn on your 100 watt smile and no one will notice. You glow with happiness. That is all that matters. Glad you had a good time with your Mom. Did Dawson get to go and play with his cousins or would "the boys" be uncles? The pic of Harper on your Mom's site showing her teeth is too cute.
Keeping you in my heart in Ga.

Lori said...

That looks so delicious. The picture of you and Harper is so adorable, that will be precious down the road!

Katie said...

Haha! All of us mommas are all too familiar with the not getting to eat like we used know, while the food is still hot. ;o) You look beautiful even without your lipstick! Some of my most fave pictures of me and my babies are when I look totally wretched, but they are just happy, real life pictures. Best meal? Well, one of my favorite things to eat is oysters Savannah at The Old Oyster Factory in Hilton Head. Oh, sweet mercy...

G. said...

Maybe try giving Harper some mashed avocado? She sounds ready for more food and hungry! So fun to start new foods. By the way, my baby girl (13 mos) started baby food at 6 months and promptly stopped at 8 then she was so ready for 'table' food and has been an amazing eater ever since! What an appetite! I love it (even though all the extra baby food I made her and froze went to waste).

Carrie said...

My favorite meal was at a little restaurant in Kauai, Hawaii. I had filet mignon with some sort of potato. It was so good we went back the next night...but it wasn't so good! Funny how that works sometimes :)

About your shirt you always wear...I do the same thing! My favorite is this short sleeved black turtleneck, cotton, no ironing.

beckylbranch said...

Happy Birthday to "Nonny"! I am sure she loved having you both there! That meal looks so good and I guess my favorite place to eat is the Cheesecake Factory, everything I have EVER had there has been delish!

Lindsay said...

I love that top....and I do the same thing, rotate a couple outfits for weeks at a time! Where did you get it?

linda in georgia said...

This has to be the old Gaston's. We had a house on Lake Norfork but we have been gone for 15 years now. We know Flippin well also. Have friends and family in the Fayetteville/Springdale/Rogers area. I love keeping up with Harper. We are from still there.

C.Thompson said...

Glad you had such a great trip and that is awesome that Harper travels so well. BTW, the food looked awesome..YUM!

Jenn said...

Funny that you ask that today because today is our 4 year anniversary and I love to go to a restaurant called California Dreaming and they have a great marinated sirloin and fettucini alfredo, yum!

CourtneyC said...

Oh my goodness those potatoes look out of this world amazing!!

Kim said...

I love the picture of you and cute! That steak looks so yummy!

Anonymous said...

Hi, Kelly, I have been reading your blog since Harper was in the hospital. I prayed for her EVERY night. My 6 yr old son was born with his intestines twisted and had surgery at 4 days old. We only spent 10 days in the NICU but any time at all is enough when it's your own. Also our 2 1/2 yr old gave us a huge scare at 9 mos. He was born with a very large soft spot and his head circumference has always been in the 90th percentile so our pedi. had us go for u/s and mri's and it showed possible hydrocephalus. Turns out everything was fine but we needed lots of prayer again. So I know first hand how amazing it is for so many people to pray. Thank God for healing all of our babies. I have been wanting to comment for sometime now and tell you that I accidently say "On my friend's blog...etc" and then I laugh and say well she's not my friend but I feel like she could be. My SIL said that you would think I was crazy and I said "No she wouldn't, she would think that was funny!! ha! Also Harper reminds me so much of our youngest. VERY HIGH MAINTENANCE!!! He came out fussy and still is. He is and always has been terrible at restaurants and we LOVE to eat out. I have taken my food home numerous times. Gosh this is ridiculous, I am typing forever on a comment page. I would love for you to email me sometime ray 0287 at bellsouth dot net and we could chat forever. We seem to have alot in common. Well good luck with that precious baby girl. I live in Georgia by the way. The town where The Dukes of Hazzard and In the Heat of the Night was filmed. I'll comment again sometime but not this long. Tiffany

Jennifer said...

That is a cute picture of you & Harper...and once you find an outfit that works and always looks good - it's easy to wear it alot because then you know you always look great!

The best meal I ever had was at the Ft. Griffin Steakhouse/Bee Hive Saloon in Albany, Texas. They have the best salad and's the best!

Jess said...

The best meal I've ever had by far was on our honeymoon in Hilton Head, SC. The restaurant was Frankie Bones and the dish was Lobster Mac and Cheese. You must try it if you ever go there!



Brittany said...

Harper is ADORABLE! Hope you have fun in dallas- I live there :)

........ said...

Three words....Downy Wrinkle Releaser. Your life will never be the same. My kids have never known any different and they actually refer to it as ironing! Sad but true...

C said...

Have fun in Dallas! We moved away from there a year ago after living there for 3 years...we loved it:)

Jenny said...

That's a tough question. I do have very vivid memories of the nachos at the Kona Inn restaurant on the Big Island of Hawaii. That was 6 years ago!

Tracy said...

Kelly, Shaun and I love PJ's. We went down last October and rented a cabin on the river just the two of us. We had dinner at PJ's and it was the best prime rib that I have ever had! The family that owns it seem really nice also. We look forward to our next trip.

The Sweet Life said...

Anything Japanese is my favorite!

the Spocks said...

As a Razorback fan that lives in Tx. My husband grew up in AR.

Our dd started sleeping thru the night at 3 months. Then she when started teething at 7 months not so much. She is usually a pretty good sleeper at night, once she got beyond teething. She does like to sing in her crib though, and that puts her back to sleep.

lottfam said...

My most memorable meal was at The Tale of the Whale in the Outer Banks, NC. The best Ribeye I've ever eaten!

Steph said...

After I gave birth the hospital gave me a meal voucher for the cafeteria. My husband asked what I wanted and I said Pizza and Sushi. I couldn't eat either while I was pregnant and that's what I wanted. I was surprised when he returned with both Sushi and Pizza for me. It was the best meal I have ever had because not only was I eating my favorites foods, but it was the 1st meal I ate with my daughter.

Also, if you have time I would love for you to check out my blog and my daughters blog. I know so much about you that when my family gets together we all start talking about Harper. Its like we are one big happy family except you have no idea who I am. Anyway, I can't wait to hear more stories about all of you. Have a great weekend!

Jenn Prather said...

Dont you just LOVE when you get what is the BEST picture and you dont have lipstick or makeup or something on.....seems like it happens to me EVERYTIME, HA! It is still a GREAT pic though and you look great!

Amy said...

Kelly, I start my day out, most every day reading your blog. You are the reason I started blogging. I have to admit I have not made a post in a while though. It's pretty busy with 3 little ones and working full time. Anyways, I see that you are coming to Dallas. I live in Denton, about 45 minutes from there. I hope you have a good trip. Just warning's VERY HOT here right now and probably more humid than you are accustomed to. I can't forget to tell you how absolutely BEAUTIFUL Harper is. I can see from the pictures you post that she just adores you. So back to what I am supposed to post. My favorite meal is a steak and potatos from Old Hickory Steakhouse in Grapevine TX. It's inside the Gaylord Texan. Which is beautiful. I recommend going there if you can.

Have a GREAT weekend!!!!

A Love Worth Waiting For.... said...

Where did you get that top you have on in these pictures?! I love it!!

Molly said...

Kelly I love your blog and read it daily! Harper is too cute and her outfits are a scream. Thanks for making my day everyday and sharing your faith with the world. We need more people like you!!!
Your friend in Christ ~ Molly P

Veronica said...

Harper is as cute as ever! I do the same thing with outfits. That meal looks amazing!!!! The best one I've ever had was from Hyde Park in Cleveland. Steak was unbelievable!

Deepa said...

That is a gorgeous picture of you and Harper!

Kim said...

I love food so much that I have a "best meal" once a week! ha! But one stands out in my mind. A few years ago I went on a mission trip in Mexico. We stayed in a little village. We ate what they fixed for us. Some ppl loved it I didn't like one thing they served. I would describe what they fixed butyou don't want to know. For 7 days I survived on a ration of dove chocolates, pb crackers fruit chewys, and room temp water! We flew back home and landed at 10:30pm! A friend picked me up at the airport and we went straight to Taco Bell! Food had never tasted SO GOOD! That Taco Bell meal was like manna from heaven! :)

Megan Barley said...

i tend to repeat outfits as well! i love the teal shirt! its another one of your cute ones! where is it from?